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    • Entry 8.11  Day 769: No Useless Videos Day 767: Sticking to Food schedule Day 370: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 73: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -16 pomodoros, awesome! -morning workout -15 minute in sun even though it was cloudy, as much as I managed to catch 1 thing I could do  better -Read about garages at breaks sometimes?
    • SLEEP  I feel good this morning.  I went to bed yesterday at 11:30 pm and woke up at 8:00 a.m.  That's a total of 8.5 hours of sleep.  I think that's my sweet spot.  My body and mind NEED eight to nine hours of continuous, hopefully uninterrupted sleep.  I read a book before going to bed and that helped so much.  I was groggy within fifteen minutes of reading and shut my eyes.  No cell phone by bed.  I woke up to my cell phone alarm ringing from the nearby living room.  The good thing about placing my phone farther away is that I have to physically hoist myself out of bed to turn it off.  I did not drink anything before bed.  I forgot to take the Omega-3 fish oil x2 and Vitamin D x2.  No sweets before bed. EXERCISE  Yesterday I got called in to do a four hour shift.  But before that, I went for a quick 30 minute walk around a local park.  This is my third day of walking outside for exercise.  I haven't been to the gym yet this week because I want to enjoy the nice weather and get some fresh air and Vitamin D.  My mood has been elevated this week because I've been outdoors.  It's interesting.  I dread the upcoming winter, because it will be grey and rainy for another five to six months.  I might buy a UV lamp, and walk indoors (at the mall, gym --not so interesting, outdoor track if not too cold). SOCIAL  Coworkers included as a social element, I guess.  I don't really know them that well.  I just fill in shifts in various offices, so it's not like I have an existing permanent working space.  It was tiring after work because I expend a lot of energy talking and gathering information from my coworkers.  I was glad to get home in the late afternoon. CRAFTS/ART  Too tired to continue with my crafts.  I bought my dinner and ate it, then worked on the puzzle.  it's 1000 pieces, and I just sorted out the colors (red pieces, blue, etc).  I haven't started putting those parts together yet, but I am proud to say that the entire border is done!! READING  I continued reading before bed.  This seems to be a very good time because it also makes me sleepy.  Te of Piglet is almost halfway done.  I'm taking my time to reflect on the morals described in the book.  I don't believe in the Taoist perspective, but I can apply some of its morals and views in my life.  It's really about how the individual responds/reacts to the world from a Taoist viewpoint.  And I love how the author writes about Piglet, a tiny animal that is a bit shy and anxious.  But nevertheless, a strong character.  I'll describe Piglet in more detail later, in my future journals.  So far I love this book. SPIRITUALITY I'm still praying for others later at night before I sleep.  Sometimes I'll write a list down about people, situations, government, workplace, my own spiritual growth, etc.  I've connected with the church friend.  She emailed me again and mentioned that she'll meet me by the back pews of the church.  She's such a sweet person and confided in me that she is also shy in large group settings.  She will contact the Life Group leader, as I have to sign up for this group first before attending.  I'm looking forward to church service this Sunday, at least I won't feel so alone going in, as my friend will be there too. REFLECTIONS It was a busy and productive day yesterday.  Four hours of work really helps fill up the gaps.  I think and feel like I'm getting into a routine.  Sleep is the foundation to create a routine in my day.  If I have very poor sleep, it really affects how productive I am.  Poor sleep makes me feel confused, I have a lack of motivation, I'm unable to pay attention, I'm irritated, and it affects my mood negatively.  I really don't want to experience that anymore.  So, a strict sleep schedule will continually be my main focus on a daily basis.   Have a good day, GQ members! Blessings, ~ Torch
    • Bonjour NewHope! De même, j'ai joué pendant 12 heures consécutives, et avec les temps, j'ai atteint moins de 2h. Bienvenue! J'habite au Canada Ontario. Maintenant, j'apprends le français avec mes enfants et ma femme; elle est franco-ontarien, et mes enfants vont a un école de le consiel français. Je pratique avec ils tous les jours. C'est l'une des raisons pour lesquelles je suis ici; parce que je veux me concentrer sur ce qui compte le plus pour moi. (Apologies in advance if I made mistakes; I am still learning French. I currently speak English and Spanish fluently as well)
    • Jour 1 2h10 sur smartphone et JV entre 21h30 et 23h OK. Jour 2  1h08 sur smartphone et pas de JV car soirée en amoureux Jour 3 aujourd'hui, je suis seul à la maison pour une bonne partie de la journée, mais je relis mes objectifs, les avantages/inconvénients de mon comportement sain et ce petit post sur le forum m'aide également !
    • Entry 7.11 (Written on 8.11) Day 768: No Useless Videos Day 766: Sticking to Food schedule Day 369: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 72: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -11 pomodoros -40ish hours water fast -2hr 20 run fasted 1 thing I could do  better -Sticking to pause timeframes, apart from the one for going out to the sun
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