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    • Entry 8.9 ( Written on 9.9) Day 710: No Useless Videos Day 707: Sticking to Food schedule Day 310: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 15: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -My first official half-marathon competition 🙂 -4 hour "tour" walking around the city eith the family -Managing to eat all my meals on time before 19 despite going out with   1 thing better - dunno how many more times I'll have to erite it, but GQ in the evening
    • Day 63    So today I got some putty so I can practice some hand exercises, it had magnet in there that reacts the putty, the reason I got is because I need it for my occupational therapy (hand and arm exercises) was just using balls with beads before (enclosed beads you squeeze them).      So I’m happy in this new direction, plus I been eating mostly fruit, veggies, oatmeal and omelet so far with no snacks and twice a day then try to walk the neighborhood when I can and walk the dog at the same time. Been doing this for three weeks (fruits and veggies) now and glad I did it becoming easier and one of my favorite fruits is honey melon or the green fruit.     I’m still on my nerd fitness nutrition and I add that in so maybe there ways to improve nutrition like eating slower, putting down fork every time I take bite so like that.      So I’m doing what I can but this some of the progress I made along the way as well went to my local church that I will soon be volunteering at.      So I think that about it still reading book of Job chapter 32 as well as regular Bible plan.    Grateful: 1.God  2.Angels  3.Safety  4.Bible  5.Church  6.Family  7.Dog  8.Friends  9.House 10.Car 
    • Life is up and down but good overall. That guy at work is still causing havoc and managment won't fire him. But work overall is great bendy I'm leading multiple projects and those projects are going well. I'm getting great reviews from my colleagues and that has been nice.  My son is sleeping a bit better. We altered his sleep schedule and it's working. I think my body and mind had to get used to the additional sleep and I think it's restoring other parts of my mind now.  I've managed to write a bit and that's been nice. I'm also still on and off stressed with my family but that will never change. I'd like to include more stretching into my day. That's it for random thoughts lol. 
    • Thank you. I've made a lot of progress and I feel better about this than when I was losing weight in 2020. I think I was losing it too fast back then and wasn't eating right. Now it's like a couple pounds a month and that's ok for me. 
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