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    • Day 4   So not much happening today, had few cancellations today one with an online friend meeting for my online church and that was due because we going to go somewhere with my aunt. That kind fell through and so both fell through. So not much to say there. Earlier today me and my mom walked our dog and walked around the neighborhood. This dog has a lot of energy, no I mean it non stop energy in the morning and all day. I’m talking about that hyper. Through I found a little trick to wear her out and that when we’re walking is to run to the end of the where you turn around go back where you came from starts with c just can’t spell it. Do that two times and she out like light. But she loves chasing a ball to. So ya she has a lot of energy maybe need two walks a day.    i m also going stay away from puppets to so what might do is stay away from almost anything animation, not easy but it forces me to think differently and hopefully learn new things.    Slides are okay or tutorials to learn how to do something that want learn is okay. Because then I grow in that skill.    Watched some videos on p2p network it fascinating but not something I want to try out.  And some other YouTube videos too since the internet was down, not much do with that.    Second I seem to having trouble updating my window 10 pc (I built this pc and call it a workstation pc) though most will see it as gaming pc.     The problem with this update is that it downloads fine but but never installs and has this error. I have used troubleshooter, restarted pc, had vpn on and off and still saying Encouter problem and waited the next day to.       When it comes to I willing to do some things but the movement you say I need to delete files, or use command prom I get a little hesitant since I could brick the pc so I would rather have more surface level fixes and yes I have updated the bios to. I have 32Gbs of ram so memory is not issue neither is storage since it 1TB m.s ssd. So I’m not sure what going here. Please don’t say live with that get me more upset.       I will be probably read the next chapter of book of Proverbs tonight.  So I think that it for today.    Grateful: 1.God  2.Bible  3.Church  4.Friends 5.Family  6. Safety 7.Car 8.Home 9.Food 4.Money     
    • Entry 11.7 ( Written on 12.7) Day 650: No Useless Videos Day 649: Sticking to Food schedule Day 251: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 6: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -Set doctor appointment t get a permit of no diseases that endanger public health again -Picked up bike from bike store repair -1 hour trying to open EU bank account 1 thing I could do better -probably looking in the middle ofo the ight for opening bank options shouldn't happen, in any case no-one is available for phone calls at these times... and Isleep is crucial =/
    • Hello, fellow Quitters! I feel the need to give a short update in order to keep myself on track. Im still here. Im still struggling. The last 2 years were very exciting and busy workwise. I had my first job as a doctor. I have a lot of fun and learned a lot already, but work is also very time consuming and mentally draining. Over the last 2 years unfortunately i relapsed again. There were times when I played a lot of LoL again. I quit around 74 days ago. When Riot Games forced the playerbase to install their anticheat system "Vanguard" ( I am not going into the details, there is lots of info on reddit and youtube for those who are interested in this topic) a line was crossed for me. I deleted the game again and unlike the last times of quitting, the new anticheat system is such a red flag for me that I am not willing to install a shady software that runs 24/7 on kernel level on my computer. Watching league content for nostalgia is still a thing for me, at the moment the craving hits hard. But I also know that the good old memories when the game was good wont come back. So I turn my attention to other things now. I started doing a lot of sports again and became much fitter. Also I work on my doctoral degree on a daily and consistent basis now even when I have vacation. I also tried to play other games (Riven, Baldurs Gate 3, ...) since I still love playing video games. I dont have problems playing them too long, quitting there is much easier. Thats it for now. My main goal is now to keep LoL uninstalled and make it to 100 days. Wish me luck!
    • July 11 - Day #4 (3:30pm) I finally finished 'Monkey Mind - A Memoir of Anxiety' just now. It was what I've called indulgent reading, like Sophie's Choice without as much tragedy - as I told my dad yesterday. I am hoping that someone else will/has read this book so that we could talk about it. 'The solution' was basically paying proper attention to thoughts - making the previously subconscious -> more conscious. But almost more importantly were the way the author's feelings were expressed and resonated. The timeline was something like ages 16 to 25 for Daniel, and thinking about the same period for me threatens overflow, but it was mostly fun, even if at many times unhealthy. He admits to his new selfishness in making beating anxiety his life's main priority, until he dreams about the girlfriend he split up with on (attempted) account of it, and goes back with the strict intention of winning/settling/hoping for simple friendship. The 3rd and 4th last sentences were: "How many of those (life's 'scourges', e.g. death and sickness) afflicted me now? None. How many were designed to afflict me personally? None." Those are not everyone's story, but I would like to think that they are a good guarding mantra against persecutory delusions. Anyway, no games yesterday or so far today (the definition of the word I still 'play' with to either include or exclude physical exercise, for example, but will always mean the few that I grew too attached to). Game-quitting forums so they are. ___________ Gratitude: ~ Finishing reading with time to 'psych up' for a late gym visit ~ The thought of sharing another mutually-read book ~ Beverages ~ Beating away some fear and apprehension on an improvised jog Good luck all, Matt    
    • Entry 10.7 ( Written on 11.7) Day 649: No Useless Videos Day 648: Sticking to Food schedule Day 250: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 5: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -Asked father's help to put emporary bank account at insurance and start solicitation of insurance -Tried opening 3 bank accounts online -Sent email to find out status of NIE request again... 1 thing I could do better -Politely make the customer know when the itme is 19 and the call center is closed and wrap up the conversation faster, i do want to brush my teeth as needed and floss, plus do some other progress regarding the visa
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