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    • So I wanted to approach this detox again. And the reason is because this particular addiction very real but different than say a social media addiction.  Anime is just like cartoons you may ask well no it seems that anime is much deeper than than that and I want explain why it problem not so say I m addicted to it. Anime is known for their uqunie stories, characters, and way to escape for many of us, it a form of escapism but more like the anime connects us like to that world and it characters. In Japanese culture it is said that they eyes are the windows to the soul and there actual bible verse related to just that  Luke 11:34-36 The Voice 34 Listen, your eye, your outlook, the way you see is your lamp. If your way of seeing is functioning well, then your whole life will be enlightened. But if your way of seeing is darkened, then your life will be a dark, dark place. 35 So be careful, people, because your light may be malfunctioning. 36 If your outlook is good, then your whole life will be bright, with no shadowy corners, as when a radiant lamp brightens your home.   You see even the bible says the eye is the window of the soul? But how does this having to do with anime. Well simply this have you ever wondered why anime eyes are so big? This because they want to you focus on the character, become apart of that character and be that character in that world that your eyes are linking to.  Anime does very good job on escapism and I m dangerously good this why it so hard to get out of because we sympathize with these characters. We grow attachments to to them.  For example there are two Japanese words Kawaii and Moe. Kawaii just means cute we just think something cute and move on with our day but Moe is more of fatherly or motherly instinct that wants us to take care of that character we become attracted to. Because now that were invested with this character and don't want to harm it, this where merchiaching comes into play and they make these characters of anime in real 3D dimensional way because it priding on instinct without us realizing it because we think were just enjoying a anime show.  This escapism is much harder because we now have figures, dvds, blu rays connected to these characters and worlds. But have you noticed that by the end of the day after you watched these series you feel kind of drained or more lonely before than when you started well that normal. And it happened to me then we go to get anime games, visual novels, to help fill that need and hits right into the video game addiction. Though I m not sure which comes first the Anime or the Video game but they are intertwined together.    It gives this same dopimane high in anime just as video games does but more in passive form rather than aggressive form. The best way I can descripe this is very similar to a vampire where he sucks blood, the vampire not going suck all the blood out at once but will slowly suck your blood out. Meaning the more anime you watch the more blood the vampire gets and the more misserable you feel.  Good example is when I was going and watching anime the more I watched and played the more this life seemed distant to the extesint that I wanted to being the anime world rather than the real world. Yes it was that bad and even VR made it worst in addiction to it. That how I found game quitters when I noticed nothing was changing and I needed to change form video games but made the mistake of swapping video games with anime.    There is actually very little online as in support groups with this addiction. While video game addiction has now more support which is good thing, I think this needs to be addressed as well.    The other thing is anime is NOT just for KIDS there are a lot of anime that address to all age groups and something call Hentai which is the anime version of porn. This very hard to reverse and that what I m trying to do now.  The second thing you should know is maid café which is similar to Japanese version of hooters where females talk to you dressed in cute maid outfits which very similar to to the hooters in their sexy outfits or bunny suit. Maid cafes in video said be 2.5D characters in others they role play those characters and you pay for enteriment not the food type thing and the reason I bring this up is I used to go to Anime Atlanta  Weakened every year and while being Christian I thought I shine my light in there but I let the dark slowly take over me so I don't go any more. I try to avoid it as much as possible but with it becoming such popular culture hit in America it, this problem needs to be addressed.  Manga too can be addicting to because of the visual elements and then those with people with autism this can be even worse since they would hype focus on that one thing.  So now what I m doing to address this problem? Simily avoiding it and anything do with Japanese or anime for 90 days while it wont happen this week it will problally happen next week. Now the one thing I cant help is if someone post memes, or gifs that are anime that out of my control.  My plan right now is to finsh some youtube scripts and get some recording down and once that is done I can finsh my animation project now what I m not doing is stop learning animation or how do things of that nature but it just won't be in anime style though my software is kind of like that but I dont look at that way.    Grateful.    1.God  2.Jesus  3.Holy Spirit  4.Church  5.Family 6.Car 7.Home 8.Dog  9.Food  10.Water 
    • Entry 1.7 ( Written on 2.7) Day 640: No Useless Videos Day 639: Sticking to Food schedule Day 241: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 232: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -4 pomodoros -Having gone to receive the no criminal record certificate yet again physically without being sure Ill get it, and asking to come later to work in order to do that (lost nothing they were waiting for the cab mostly anyway) -Multiple calls for the apostille starting from 14 in the morning 1 thing I could do better -send more leads to requesting quotes of translating the no criminal records certificate
    • July 2 - Day #1 I spent half of Sunday, and all of Monday finishing reading 'The Institute'. When I say all of Monday, I mean every concentrated part of it except for a 90 minute walk in the sun. So I've recorded a solid day off of both of my vices, to be 1.5 or 2.5 tomorrow (I could barely function this morning and wrote it off, so to speak), if I keep away from that/whether I come back here Wednesday morning or night.  I messaged my Dad back today without maybe putting him off by sounding too whiny, and as I should have predicted (but want to receive back from him, in turn), felt pretty vulnerable before I set up here with a hot drink. I'm set to return to the library after 3 days to hopefully pick up 'Can't Hurt Me' (David Goggins), which I reserved some weeks ago, so I might understand more about certain things. ____________ Gratitude: ~ milk + cocao ~ enjoying but also critical of the novel, like I used to be, not only escaping and reading the 'good' parts/dialogue ~ picking up medication later in the day wasn't as painful ~ finding it in me to make another handful of applications - nice places though still Good luck all, Matt
    • My name is Tobey, and I am 16 years of age, born and raised in Nigeria. I'm addicted to games, and I want to quit gaming. I saw an article on the blog about someone who lost 6 months of time meant for studying because of games, but it was one paragraph that caught my attention 'The worse of it all, I didn’t acknowledge that gaming was a problem in my life. I thought addiction, real addiction, was something different, far away from my reality.' I now know my addiction to games is what is preventing me from appreciating the good stuff I have in my life, and I'm ready and determined to quit.   https://gamequitters.com/why-i-stopped-playing-video-games-once-and-for-all/ Link to the article 
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