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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by dirkj3

  1. Thank you guys for your help!

    I don't really know on what day I am at but I can tell that if I wouldn't have a plan to what to do I would be close to a relapse.

    It has been a tough time while I am striving against 3 addictions at the same time.

    I have no desire to game but to fight against porn is a lot harder for me.

    after reading in  the Power of habit I got that we as a community can work miracles by helping us out of uncomfortable situations and I don't know whether Gamequitters is also for people who struggle with porn.

    I want to respond to your comments so that a real conversation is going.


  2. Hello

    I am having cravings to game because I looked on the Play store shit.

    I want to keep away from triggers or any cues that lead me the way down to the addiction.

    I have been reading the power of habit by Charles Duhigg

    What I don't understand is:

    1.How long does it take to create a passion for a new healthy habit?


  3. DAY 13!!

    I have come to the point of my best streak this year and I feel like it could have been months earlier!

    After taking some time off time flies by!

    I haven't been noticing a negative attitude in myself which is extremely important.

    Unfortunately I have been watching porn yesterday when I was a little drunk it didn't feel like the best think to do.

    There are days where I am productive  getting things done jn sn incredibly speed.and das where I think like:

     "Man c'mon there is more than just watching Let's plays!!

    one thing that is very important:

    if you don't make a structure for the next day you tend to let yourself go! through the day !!

    I am now feeling like that I am getting more of being the conductor of myself.

    Other than that I am currently reading the Power of Habit in German to even out some things that I didn't  understand in english.

    Appealing for German quitters would probably be the link that I put down here:


    it is about how to increase willpower on a daily basis!

    How are you people would describe your emotions?



  4. Good job Onlysoul for your amazing progress!!

    You have an awesome chart of things there!

     I am trying to push the P out of the PMO and after my experience it is a little easier to maintain a good streak by doing that.

    The chart is extremely important because there you can get a good overview about activities that push you through the day!!

    Good luck in you further progress!!!

  5. Thank you very much for your amazing support!!

    I used to be at day 49 in nofap when gaming wasn't a real problem for me.

    I understand Tom2 is referring to.

  6. Hey

    day 9 has arrived in No games.

    I had a weird dream about me gaming.

    I was in a game that was so crazy..


    How are we able to deal with the increasingly difficult  cravings.

    For sure I can ignore it when the crawling are not as strong.

    what about facing like 59 days... from that point the cravings may be enormous right?

  7.  Excuse me Onlysoul I have misunderstood  what you meant.

    Man stick to your goals, habits, new way of living and stop thinking about relapses etc. Its past. Even dont give attention on those things. Move on. Dont think about it on any way and for god sake no in negative way. If something have your attention and its mixed with strong emotions it will only strengthen. Don't fight with it and don't pay attention to it!

    What do you mean by that highlighted sentence?

    Do you mean that the cravings to game will get stronger or when  I fight with cravings they will cone back even bigger? 

  8. Hey guys i fapped yesterday oer night. i have don all the things that i wanna do  but overnight the sleep got worse.

    i ws justifying to fap and that went downroad.

    I listened to some gQ podcast the second one where they talk about Jasons story from that on i figured that alternating activities may be good.

    I was doing all the time the same things . lfe became boring and stale. every day is awesome i can do whatever i want. but i hate those nights!!

    i figured i could make it the next day but it was all extremely stale. I was probably hitting withdrawals.

    I still dont game and i still have to cravings to it. but to fapping?!

    anyway after i fapped about 2 am i woke up at 5.30 ;6.40 and at 8 am. it sucked all.i could have stay awake throuhgh the night until i am so exhausted which will force myself to sleep!

  9. When I woke up i feel like i have less and less eneegy due to me bot able to sleep before 2 am.

    I don't know what else to do over night time.

    everything runs fine except for the sleep.

    Last night it was even more difficult. 

    I described it one time when studying for an exam for 2 weeks...

     i was like Each day the nofap bites more and more energy.

    I failed multiple times to keep my diet..for me it is very difficult to say no to chocolate when having a hard time..

  10. Good work! Keep going. You already changed you paradigm. Bad= spend time with gaming, porn etc Good= every day i will make some activities which leads me to better life.


    Ich wünsche dir viel Kraft !

    Ich wünsche dir viel Kraft !

    I wish you much strength, onlysoul? Or great strength? Haha my German is rusty. I took many years of it in college and one of my new replacement activities is Duolingo with German.



    Es ist schön zu sehen, dass ihr versucht euer deutsch zu verbessern!!

    That is very encouraging!! 

  11. Way of thinking: Paradigms are a multitude of habits that guide every move you make. They affect the way you eat, the way you walk, even the way you talk. They govern your communication, your work habits, your successes and your failures.

    How can i get a better paradigm?


    i am on my day 3  on nofap and day 5 on Gaming

    i couldnt sleep very well last night. I slept the day before for about 10hours.

    AnywaY, the newest podcast by Jason and Cam abozut commitment was a real eyeopener I always was not sure what they meant with the sio called flow state..

    Now i can say that it is something you really indulge in like for me it was gaming and fapping.

    since then i am trying to mnot worry about habbits that much rather than focus on a few things, activities that i try to create flow.

    For example i try to get my daily Russian on Duolingo done. Sometimes i go for a walk to the town.

    For today i ate at Ikea  ibroke the diet to keep 2200 calories a day..  I would recommend wikifit for A good app to loose weight.

    One other thimgs that i like on my experiece so far is that iamm getting a little more happier than i used to be!!!

  12. Day 1

     i finished high school a ciouple days ago. therewas a big party  afterwards and there i met a very attractive girl after the night i was left exhausted after dancing a lot.

    I relapsed after trying to rest i read and i listened to musicvbut i usually listening to electronic genre so it pushed me up. after wards i ate about 1000calories and i felt like shit.( Iam a diabetic). then ithough well i failed on my nosugar streak why not on nofap or nogame? The night was the shit 5 hours of gaming and a porn....

    I couldnt get up the next day I gamed again i was feeling how the grip to gaming got tighter after thr night session.

    I think to have so many goals dragged me down somehow.

    The problem is also thatthere is always a way to get gaming again i used appdetox to regulate the usage of Google Play store ieven gve my appdetox to my brother to type a code that i dont know to make the assess more difficult.I simplx´y deleted appdetox it said that i should change the admin or something like that ion my phone  isimply clicked a few buttons and i could get to play sore immediately...

    I guess i dont know how to break auto plot mode and i seem not to be very comitted to stop gaming.




  13. Hey

    after some hours of gaming i am in again i dont liike the feeling of being unproductive...

    Day 1 Nofap  there must be a reason why i am not progressing further then 3 to 4 days in a row!

    I had a weird dream about gaming any tower defense crap it was so real...

     the rest of the day was kinda on autopilot

    what i learned from the relapse is avoid using your device after a gaming dream or anything else.It definitely helped eating a little more fruits today instead of chicken nuggets at lunch ugh.

    See ya!


  14. hey

    I am on Day 2 again after a relapse in Porn and Gaming the last coiuple of days 

    one thing that i learned from the relapse is that eating ice cream or crisps made me weak and i gave in gaming.

    Today i am home alone which is kinda difficult to handle i did some duolingo to improve my Italian skills.

    The last couple of days i am not dreaming well i dont know why.

    A couple weeks ago slept from 2 am (watching a movie) until 3 pm..

    Even if i am more aware of time consuming gadgets and the effect junk food has on me  iam still kinda stuck in the house not knowing how to fulfill the need for the social area.

    To be honest i never gamed with social communication around it so i dont knoew whethetr thats a thing or not.



  15. Day 2 


    After some time I am checking in now I am willing to change something in my life!

    I want to delete my play storegoogle account that is connected to it but I paid some euros for a guitar app and  several body building apps which might be useful for me in the future it would be difficult to give up that account.

    My question is can you somehow transfer apps to another one?

    Thanks you!!!

  16. Hey!

    Oh my !

    I am on my first day of nogames and I am stressed and got irritated quickly.

    I went through one day a couple days ago and I couldn'slept for a night.

    It was very tough. yesterday I relapsed and I was like  I have gone through the night of not gaming and now I have to start it all over. Going through the next night where I feel that II undid my progress of one day.

    What I amtrying to say is  I have pushed through one day and I cannot imagine that I gamed for 20 minutes 20 mj utes of high concentrated pleasure induced by dopamine is worth a whole day of progression.

    So I woke a uptoday  thinuking about gaming I remembered my Realisation from yesterday  I went for a walk after lunch to be in aanother environment.

    I realized that I need to progress in the way of how to deal with stress to control my mood fluctuations throughout the day.

  17. Ich  habe absolut kein Bock auf diese Quittung games Nummer!

    Wenn du nur aufhören möchtest weil man das von dir erwartet, verhungerst du auf halber Strecke.

    Um eine Sucht anzukämpfen musst du voll und ganz dahinter stehen, schreibe dir eine Liste von Eigenschaften die du dir wegen des Zockens im Laufe der Zeit angeeignet hast, die dich an dir selbst stören (zB "Ich unternehme nie was", "Ich mach kein Sport", "Ich kann nicht gut mit Leuten umgehen", etc.). Wenn nur deine Eltern möchten dass du aufhörst, oder du denkst dass man aufhören muss um Abitur zu schaffen klappt das nicht.

    Auch hilft es zu erkennen, dass deine Sucht eine Gewohnheit ist. Heutzutage werden Süchte gerne als "Krankheiten" betrachtet, diese Ansichtsweise zerstört jeglichen Ansatz dagegen anzukämpfen, da kranke Menschen schließlich keine Verantwortung über ihre Krankheiten tragen. Folglich ist es von Vorteil die Sucht als Gewohnheit zu betrachten und Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Sich selbst über sein eigenes Handeln Verantwortung zuweisen halte ich für einen sehr wichtigen Schritt. Nur wenn du Schuld bist wenn du zockst, wenn du dich selbst enttäuschen kannst, kannst du auch stolz sein es nicht zu tun. Du musst also etwas auf den Tisch legen, um gewinnen zu können.

    Meditation ist OK, aber ziemlich öde (für Einsteiger). Überbrück die ersten paar Tage mit Videos oder so (irgendwas, das dir zumindest ein wenig Spaß macht!) um dich abzulenken und mach dir nebenbei Gedanken was du machen möchtest – such dir ein paar Hobbies. Aufhören an sich ist sehr einfach, es ist viel mehr "was stelle ich jetzt mit meiner Zeit an?". Manche denken "Ich meditier jetzt, und mach Kung Fu und werd nen total tougher Motherfucker und reiß Chicks auf" – das tust du vielleicht in 5 Jahren, belaste dich nicht mit einer solchen Erwartungshaltung und des Weiteren wäre das ziemlich abseits von "Selbstfindung". Meditation hilft natürlich – erwiesenermaßen – in vielen Bereichen, aber es gibt noch viele Alternativen den Geist zu beruhigen. Zwing dich nicht irgendwas zu tun, was dir nicht passt, nur weil es die Gesellschaft irgendwie mal empfohlen oder vorgeschrieben hat.

    Selbstfindung wird auch ein großes Thema, wenn man aufhört, da man sich als Mensch während dem Zocken nicht so richtig als Persönlichkeit im Leben etabliert. Wer bin ich? Woran glaube ich? Was macht mir Spaß? Wen finde ich scheiße? usw. all diese fragen müssen beantwortet werden, weil die Dopaminmaschine Smartphone, PC oder Laptop dir keinen Sinn mehr zuweist. Du musst dir einen neuen Suchen, und das ist sehr wichtig. Schreiben hilft dabei, aber auch viele andere Dinge (Kunst, Theater, Paintball spielen – alles eigentlich, ausser Videogucken und Surfen).

    Tipp: Wenn du denkst dass du, wenn du aufhörst zu spielen, automatisch mehr lernst dann lass mich darauf hinweisen dass das eine andere Baustelle ist. Klar, man teilt seine Zeit besser ein und so, aber man fängt nicht an all seine "Zockzeit" vor Büchern zu hocken und zu pauken. Diese Fehlvorstellung haben einige und das ist ein Genickbruch, weil dadurch dem Aufhören automatisch ein "bestrafender Charakter" zugeteilt wird. Stattdessen solltest du ganz locker zu dir sein und nichts von dir erwarten (zumindest die ersten Wochen) und dir Gedanken darüber machen wie viel schöner du dein Leben gestalten kannst. Negative Vorstellungen motivieren nicht dazu sein Verhalten zu ändern.

    Gelegentlich wirst du den Trieb haben zocken zu müssen, hier ist es wichtig innezuhalten und die Situation zu analysieren. Der Trieb ist eine Reaktion auf irgendwas. Frage dich "Bin ich sauer?", "Bin ich gestresst?", "Bin ich traurig?" etc, bzw erörtere dein "Innenleben". Wenn du es schaffst den Trieb als eine angewöhnte Reaktion mit gewissen Problemen/Emotionen umzugehen zu identifizieren, dann kannst du einen Krieg anfangen den du sehr leicht gewinnen kannst. "Ab jetzt gehe ich immer Joggen, wenn ich gestresst bin", "Wenn ich traurig bin schreibe ich Tagebuch oder gucke einen Film", "Wenn ich sauer bin höre ich laut Musik", etc. Du musst jeden Trieb so identifizieren und eine alternative finden mit deinen Emotionen umzugehen. Bei vielen scheitert es die Emotionen zu identifizieren, deswegen ist es wichtig innezuhalten und kurz auf sein Herz zu hören und der Emotion den richtigen Namen zu geben. Manche lernen das nicht bis an ihr Lebensende... ich empfehle dir das Buch "Paulo Coelho - Der Alchimist" – es ist ein sehr schwieriger Prozess sich diese Fähigkeit anzueignen und einer der Hauptgründe warum Teenager nervig sind und Twens oft mit Ablehnung konfrontiert werden. Sie haben nicht gelernt sich selbst zu verstehen.

    Ach ja, und mach Sport. Dein Kopf kann nur so gesund sein wie dein Körper.

    Ich habe bestimmt noch einiges vergessen, aber das hier ist schon Zuviel. Allerdings solltest du, wenn du dich an meinen Battleplan hälst, die ersten Monate ausfüllen können.

    Viel Erfolg, freut mich dass du den Mut hattest als erster ein deutsches Tagebuch anzufangen. Ich hoffe du hälst es durch und ich wünsche dir alles Gute! Ich schau bestimmt wieder vorbei.

    Was meinen Sie mit bestrafenden Charakter?

  18. Day 0

    So I wrote down some stuff that I loss when I quit gaming:

    I basically answered some questions

    What do I fear quitting games?

    Extremely lack of motivation feelings of regret looking back at the wasted time.

    Fear that I will never be gaming again. It feels like I lost everything meaningful to me.

    How I feel right now:

    How to deal with stress instead of watching porn or gaming.

    I have been watching Cams video about recovery and abstinence last night.

    I am not sure if I want to quit I wa always procrastinating that decision because it is a real tough one.

     what do I wanna gain from quitting?

    I want to live literally a more meaningful life going out even when the sum isnot shining.

    I wanna approach new people to put me out there.

    Thanks for reading till the end!


  19. DAY 1

    Hey Folks!!

    I have been watchinsome of cam's videos regarding WHT you should quit and I understand even better what he means when he is saying that gaming is deceiving your brain.

    That video about willpower and the mindset to develop is helping a lot.

    So today I faced real life and was screwed due to procrastinating time of math studies..  I started kinda late like in the afternoon and since I am going I can tell it is not that difficult ones you are going.

    I will record a video about my journal since there is so much experiences to cover.

    I'll continue to journal the next weeks. I'll continue Djing trying to figure some mixes out..probably I'll make a record someday.

    Thank you Cam for all the efford you have put into your videos

    I'll really appreciate you doing more videos that include  an overview and a comparison of different mindsets.


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