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    • 16/09/2024 Today, I spent ample time learning about Alpine Linux and working in a non-GUI environment(basically just the command-line). It feels a bit unsettling especially when someone like me has been using GUI-based Linux Distros. Not that I don't use the command-line—I do—but going completely non-GUI feels a bit uncomfortable. Anyway, that was a new experience with a completely non-GUI operating system.   Then I moved on to studying K&R2(The C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie). I am currently learning about pointers. While it's a tough concept to grasp, it's really rewarding!   I did get some mild cravings, feeling like 'playing a game or watching a gaming video' but I am not going to fall for this trap anymore.
    • Hello Game Quitters Members.   Yesterday I didn't do much due to my head bothering me and had to lay down and rest in two days and I noticed that the game quitters forum page had a error page indicating it's shortly was not working yesterday...which it's fine.   Yeah I am going to exercise my body right now and I was working on my second book yesterday which it's a good thing. Life is going to be amazing for me for the billions of times I said that about myself as a fact. Things in my own lifestyle and life goals is slowly progressing. I am starting to fully not care about my past and more focus on the present day to create my own bright future at the end of the day.   And honestly Game Quitters Members...I am starting to lose interest towards video games and passion of video game consoles and their hardware power in general on how video game functions for go beyond how they entertain players or viewers on YouTube both with live commentary and no commentary. There is nothing wrong in both playing video games and have no interest in playing video games. My reasons to stop playing video games have expanded mostly for financial reasons for costing way too much both as consoles and as video games plus taxes involved also the idea of buying too many games in my bank card and reaching in the negative red and not trying to maintain at the green balance, thankfully I don't use credit cards because that might be very hard for me to get out of credit card debt. It's borrowed money, I believe there is nothing wrong in buying games in cash also with everything else too. So yeah...   I believe for me it's time to embrace my own new lifestyle. Wish me the best.   Alright Game Quitters Members, I am going to exercise my body and mowed my lawn today. Bye and have a great day.
    • Day 69    Kind of do nothing day again, did not work on any projects but I let some slip ups come through but now I know what I need to do.       I will start putting on Christian music I have to hopefully help me keep clean from this mess.        That it for today I’m still reading book of Job chapter 38 as well regular bible plan.    Grateful:  1.God  2.Angels  3.Safety 4.Bible  5.Church  6.Family  7.Dog  8.Friends  9.Car  10.Money     
    • It can definitely be hard when we live inside all day.
    • Entry 14.9 Day 716: No Useless Videos Day 713: Sticking to Food schedule Day 316: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 21: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -GQ in the evening yet again -14 Pomodoros -Finished process of application for SPI pro   1 thing I could do  better -brushed teeth before dozing off in the afternoon
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