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    • This! In the games that allowed it, of course. But I really spent many hours doing exactly what you described.
    • Thank you sir, It's been a while indeed since I started here 🙂
    • Entry 29.6 ( Written on 30.6) Day 638: No Useless Videos Day 637: Sticking to Food schedule Day 239: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 230: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -7 pomodoros -7 hours of deliveries -Cleaning room floor 1 thing I could do better -Having planned for bringing bike to store for a price offer (Ge an offer to sell my old bike which is in the middle of the room for ages already)
    • June 30 - Day #1 (should be) It's relatively cold, wet and windy out. I woke up clear-headed enough, but as soon as breakfast was over, I went for the adult websites without thinking - but no games, considering those 5 needs. What should have scared me was how quickly I decided on that and how natural it seemed. Sure, technology served me this time, but the people who created the material have still probably gone through a lot. I've recently thought of many things I could say to friends and family to amuse myself whilst still fostering (for me) positive kinds of relationships, but I've learnt that they haven't really worked for the two-sided strength of them yet. I texted a 'local' buddy from gaming last night, and he eventually 'took aim' at my main decisions within my/our game as opposed to outside of it, which is what I really wanted to talk about. Could I blame him after having known me for 10+ years, and maybe 5 of solid maturity? I dunno. It's just that over the years I grew into a person who sometimes used too much force (of personality or physicality) while hardly knowing it. When just 'doing my thing', I rarely feel like 'poor little me' until I consider the pains other people are going to because of beliefs that they are necessary - walking, talking and working/operating in certain ways/manners. Then I think "I do very few of those consciously", though it was only after changing medication a couple of years ago that a lot more of my actions became mindful and thus often painful. It's still way better than I was living almost 10 years ago without meds, but couldn't it stand to reason that I could get by now without them, with a bit more control over any manic behaviour? Still, yesterday I banked on this being a quiet Sunday - the hours are just stretching somewhat further. _____________ Gratitude: ~ The S.K. book reeled me in and put me in a good mood before sleep, but it's still at a funny introductory point and I'm not sure if I'm 'being had' or not ~ Another 'clear' start to the day, and I'd have liked almost nothing better than to meaningfully 'babble' with somebody ASAP, but this'll have to do ~ I've even read some of everyone's posts on my phone this week, but haven't located the 4 most recent posts column on it, so only saw them a half hour ago - I'm not signed in on it because phone texting usually bothers me and the temptation might hold too much sway ~ This one track from a band 'Miss May I' came on shuffle on my evening walk, and I played another 5 or 6 of them loudly without too many negative effects - could it have been obvious to passersby that I was enjoying myself? lol Good luck all, Matt
    • Hi, Putting in today's entry because I will be at a family function later (bless).  Yesterday I deleted some of my longest standing social media accounts and it was difficult but I feel so relieved. I still have a few more to delete but that is where I am at in the process. Trying to set myself up to not rely on internet while I am traveling by printing everything out .
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