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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Posted (edited)

So i'm 4 months gaming free now, and although I am way happier and have progressed in many areas I am experiencing one big downside: Nightmares and stress.

It seems like gaming was very effective as a coping strategy for my fears. I am generally quite the fearful and cautious person, when I was gaming I could use that to forget about all these fears and absorb myself in another world where there is basically no risk to anything. When gaming I had a nightmare maybe once every 3 months, since i quit I am experiencing them nearly every night. In waking hours there are resurging fears too, and I went to the doctor with some bodily symptoms (like pulsating in the ear), which he said are most likely stress related. Now work and relationship wise I don't have much stress at all, from an outsiders perspective my life would look very relaxing, but I am definitely more stressed than when I was gaming.


Now I want to take some risks of course and face fears, but i'd rather tone it down to a level where I can sleep at night.


Does anyone have similar issues? And how could I go about tackling these.

Edited by Guest

I suggest you visit a professional about this. I'm not joking or having a go at you in any way, there's a lot of nuance and detail we cannot understand from a single post and there may be many different reasons for why you experience so much stress/fear. A psychologist could be of great help.

Personally I don't have such issues but I guess my suggestion would be to have something in your life that replaces gaming as a source of relaxation but I'm not sure if that's addressing some sort of core problem that I might now know about.

Posted (edited)

I was in psychotherapy ~4 years ago and resolved my phobia at the time successfully. I'm feeling though that my generally elevated anxiety levels aren't something you can treat with this kind of therapy (my first therapist tried it with the usual stuff about childhood experiences and failed so horribly my phobia got even worse, then i went to a new one). Maybe you're right this might be way to deep for this forum, but I was wondering if someone had similar experiences.

I guess I'll have to find a stress relief method, that is not gaming.

Edited by Guest

In some way I am more stressed then as I was gaming. Luckily nto to the poitn where I ahve nightmares a lot. I think it helps if you have something where you can let go of the world for a few moments. This can be sports(helped a bit), meditating, playing a musical Instrument or just good friends you can talk to if you have strong emotions. 

Posted (edited)

I cant quite tell what exactly causes the stress. Some possibilities might be: I tend to do multiple things at  once. I generally have high anxiety levels as described. Additionally I am trying to be very productive right now, so i work on my music 8-10 hours a day, 7 days a week. It doesn't really feel like a stressful activity to me though, its a lot of fun.

Edited by Guest

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