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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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I m sort in another deimilama but a little bit different, you see I started a no animated detox while back where I said I would avoid cartoons and anime which I still plan to. 

The problem is I do animation and in order to grow my youtube channel I would need to venture out within the niche of faith based animations, the second is I m apart of two communities that are also into animations and I would like to be more active in them. This could be me rationzaiting things but when I elemiated everything I realzied It emliamted the interaction between these communities that helped inspire my own animation and I would still like to help them out just as they have helped me out as well fufuill a promise to one of them. 

The problem lies is this good idea make an expection to this or not because not sure what to do, am I rationzatling things because when I think cartoons I like cartoon network, nick, disney ect. and anime would all still be elemiated expect when I go to the movies theaters movies but I m wondering if its okay in the communities to do this? 


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