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    • Entry 3.7 ( Written on 4.7) Day 642: No Useless Videos Day 641: Sticking to Food schedule Day 243: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 234: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -4 pomodoros -More calls regarding translation of police permit -24-ish hour fast 1 thing I could do better -Go physically to court to ask them info regarding  translation. Then get a translator probably to come with me to a lawyer's office Food Schedule update: Everything remains the same apart for: 1. I may generally eat 2 cucumbers or tomatoes until i have them equal to the amount of days left - then 1 regardless of whether it was because of a pause of 1 not eating one of them when fasting or not 2. Olive oil - may eat 40g until it runs out, then may use coconut oil interchangeably 3. When almonds run out - use walnuts instead 1 per 1g interchangeably 4. When flax seeds run out use chia interchangeably In case I opt in for 3 hrs deliveries + 1hr workout schedule applies as specified earlier In case 6hrs deliveries /7hrs- weekend schedule applies accordingly even if its the middle of the week, though this will probably not happen
    • food schedukle update: because  these are the last days before my flight (there weeks or so, some updates will follow so that i leave as little food here when i fly, things like 1 for 1 replacement of walnts for almonds, chia for flux and olive oil for coconut oil. more details will follow toorrow, as of today the rest of the day is on the old schedule
    • July 3 - Day #2 7:05pm - Taking a break from reading David Goggins; I sometimes flick to a random page ahead for a short glimpse of what's to come, and I saw it, but I dunno if I'll reach that point tonight. What with the end of chapter challenges - one being 'the cookie jar' - I've been feeling it's good to take regular breaks from self improvement books. I remember trying to get through Neil Strauss, and cringing badly. Again I dunno, but while a lot of this stuff is good, some just doesn't bear thinking about much. Anyway, no gaming today or yesterday, but still wanted arousal off of my brain ASAP, so Day #1 at noon Tuesday became Day #2 on Wednesday night. It's not perfect, but I'm usually noting what I like offline as well. Today was another dumbbell row (high controlled reps) and bench press day, another 'old reliable '- even if not super-sets. I upped it slightly and achieved, even though I paid for my 3 or 4 days off by throwing up. But what I wanted to say was that I loved basically everybody in the gym today, probably influenced by the mood Goggins' book put me in. I wish I could feel that all of the time and stay sane and healthy.  _____________ Gratitude: ~ I got to sweat and turn red, looking like my workout was difficult when really it was my '40%' effort (I could have done without puking, but today the cacao wasn't working with my motion) ~ I am embarrassed but kind of gleeful at the effect reading has on my expressive word choice - maybe since yesterday me and my Dad tried harder to communicate and level. There probably is a lot of wisdom for people, that I've forgone in attempt to remain sure of myself ~ Not getting very wet between several rainfalls  ~ The cold water at (one of) the gym's bubblers Should be seeing you tomorrow,  Matt
    • Entry 2.7 ( Written on 3.7) Day 641: No Useless Videos Day 640: Sticking to Food schedule Day 242: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 233: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -4 pomodoros -Calls regarding translation of police permit -Foreign affairs office visit 1 thing I could do better -Instead of chatting with the guy in the train, do some calls regarding NIE
    • Funny how this is the easiest I’ve been stopping games. Like really. I think its in part because everyone arounds me understands and supports me in that decision, even gamer friends, who are more than just gamer friends actually!   I have structure also, a lot of things to do and look forward to, I’m not perfect and not disciplined enough so I still engage with some entertainment but it doesn’t feel bad. I see it as a relaxing activity. People praise me at work, I feel very valued.    But it’s crazy to see how far ive gone compared to 1, 2, 3 years before. It’s just so easy now.
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