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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Where is your war cry


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This fight with addiction is nothing short of a war. Did you know that charging fighters shout as they run at the enemy? 

When you have a good day and hit all your targets (possibly more than you expected), release that excitement with a good war cry.

if you are feeling unmotivated, tired or someone is giving you a hard time, Support yourself with a good war cry. Let it be funny for the passers by, but its one if the great tastes if life.

Have you seen a boxer win a difficult fight? Have you watched the corner? All his seconds are releasing that electric energy within them.

I think ex gamers problem is that they keep both their ups and downs within too much.

Edited by Amphibian220
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On 12/22/2019 at 7:21 AM, Amphibian220 said:

This fight with addiction is nothing short of a war. Did you know that charging fighters shout as they run at the enemy? 

When you have a good day and hit all your targets (possibly more than you expected), release that excitement with a good war cry.

if you are feeling unmotivated, tired or someone is giving you a hard time, Support yourself with a good war cry. Let it be funny for the passers by, but its one if the great tastes if life.

Have you seen a boxer win a difficult fight? Have you watched the corner? All his seconds are releasing that electric energy within them.

exactly !

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