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    • Entry 14.6 ( Written on 15.6) Day 623: No Useless Videos Day 622: Sticking to Food schedule Day 224: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 215: Being in bed before 23:15 Day 1: 6 pomodoros 3 Things I did well no matter how small -8 hours deliveries -1.5 hrs apt. search aprox -I guess it's a thing I did well - although I'm not sure - getting a monthly subscription for a software of creating pdfforms - Docfly, the plan is to only have t for a month and next time continue with a 7 day adobe free trial I took it once already, bt maybe I shall do it once more 1 Thing I could do better -Really must close an apartment already, Time is ticking, I still need to book a flight and get a permit for a visa from the embassy
    • June 15 - Day #2 Gaming: I've felt good about not letting my game play me - because that's really what was happening. As I've been reminding myself, technology and other advancements are supposed to make lives easier/better, not worse/more stressful. I dunno how other people feel minute to minute about it; I'm at the exact 'bum-end' of Generation Y.  Erotic material: Because I'm generally pretty 'plain' offline, not much nuance/innuendo comes my way these days. Yesterday, I 'read up' on probably exaggerated erotic experiences to meet a need. Today, I felt frustration enough to avoid risking doing anything too social, but for a usual day, it's only 1/3 finished. If my mind was simply too busy, or in a really nice 'zone', I could forget about those needs for multiple days.  Basically though, my conscience hasn't sufficiently ached, and I don't think I've contributed to anyone else's suffering.  ________________ Gratitude: ~ I saved a stranded worm in the park today, probably after accidentally hitting it though - I felt good after seeing it still moving, and putting it in soil ~ Being sick while exercising but also feeling better after, and continuing on ~ The awful callouses on my fingers from gym two weeks ago are healed/have stopped hurting. It was mixed grip, chalk and a thin bar :S ~ I'll probably get some good apartment cleaning done today I've called off my song-singing today. There were more than 3 signs that it wasn't going to be an adequate time. As above though, it can now be a cleaning afternoon. Wots-of-wuv, Matt
    • Hey, I'm Brice, 26, been a competitive FPS player for a long time. Reasons for quitting now are: - I want to follow the Buddhist path, and competitive FPS games give you a sense of pride and "being better" than everyone, "demolishing" lobbies that are unhealthy and against Buddhist principles. Too much ego. And even if I try to not think about it, the competitive nature of it brings me back to it. - The time when playing games goes so fast I feel like I never have time to do shit anymore with work and studies. Things also don't feel as pleasurable as video games and I want to change this "minimal pleasure" threshold. I also don't cook much anymore. - Eroding my relationship with my girlfriend way too much. It might save my couple if I stop. - Want to do something valuable to real people in the real world. Create rather than consume. - I am a very creative guy (music, programming, art, etc) and I'm not doing any of those anymore. - Impacts my ability to study to get a fucking great job in the future.  - I also spend some money on it that I would rather spend elsewhere. As of day 1, my feelings are hopefulness and a bit of worry. I already tried to quit in the past with some success and it always has been a positive experience. Now I want to definitely quit and actually live the life I dreamed of.  What I wrote so far is:  -I feel hopeful about me having more time. I feel a bit worried about boredom. -I feel a bit worried that I won't have fun anymore in my life. -I feel also a bit worried about watching tv shows and stuff. Seems like a similar kind of distraction. -I'm not sure if I'll suceed also.   See you tomorrow guys. Don't have time today so this is very rough sorry.
    • Hey, I'm Brice, 26, been a competitive FPS player for a long time. Reasons for quitting now are: - I want to follow the Buddhist path, and competitive FPS games give you a sense of pride and "being better" than everyone, "demolishing" lobbies that are unhealthy and against Buddhist principles. Too much ego. And even if I try to not think about it, the competitive nature of it brings me back to it. - The time when playing games goes so fast I feel like I never have time to do shit anymore with work and studies. Things also don't feel as pleasurable as video games and I want to change this "minimal pleasure" threshold. I also don't cook much anymore. - Eroding my relationship with my girlfriend way too much. It might save my couple if I stop. - Want to do something valuable to real people in the real world. Create rather than consume. - I am a very creative guy (music, programming, art, etc) and I'm not doing any of those anymore. - Impacts my ability to study to get a fucking great job in the future.  - I also spend some money on it that I would rather spend elsewhere.
    • As you probably know I'm a fan of daycounts so I approve 🙂 Regarding gaming, as I said one of the 4 needs gaming fulfills for us is Temporary escape, so the elements that gaming contains are going to need to be met in some way, just use this need to progress in life as it was designed to help us do, instead of satisfy it with online or computer gaming. Regards relationships I'm going to abstain from commenting since I've put it aside for quite a long time for other priorities, so perhaps ask someone else 😄 Keep up the good fight 🙂  
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