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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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My name is Keala and Ksets is the first username i ever used in a gaming forum so thought it was a good one to use here.  I am a physician that specializes in pediatric critical care and have been out of my training for some time now.  I always told myself that i wasnt addicted to video games because i was able to successfully navigate my way through undergrad, medical school, residency, fellowship and the first 15 years of my career post training all while gaming.  I have come to realize that i have missed out on a lot and I am working on being more mindful of my time in the present and future.  Gaming was always my de-stressor, if bad things happened in the ICU then I immersed myself in world of warcraft or swtor or whatever was on my phone and handy for a few days after coming off call.  It seemed ok and appropriate at the time but i know now that i missed out on valuable time with family and with myself.  

Day #1 without gaming


Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful that i found this resource.



One amazing thing that happened/I did today

I registered for this site.


Plan for yoga for 30 minutes when my workload decreases.


5 minutes of self-compassion break, Dr Kristen Neff's website https://self-compassion.org/category/exercises/


journaling daily

Daily affirmation

to treat myself as i would a friend in need

Reading + taking notes

currently on a re-read of the Dragon reborn, wheel of time series.  plan to read and take notes on at least 2 chapters

Getting to bed before 10pm

i will plan for it but I am on call so I might sleep all night, for part of it or none

Weekly Goal(s)

delete all games from my phone, and uninstall games on my laptop

Monthly Goal

read daily, write daily, meditate daily

3 Month Goal

90 days without video games

What went well today:

signing up for this site 

What I could have done to make my day better:

communicated with my husband more effectively

What I will do differently tomorrow:

eat breakfast

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Posted (edited)

Welcome @ksets!  Glad to see another healthcare worker here.  I work in the rehabilitation department.  In my first year of work after graduation, I briefly worked in the ICU helping patients who had dysphagia by assessing their seating posture and providing specialty equipment as needed.  I can understand how stressful the ICU can be.  

I hope you find this community helpful.  It has been supportive for me. ? 



Edited by CornishGameHen
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@CornishGameHen thank you for the welcome. 

Day #2

Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful that I slept all night and didn’t get paged



One amazing thing that happened/I did today

Bought a key lime pie for my spouse


Planned walk this evening


Downloaded headspace ap  did introductory 5 minute guided meditation


Working on it

Daily affirmation

forgiving myself is harder than forgiving others

Reading + taking notes

Plan to read a few chapters and take notes on them  The Dragon Reborn

Getting to bed before 10pm

On call, will try

Weekly Goal(s)

Uninstall games from my gaming laptop   It’s tucked away at home

Monthly Goal

Read, write, meditate daily

3 Month Goal

90 days video game free

What went well today:

When I got the urge to play a gam on my phone I downloaded duolingo and started learning Hawaiian (I’m Hawaiian)

What I could have done to make my day better:

Eat breakfast, limited myself to 2 cups of coffee instead of three   

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Eat breakfast

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Day #3 without video games 


Gratitude Journal

today was a busy day at work. Helped to take my mind off things. my coworkers were fun and easy going   


One amazing thing that happened/I did today

Reconnected with an old friend 


Didn’t get to


headspace ap   5 minute guided meditation #2


Focusing on what I will do when I come off my call stretch in 3 days 

Daily affirmation

forgiving myself is still harder than forgiving others

Reading + taking notes

Didn’t have time unfortunately 

Getting to bed before 10pm

Well it’s 2228 now so not gonna happen

Weekly Goal(s)

Uninstall games from my gaming laptop   It’s tucked away at home

Monthly Goal

Read, write, meditate daily 1/3 today

3 Month Goal

90 days video game free

What went well today:

Gaming urge low but then again didn’t have any time really until now  

What I could have done to make my day better:

could have carved out a few more 5 minute breaks maybe 

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Take mini breaks as I can. 


Day #4 no games 

Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful that I was able to go home for lunch and have a quick break from the hospital   



One amazing thing that happened/I did today

Had lunch with my husband




 headspace ap  did 10 minute guided meditation ex 3


Picturing my success at not playing video games when I go off call on Tuesday 

Daily affirmation

forgiving myself is yes, still harder than forgiving others

Reading + taking notes

Plan to read a few chapters and take notes on them  - nearing half wayThe Dragon Reborn

Getting to bed before 10pm

Worked until 2300 will likely be up all night with work  

Weekly Goal(s)

Uninstall games from my gaming laptop   It’s tucked away at home  Set to do on Tuesday  

Monthly Goal

Read, write, meditate daily

3 Month Goal

90 days video game free

What went well today:

Work was incredibly busy this evening but I finished all of my documentation and billing and now have some time to myself before I have to get back at it  

What I could have done to make my day better:

Not sure  

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Take the stairs more often while at work. 

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