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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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My name is Brayden. I am from Annapolis, MD and am 20 years old. I currently am in college, studying for a degree in philosophy. 

I am really struggling as of late with my gaming. I had (finally) gotten a bit of control over gaming after I sold off my Switch and my PC doesn’t work at all really. Although I’ve known for a while my school has a gaming lounge, I had never gone in it as I knew it could easily become a problem. Unfortunately, after hearing about Spiderman coming out for PC, I spent a whole saturday in the PC lounge. One thing led to another, and now I’m falling very behind in all my classes as a result of my gaming. Worse, I’m starting to place Minecraft multiplayer which is what has always been the most problematic for me. For example, both today and two days ago I spent around 8+ hours per day gaming!! 

I really need help. I am going to quit games forever. I want to be great. I want to be a Saint. I want to be a religious leader. And, of course, I can’t be nearly as effective in those things if I’m so attached to gaming. More than anything, I just want to be free. I don’t want to feel like a slave to my own passions…. Finally, there are many things in my life which I want to do and I am sure I would be able to do them if I quit gaming. Not to mention, gaming has become an excuse for me to basically stop socializing entirely. 


hi. sounds like your having a tough time, but you have a firm intention in your mind that you want to stop gaming and really get your life together. I congratulate you for that cause majority of the people nowadays just let themselves go wherever their desires take. currently I have managed to push "gaming" away, which once was dictating my life. I hated myself for wasting my time and effort on something that will not help me in any way, something that came in between of my life and goals. it took me a while to finally be free from those urges to spend hours idling away in a virtual world that reaped no benefits, not only time, but after a lot of failed attempts like the one you mentioned above. I found myself in a lot of situations where I questioned myself and weather it was really possible to free myself from this monarch of a thing.

the things I did was making a schedule. like I had a specific notebook that I used just for that. I would write down a schedule for a week. and try my best to follow through it. I also included working out minimum 2 days. This is really important for a guy who wants to get their life on track. I even included reading books. Some books I read are :

1. "Atomic Habits" by James Charles

2. "Compound Effect" by Darren hardy

3. "The Millionaire Fastlane" by M.J.Demarco.

So yeah, I think these 3 things are enough initially to get started on getting yourself together : 1. Scheduling 2. Working out 3.Reading books.

Also you can check out hamza on YouTube. The majority of the aforementioned point all came from his inspiration. He really helped me get started on improving myself.  You can watch this video where he talks about quitting gaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MybqsZUbPpo&t=1s


all his other videos are also beneficial in helping develop mindset and the best habits to adopt etc. 

Goodluck! (^///^)

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