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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Pls help

Confuse Man

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22 minutes ago, Bugg said:

You need to ask yourself why you feel you are unable to quit? What is it that is stopping you? I would reccomend starting a 90 day detox from gaming and after that you can re-evaluate your situation? 

This was a nice advice, I'd stand behind the 90-day detox too. 

Also you'd want to consider, what are your goals regarding the games and what are your goals regarding your life. Do you want to make a living out of those games or a single game? Is there something in life, that you'd like to do even if it would be a little challenging to achieve? Do you just want to do gaming for fun? These are all some factors that usually keep people playing games, but also thinking about those factors may give one the need to re-evaluate the motivations to continue the gaming habit. Contemplating those questions and coming up with truthful answers to yourself will help determine, what you should do about things, since you are the only one who can really start the change ;).

Also if you choose the journey to quit games through the 90-day detox (which just is the optimal way to do it, I guess) you'll get tremendous help from this forum in many forms. 

Best of luck!



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@Confuse Man

Hey Brother thanks for sharing your predicament. I can also strongly support the 90-day detox. It sounds to me that you are describing an addiction, in that you would recognize a behavior is harmful to you, want to stop, but are having trouble resisting the instant gratification that gaming provides, long enough to participate fully in other aspects of your life.You are obviously motivated to quit, because you are asking to quit, but it sounds likes you have decided whether to quit play for ever or try for moderation, another good reason to try the detox, and for additional support purchase Cam´s book called Respawn which really helped me identify some of the psychology and come up with a plan to replace my addictive behaviors.

There is a great community of people hear to help, take advantage of it! Cheers


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