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How many times relapsing, is enough??


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Hi guys...

Since Sunday I have been playing videogames with a sense of wanting to do it. Its the time for "relapsing" since april. I am just wondering if there is a point where I should just give up trying and try to moderate. The reason I am asking is because I feel like I am joke and I am joking you guys. Every time  I "relapse" I think feel like I am lying to you guys and to my self, and that makes me feel like shit.

What do you guys think? Have you also relapsed several times and what did you do to get back "in the game"?


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Dude i don't play games several months and in my mind still pop up that voices of suggestions: buy Nintendo Switch it's a lot of fun. Or Playstation have Days of play so console  is cheaper. Mind trick you very well and also remember that mind have tactical advantage over you.


You are no joke man! You are willing to do something with your life. It's very good starting point. Just figure out whats works for you. 

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2 hours ago, katsudo19 said:

. Mind trick you very well and also remember that mind have tactical advantage over you.

Yeah this is very true indeed. 

Its very easy to rationalize gaming to me so I usually Fall for that. But I Can really quickly feel a loss of attention to other actual important stuff that needs to be done. 


Thanks ? 

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Yeah, if you feel like moderating, you can try it. But i've heard repeatedly it doesn't work and didn't work for me. I managed to go two weeks before slipping back into it. I've tried systems where I reward myself with it (Pomodoro), restricted myself to 'friends only' and 'weekends only'. Try it yourself and you'll at least learn more about yourself. Everyone's journey is different.

Getting back into quitting is the hardest step imo. That probs applies to most addictions. A half hearted attempt at quitting anything doesn't work either. One relapse for me will set me into it for a few weeks. Some people relapse and can't stop for a few months.

There's no advice here about moderating. The best thing you can do is give it all you got and go cold turkey. Nobody knows if they'll go back to gaming, but 'taking a break' for 90 days helps you understand and learn more about it. Some people do go back to gaming in a healthy way too (That definition is individual based). If there was moderation, everyone would do it. Those that did go back in a healthy way, spent time away from it first to develop new, better habits.

Edit: Grammar/Spelling

Edited by TwoSidedLife
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