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    • I would like to share the techniques I used during my 15+ years of game addiction. 1. Games with progression systems or item collections - There are often options to deal with your accounts (permanently delete, change your email and password to a random one so you can't log in again, sell your account, get banned, destroy all items). 2. Offline games - Watch the ending on YouTube or cheat the game until it's no longer fun. In your case, Mibb, I assume that you have all the heroes and many items. There is still an opportunity to destroy this progression, which may help reduce your craving.
    • June 25 - Day #4 I think I've been 'avoiding' my more local gym in favour of one an extra kilometre away for a month now, for mainly social reasons. I think it's because I got too comfortable with the staff and the layout there to continue to complete serious workouts without distractions - in a manner of speaking. This other gym has been more of a mid-way (another, even 'better' gym is 3 kilometres extra) journey since I first went in 6-8 weeks ago. I went and worked out this morning despite signing online and playing occurring to me because I wanted to be happier for today's job-search appointment - simple enough. I just feel it less-strongly because it wasn't a super heavy lifting session. This current streak is about doing everything productively important that I can think of before truly playing anything, online or offline, so I would have stayed put and been miserable/bored if I hadn't trained. Yesterday left 2 short sections of 20/200 pages total to read in the road user's handbook, and I plan to be on that again to leave 1 or no sections remaining by tonight. I'm just wondering whether to do any more walking/jogging before dark, because I went out later last night after reading and I think it made me tireder this morning.  _______________ Gratitude: ~ my brain seems mostly sure of what it is doing, and I have stuck a sheet of paper on the wall in front of me at the desk with the 5 needs gaming shouldn't be relied upon to fulfil, reminding me ~ the same loud member was training again at the gym, and with a friend too, but again no real trouble ~ the free hooded sweater I got last Xmas, if I haven't mentioned; it fits better in my sleep ~ unsaturated fats 🙃 Good luck with the week's start Matt
    • Entry 24.6 ( Written on 25.6) Day 633: No Useless Videos Day 632: Sticking to Food schedule Day 234: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 225: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -Embassy visit -Multiple calls to mail company -4 pomodos... It's been 3 days under 4 =//// 1 thing I could do better -A thought popped to my mind. I was told by one lawyer office they have a delivery guy who is permitted to take the permit of no criminal record from the pace where its issued, I should call them back and ask where that place is so that possibly I may get it myself, cause t seems nobody else is willing to tell me where it is
    • I was focusing on obtaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle. I always have goals and things I want to achieve, but I just couldn't follow my dreams long enough. I don't want to solely blame gaming; it's not the only factor why I failed, but it definitely plays a crucial part. Attaining a sports tournament has also been one of my passions since childhood. I know very well how motivated I felt when I knew there would be a competition in a few weeks and I was one of the contestants, not just a viewer. Unfortunately, motivation is temporary; what truly drives you is discipline, and I lack that. Throughout my life, I can safely say I've never been a disciplined person, even though I swear to myself I always wanted to be. This lack of discipline has been accumulating, and the longer I'm undisciplined, the harder it is to change. I also enjoy coding and mathematics. I have read that people who like these disciplines tend to be more prone to video game addiction. Modern video games are designed to provide instant rewards, so when I have to choose between gaming and coding, my brain often chooses the game. However, deep down, I know it should have been coding.
    • #total hours played = 190 hours   I had many relapses after my post on May 29th, and now I feel pretty bad and hopeless. First, I want to be honest with myself: I have a serious problem, and I'm struggling. I will write down the amount of time I played during each relapse as much as I can remember. 1. Right after I posted on May 29th, that night I gave in to my cravings and emailed support to undelete my characters. I played until 5:00 am. After waking up, I played all day from around 10:00 am until 3 or 4 am. My thoughts were still filled with the game, as if I was still playing in my imagination. My addiction is so bad that I can only sleep 4 to 5 hours before waking up due to cravings and then can't fall asleep again. I've heard that heavily addicted smokers smoke a cigarette first thing in the morning; now I understand those feelings too. I also took 2 days off work. This relapse lasted for about 3 or 4 days until I managed to delete my character again and quit playing. 2. Not long after the first relapse (about 1 week), I started to crave again. I resisted the temptation for 5 days, but I watched YouTube and thought about things I wanted to do in the game during that time, which might technically count as playing as well. Anyway, I emailed support to undelete my character again. The second relapse also hit me hard; it lasted about 6 days (June 12th to June 18th) with only 5 hours of sleep per day and I couldn't concentrate at work at all. All I could think about was gaming while in the office. 3. Three days after the second relapse, I emailed support to undelete my character again, and the cycle began again. A few hours before this post, I somehow managed to get my account gone for good, and I am amazingly relieved. As you can see, my addiction is very bad. Anyone who says game addiction isn't real, I disagree. It's FUCKING REAL and should be treated as a mental disorder the same way gambling and drug addiction are. But I still never give up. I hope one day I will win this fight, despite the glimmer of hope.
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