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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Hey guys, my name's Alexis, and I recently quit video games.

The reason I signed up here is because I had a quick question. I used to play video games to relax, and feel like I accomplished something. Now that I've quit I'm kind of afraid of relapsing, so I wanted to know if it is worth it to play again to feel relaxed again.

Thank you for your time, I apologize for the mediocre english

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If video games have become a problem in your life I would suggest finding another way to relax. Games do give us the feeling of accomplishment but ultimately that is a false achievement, there are far more productive ways we can choose to spend our time that will add more value to our lives (in my opinion). I’m guessing if games weren’t a problem for you, you wouldn’t be asking here, and that’s why I advise finding another way to relax. Look for something else that helps you feel accomplished, perhaps something creative? 

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15 minutes ago, Bugg said:

If video games have become a problem in your life I would suggest finding another way to relax. Games do give us the feeling of accomplishment but ultimately that is a false achievement, there are far more productive ways we can choose to spend our time that will add more value to our lives (in my opinion). I’m guessing if games weren’t a problem for you, you wouldn’t be asking here, and that’s why I advise finding another way to relax. Look for something else that helps you feel accomplished, perhaps something creative? 

I'm having a hard time finding something that can get me the high I used to get from video games. My greatest passion for the past 6 years behind video games has been math, but I don't always feel like doing math (i'm currently solving problems about 4-6 hours a day since i'm on break). I try to run so I don't have to think about video games, but I'm not a very sporty person, so I can't do it for more than 20 minutes. I try to watch movies and youtube videos but they make me sad as I feel unproductive ( a feeling I don't have when playing video games for some extremely weird reason). I'd love to start making money but I'm not even 17 yet and I'm graduating high school in only 2 months. There's not a lot of creative things in my life as I'm more of a numbers person. Thanks a lot for the advice, I think it's great you're helping people on this forum.

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Cam has some good video’s on the GameQuitters YouTube channel about how we need to find activities that help fill the needs that gaming once did, there’s a whole bunch of stuff you might find useful on there if you haven’t already checked it out.

He also has a cool document on the site you can download with over 60 hobby ideas, 


I’m not a sporty person either, but I do love running, even I struggle to run for long periods of time tho, 20 mins is really good, and it’s 20 mins spent not playing games so that’s even better! :) It’s awesome that you’ve started to question your hobbies at such an ‘early’ (I don’t mean to be patronising, I just wish I’d have been more switched on when I was younger) age as you’re in a really good place to make good choices that can shape the rest of your life. Take your time, try out new things, hell, try out 100’s of new things.. why not right? :) I wish I was better at math, lol. Good skill to have. You have your whole life to make money and with only 2 months until you graduate I’d say just spend that time studying and make the most of it while you can, I know that sounds hella boring, but you’ll probably be glad you did. Haha thanks, I like helping people, plus the guys have been helping me too, so I guess I’m just paying it forward. 

9 hours ago, Cam Adair said:

Welcome! I think my video on how to relax without gaming will be helpful as well:


Thanks a lot, I usually don't like your videos, but this one was short and full of important content, and I'll make sure to follow the advice you gave as much as I can.

Have a good day!

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21 hours ago, Bugg said:

Cam has some good video’s on the GameQuitters YouTube channel about how we need to find activities that help fill the needs that gaming once did, there’s a whole bunch of stuff you might find useful on there if you haven’t already checked it out.

He also has a cool document on the site you can download with over 60 hobby ideas, 


I’m not a sporty person either, but I do love running, even I struggle to run for long periods of time tho, 20 mins is really good, and it’s 20 mins spent not playing games so that’s even better! :) It’s awesome that you’ve started to question your hobbies at such an ‘early’ (I don’t mean to be patronising, I just wish I’d have been more switched on when I was younger) age as you’re in a really good place to make good choices that can shape the rest of your life. Take your time, try out new things, hell, try out 100’s of new things.. why not right? :) I wish I was better at math, lol. Good skill to have. You have your whole life to make money and with only 2 months until you graduate I’d say just spend that time studying and make the most of it while you can, I know that sounds hella boring, but you’ll probably be glad you did. Haha thanks, I like helping people, plus the guys have been helping me too, so I guess I’m just paying it forward. 

I honestly want to thank you for all the insight, it's great to talk to people who are going through the same things I am going through. This is important advice, because even if I feel like school is not fun right now, in the future I bet I will look back thinking it was one of the best times of my life.

(by the way, if for some weird reason one day you want to do some math, please message me, it would be my pleasure)

I wish you a lot of succes on this journey, have a nice day and take care!

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On 09/04/2018 at 2:15 PM, Alexis said:

(by the way, if for some weird reason one day you want to do some math, please message me, it would be my pleasure)

I wish you a lot of succes on this journey, have a nice day and take care!

Haha thanks, I’ll try and remember that! 

Thank you for the well wishes, and you too of course. Be sure to keep in touch and let us know how you're getting on :)

On 10/04/2018 at 5:07 PM, Bugg said:

Haha thanks, I’ll try and remember that! 

Thank you for the well wishes, and you too of course. Be sure to keep in touch and let us know how you're getting on :)

I don't know why I send this as a reply


I quit playing PC gaming on week days 73 days ago. 39 days ago I quit PC completely, and 6 days ago I quit mobile gaming.

The urge to play has been uphill ever since 6 days ago, and it keeps increasing, and my brain is making excuses for me to play, which I, luckily, up to now have not acted on. I have watched some videos of people playing the same PC game I was playing almost 3 months ago, I'm not sure if it is, like dangerous, if it will increase the amount and intensity of the urge I have to play. I'm trying to stay away from computers as much as possible, at least if it's not for school.

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Most people do tend to stop watching gaming vids/streams when they quit games. Thing to ask yourself is why did you want to stop gaming in the first place, was it just so you could spend that time watching others do it? Or was it so that could could make better use of your time? Congrats on not giving into those cravings though! :)


The reason I gave up gaming is because it was a major time sink. I was spending hours upon hours of playing every day, and usually I wasn't even that entertained, I was just playing for the rewarding feeling. I don't really watch streams, and if I do, it's usually never for more than 30minutes. There's not a lot of content I like, I tend to get pretty picky ( which I'm happy about so I watch less) so if I am, it's not for more than 3-4 hours on weekends and less than an hour on weekdays. Do you think it would help if I tried to stay away from other playing the games?

Thanks a lot for the support, I'll never say it enough. 

Good luck on your own journey! :D

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6 hours ago, Alexis said:

Do you think it would help if I tried to stay away from other playing the games?

If streams/watching YouTube increases your cravings to play than it's something to avoid imo.

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