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NEW VIDEO: The Dark Side of Gaming (Documentary)

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Hey guys

I am 29 years old. My story begins a bit different to most, possibly not all I feel but ends up in disappointment, anger, and sadness as I assume most addictions do.

I have been playing on and off for most of my life, I started playing hardcore when I moved to London 7 years ago.

I was popular when I was in school and up until 7 years ago I fell hardcore into an addiction I did not know even existed, I tried justifying it every which way. I would smoke Marijuana all day every day, I lost my friends, I have been through countless jobs until about a month ago, I decided to turn my life around.

I quit smoking cigarettes, I quit Marijuana, I started writing in a journal, I started meditating and... Today I start Cam's Respawn course to quit gaming for good.

I feel like I have made a tonne of progress over this last month except for one area, my social side and I guess that is one of the reasons I am on the forum.

Anyways, I have read a few intros' from a couple of ex gamers and I can appreciate the hardship some of you must have gone through, and I just want to say keep going, keep pushing.

I have been lucky in regards to the support I have had from one very special person in my life... My Mother. Thanks, mom

Buuuut... I would be doing a great disservice if I didn't mention Anthony Robbins. Read his books, or listen to them on Audible. My favorite is 'Awaken the Giant within'!


I will keep you all updated and I hope to see some of you about.



Hey devunderdog,

I imagine it must've been hard to just flip the switch and quit smoking like that. I know people who can't even go a day without lighting one up and you are already going for a month without that garbage, kudos to you. I too am going to quit playing videogames, it ruined my life for a big part aswell. I wish you the best of luck man!

i will definitely check Anthony Robins' work out btw. ?


I just started the detx today. I've got a question for you. How'd you get over smoking marijuana? Especially if some of your closest friends smoke near you? That's my issue. I know I have will power, but it's just as hard as gaming.... I've known both for so long. 

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