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  1. Day 19 So far so good, no animation I can see but am really like Christian parody songs with lyrics since I can follow along with them. (I want to make parody songs in the future just not now because I theirs particular one I like to do). The first I did is OT (occupational Therapy) then went to see my aunt in community home and my mom and me finished most of the puzzle and let her put in the last few pieces. So they have a completed puzzle. Came home and made some red beans and rice which is really good and spicy as well as some yogurt. Nothing much else happened, just watched YouTube videos so that about it. Still reading the book of Proverbs as well my regular Bible plan. Grateful: 1.God 2.Guardian Angels 3.Safety 4.Bible 5.Church 6.Family 7.Friends 8.Car 9.money 10.House
  2. Day 18 Not much to write about today since it was relaxing day, very tiring week that for sure but had a lot of fun. As for today, I started watching quite few YouTube videos and series I watching which quite interesting, and dvd but that about it nothing too exciting. I’m still reading book of Proverbs and my regular Bible plan as well. Glad you like this @gamerx651 Grateful: 1.God 2.Guardian Angeles 3.Safety 4.Bible 5.Church 6.Family 7.Friends 8.Car 9.House 10.Money
  3. So you kind of sound like me in similar situation where I kept praying to God whether he wanted me to have online church or my local church. It felt like being pulled in two different directions. God could be asking you to make decision since were given free will, and something I can’t answer for you, it specifically to you. I know what my decision is. Second there a quote made quite while back in 2017 I never forget “Do you to live your life on pause or do you want press play on life” the decision is yours and sometimes they are very hard decisions.
  4. Day 17 Another good event at my local church, went bowling and did tag as well as an arcade. While this does not go against my detox since this was I signed up long before I started this so it was something I could not get out of that is beyond my control. It actually much better in group to having that social experience, soon I will be volunteering at my local church which is very exciting. I also went to out to breakfast and had 3 cups of coffee (strong coffee should had 2) which was nice. So see I’m progressing maybe at slower rate but I am. I have not looked at any animation at home like animated movies, tv shows or reviews. So I’m very happy about that. plus last night I had animation dream of one piece out of all things, why is this a good thing well because my mind is getting ready to dump out it addictive behavior. I started wondering when it would happen and last night it did. I’m still reading book of Proverbs as well as my regular Bible plan. I think that it. (By the way there won’t be exceptions after this, this was one time deal, so don’t think I’m rationalizing things.) Grateful: 1.God 2.Gurdain Angels 3.Bible 4.Church 5.Family 6.Friends 7.Saftey 8.Car 9.Money 10.House
  5. Day 16 Today was a lot fun at my local church event, just trying to interact with everything is very tiring, they had bounce houses, water ballon toss, and other stuff. Very fun day. Plus got coffee at local coffee shop to. I think that about it, I’m still reading book of proverbs and my regular Bible plan. I do have a meditation app I listen to called soultime Christian meditation in addition to everything else, so those wondering if I have meditation app, I do and it clams me down. that it for today. Grateful: 1.God 2.Guardian Angels 3.Bible 4.Church 5.Family 6.Friends 7.Safety 9.Home 10.Car
  6. Day 15 So far so good , today was the local event for 3 days, and there was one thing I could not control. So this not a relapse since I did not go chasing after animation afterwards, but we did watch an animated movie as a group, this was unavoidable because it was out my control, and if I played on the phone people would have asked about the movie. That why is the rare expectation I made first in this post since certain things are out of my control. As for the rest day it went fine, got groceries, ate out, read in my kindle then went to another local church for personal reasons. Plus I went to bed at 9:00am and woke at 5:00am which I’m happy about. I think that it for today. I’m still reading book of Proverbs and my regular plan. Grateful: 1.God. 2.Guardian Angels 3.Bible 4.Church 5.Family 6.Friends 7.Safety 8.Car 9.Money 10.Food
  7. Day 14 ya 2 weeks down. I’m so happy about that. Not as hard as I thought it be too. So today is my online friend last day at my online church he moving on to something else (good thing) but we can still chat. Happy about that. Tomorrow my local church is having 4 day event morning event kind early not 6:00am early. But I’m only going to three since those were the only areas I could drive to or felt comfortable to drive to. So not much pc stuff will be done this week. So the one thing I’m really thinking seriously about is coding, specifically webpages, I have found website called codepen and tutorials series that fits with an idea I had for a very long time. Plus I have a bunch of easy in step books to learn c# , and python. (Actual physical books). Expect one is kindle book. So not sure when I will do this but I see it as the next step, like to learn blender again to. I think that it today and I m still reading book of Proverbs as well as my regular Bible plan. If you want know what chapter I’m on in book of Proverbs it’s the day number in bold. Grateful: 1.God 2.Jesus 3.Holy Spirit 4.bible 5.Church 6.Family 7.Friends 8.Guardian Angels 9.Safety 10.Car
  8. Day 13 So what I did today is me and my mom visited my aunt her sister in group home and I got her some new games for her iPad and we worked on puzzle. Plus I read some of the blogs I like to read as well. Still reading book of Proverbs as well my regular Bible plan. Grateful: 1.God 2.Bible 3.Church 4.Family 5.Friends 6.Safety 7.Car 8.House 9.Money 10.food
  9. Day 12 I need to explain what’s happening. So first of all, this is the first type of fast I have done on this subject and it takes me bit longer than 2 weeks to complete this transition. I’m in a transition phase where I’m transitioning from one thing to another and it not easy. During this transition phase is leaving my online church behind in favor of something better at my local church. This one I had to make very hard decision on. Though when I made the decision God provided volunteer's there to replace me and so I know I’m in God will now. The second transitions I’m is seeing what life is like without animation taking up my time. And to be honest it wonderful, I feel more at peace, getting better sleep. So my guess my the end of the month I or next month I will finally have completed this transition to this new life style. So I hope I explained things a little clearer on this and why it may not seem like I’m progressing this the reason. As for other things I did today I did OT, got gas in my car and came home not much to write about at home except watched a few videos. Sure I like to be more productive but next week is out of the question because I have full week at my local church Sunday-Wednesday. So nothing write about next week either. Watched another Christian DVD Ragamuffin I believe is the name of the movie, might be me but I really just like hooking dvd player and just watching a movie no phone or pc to distract me just the movie itself. Let me know if you enjoy doing this? Plus do to our dog having so much energy, I may have to walk her outside in our neighborhood twice (yes that much energy). I think that about it. Still reading book of Proverbs as well my regular Bible. In case you’re interested here link the Bible plan that I’m currently doing or do your own. Bible plan Gateful: 1.God 2.Bible 3.Church 4.Family 5.Friends 6. Safety 7.Car 8.house 9.Food 10.Money
  10. Day 11 So today I had couple of meeting with my online church and reasons I’m leaving the online the church and now it set in motion. The Last day is August 25 and that what I’m sticking with. This and I have peace about this decision. There really not much that else that happens today and I’m still reading book of Proverbs as well as my regular Bible. Grateful: 1.God 2.Bible 3.Church 4.Family 5.Friends 6.Family 7. Safety 8.Car 9.Home 10. money
  11. Day 10 So today went to my local church and then went to eat, hung out with them. After that I went coffee shop then went home and had meeting with online group that helped me some windows updates issues I having but other than that pretty laid back day. Still reading book of Proverbs as well as my regular Bible. That it for today grateful: 1.God 2.Bible 3.Church 4.Family 5.Friends 6. Safety 7.Car 8.House 9.Money 10.Food
  12. Day 9 So not much happening today except a family gathering, so nothing to write home about. So I m couniting the book of proverbs today as well as well my regular bible. I will share that one my favorite Christian artist is called Sons of Korah who sings the psalm and their style music very different than what you would normally here: Sons Of Korah Psalm 1 Just because this song is one style does not mean their all this way, they have different styles of music to different plasms. Finished some edits on some videos for my online church and making sure there good once that done I will not need to worry that though no recording will be possible this week due to local church in the morning and another meeting tomorrow night and more Thursday so that why it will be pushed back. I think that it for today Grateful: 1.God 2.Bible 3.Church 4.Family 5.Friends 6.Saftey 7.Car 8.Home 9.money 10.Food
  13. Day 8 Today I had to go to PT(physical Therapy much needed) as well went out somewhere to eat for dinner and enjoyed a men’s group I go too at another local church in my area. Plus having I’m having a hard time doing my normal routine of no digital detox today but that okay. The only reason is because I was organizing an online group that’s I’m apart of separate from my online church and just wanted to see that complete because I dislike doing halfway complete then completing weeks later. So that why did that. But did a week ya!! One week down let’s see how this upcoming week will prevail. I won’t be able to much YouTube stuff this week but that okay I will eventually find the time to do it. Plus reading my next chapter in Proverbs as well. I think that it for today. Grateful: 1.God 2.Bible 3.Church 4.Family 5. Friends 6.Safety 7.Car 8.House 9.Money 10.Food
  14. @Amphibian220 While I do need something to relax with most are going to be live action Christian movies and lately been watching a lot history stuff and some cruise stuff. The good thing about this it’s much tougher on me and I don’t end up watching as much and my bed time is getting better. This is just focused on anime and animation even Christian animation series for the time being I will not be watch ing,but sticking to live action movies. I liked to do reviews of them but unfortunately I don’t have blog site to do those as of yet. Yes I’m working on more purposeful life that is less digital. The goals right now is to finish my online church and things are set in motion on august 25, this what I already promised so it’s what I’m sticking to. My goal eventually is to get more involvement in the autistic community at my local church and will probably be volunteering their not to long after. I do read books and the current one called Invasion at night and have workbook for other things. Just because I don’t have written out right doesn’t mean I don't do things outside of PC stuff. I’m hardly on mainstream social media expect YouTube. I love creating stories and movies because their sense of purpose their and that why I’m trying hard to do a longer term plan for YouTube. I will take these little victories to get to more big victory, happening slowly for sure, but I react a little slower so takes time for me put a plan in place before I do it. So now I have to focus on maintaining the friends I do have. hope this clears things up a little bit.
  15. Day 7 So much to write today, though I went to my real life church bible study which was fun just hung out around a couple of stores and ate somewhere as well as going to my online church and that about all I did today. One thing I am thinking of is getting into coding. Coding and programing are two different things. What the difference I m not sure sure but someone can claim explain that in simple terms what makes them them different, would be much appreciated? I found a website called codepen.io and YouTube tutorial which highly simple to help me learn HTLM and CSS code but I m not doing this right now why? My focus is to get my YouTube channel going again while pretty much all the scripts are done, it going to take some time to get recordings done for these scripts, this a long term goal so I can spend more time with family or friends without thinking of another video, second I need to edits to another video for my online church before I ready to get into this. I will read my next chapter in the Book of Proverbs. That it for today and the reason I want learn code is test an idea I have that all. Let me know in the comments below if you have heard of codepen?, Used it?, Good or bad? Grateful 1.God 2.Bible 3.Church 4.Friends 5.Family 6.Saftey 7.House 8.Health 9.Car 10.Money
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