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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Wolf

  1. Learn to find joy in something else then. Because to be completely truthful, video games do not bring us true joy, only a sensation of it, that lasts for a bit until you get bored. Then what do you do? True happiness is not effected by something outside yourself, it's being completely content with what you have. Go search and you may find that happiness.
  2. Not too sure what you meant by that lol. Probably meant except when you are underground. But I meant it in a theoretical way lol.
  3. Simply go to Support>My Account>Steam Guard>Contact Steam Support. Just tell them you want your account terminated as soon as possible.
  4. Hey there Math! I'm new to this thing myself. But I recently was trying to have my Steam account permanently removed. I advise that you do the same, or else you might just keep redownloading it, like I have in the past. Simply go to Support>My Account>Steam Guard>Contact Steam Support. Just tell them you want your account terminated as soon as possible. Of course this is just my recommendation as it will permanently burn that bridge. And of course this is another of my recommendations. I'm not in High School anymore, maybe you are? Not sure. But whatever school your in I want to encourage you to pursue other things in your school, things that will keep you busy and engaged. Maybe you'll find something that you'll enjoy so much you won't care anymore about video games. Who knows what could happen? So take a chance, live life, get busy! Sports, weightlifting, Band, clubs(non gaming), church, maybe even acting, make new non gaming friends? Go plug in. One of my many regrets in HS is not doing more, I simply didn't do anything really aside from the bare minimum.
  5. I guess no one here relates maybe lol. Idk, but I think I may have found a solution, or at least kinda. I find just shaking my leg helps me stay awake. And that's worked kind of so far.
  6. Wow. Thank you for being so humble and kind. Seriously lacks in some places these days. I listened to some of the "Yoga Nidra", it sounds nice. I may listen to it one of these days, but usually when I'm in that mood I just want to go to sleep lol, the person talking will keep me awake. However I do enjoy something kinda similar I guess. Most of the time I listen to a youtube channel called "Sleep Stream" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ7veBq-QMSXKO8jLzbpXyg, they have many different videos with different sounds and music mixed in. Here's the kind of video I like to listen to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lE8JPU1AA6s With these I can just sort of drift into sleep. As for getting into touch with that on a regular basis, I assume your talking about the stopping to think and breathe thing? For me that comes more through prayer, reading, and meditation. However, hopefully I will do this more throughout my day, especially just slowing down and pausing to think throughout the day. Thank you for your comment Watermelon. It's nice to have some feedback. PS: How is your detox going?
  7. Thank you Super. Staying off the computer late at night might help too.
  8. Day 3. Woa. I didn't even realize that it's already been three days of no gaming. The time seemed to be only a day. I don't really know what I feel about that, but I know that I am more determined to keep pressing forward. I feel like this change in my life is long overdue, as if it's a change for the better without a doubt, I feel like I will be stronger and more of a man after this too. More determined and strong to achieve and overcome whatever I wanna achieve and subdue. I know not all of you believe in Jesus Christ, but I'm still gonna add this portion to my journal, as it IS my journal lol. One of the things that made me so depressed in the past was knowing God didn't want me to be doing this with my life. Sitting there fixated on a screen wasting away. Not to mention every time I started playing games I just ignored God and stopped doing anything I normally would, praying and reading as well everything else lol. But now that i've buried the games, and put them behind me I'm able to focus on God more and really begin that relationship again, and I'm very thankful for that. I still will give God all the credit for the past three days as He is really the reason I quit gaming, but I will thank you Cam for the movement that you started and continue and all of your support and everybody elses, I see you all as a God send, a beautiful community God has led me to. I feel more whole and at peace with who I am. Peace seems restored to my soul once again, as has joy returned to me and it is beautiful. The only thing that can stop me from continuing on is myself now. But I hope with my relationship being restored with God and everybody here at GQ I will progress and will not slow down, but only move faster. (Hopefully no one was offended with anything I said about God and such, as I know that offends people, but I meant no harm) Thank you.
  9. Whatever your going through man, you'll get through it. Where there is darkness, soon there will be light.
  10. I would probably say this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-dRDZZXTtI is the best addiction sort of song I've heard. Listen to it all the way through.
  11. Take 2 of day 2. A little while ago I was getting intense cravings. Like really badly, I just thought it would be alright to go lose myself in the Video Games once again. There was just a certain song that I heard that made the temptation even stronger, but it just went away after awhile. I thought "no, Im not going to do this", and I guess soon after it just went away. I want to be prepared for these sort of things, but I don't know when they'll come. Ultimately though, I believe these cravings come from where I direct my thoughts. Maybe if I just shut the thought down immediately it'll just go away again, but I'm not sure. It is pretty late, and maybe that has something to do with the craving arriving. Any tips on an urge to play games late at night would be nice. If not, i'll just have to figure it out. I'm out..
  12. Didn't know if this was the best place to put this. But hopefully the "Books" part fits well with this post. I was reading earlier tonight, probably about 5pm or so, and after about a chapter I just layed down and passed out. As I was reading I was just getting more and more sleepy. I slept for about 2-3 hours. Some may say, get enough sleep, drink enough water, but I do good on both of those. I just need a real solution here. This isn't the first time this has happened, and I really hate it because reading is something I want to do a lot more of. I have a book that's about 700 pages sitting in there and I can't hope to read all of that if I pass out after every chapter. Has anyone else had this struggle, or any insight into a solution? Please and thank you.
  13. I'm in the process of terminating my Steam account.
  14. I'm new to this whole forum thing, so I didn't realize my journal is supposed to be on a single post, or thread. So here it goes, Day #2 in Journal: Hello, So far it isn't nearly as difficult today as it was the past previous two. Not necessarily easy, but I feel like I'm invested now in a different area, or rather focused on something else, and now really even enjoying it. Reading books are nice, and soon I should be going on an hour long walk. I find boredom sort of fades away when you are drawn in another direction, when you have something else your interested in, when you just take it one moment at a time and not always rushing to be "entertained", just stopping to think and breathe and simply live. I like this. It's peaceful and brings me some sort of contentment. How come we are so conditioned to always go? Buy this, go there, do that. I'm just seeing the bliss of simplicity we have in everyday life, and it's beautiful. I also find I can draw strength in my time of struggle from knowing there is an entire group of people like me, struggling over this whole video games thing. I want to say thank you to all of you before me for the struggle you've gone through, because it helps me with my struggle. I hope all of you have a day that's as bright as the sun 03 Float On.m4a
  15. Wolf

    I Do Not Know

    Well today, I woke up early, took a somewhat-cold shower, exercised(first time in awhile), read and even went longboarding(despite the cold). Not so bad I guess, but it certainly takes strength resisting to play games. I still havent really filled all my time with tasks, but I need thinking time anyways. But what is helping me out right now is thinking of video games in a certain way, Im thinking of them as if their drugs, how they affect my brain in a negative way. This will help me I think, it has so far. Anyways, tomorrow comes soon. Good night everybody!
  16. Wolf

    Relapse Time Unknown

    Thank you Watermelon. It's nice to see someone else who relates to the "insanity" part. Face to face time, that seems nice. But I don't have insurance, so text and call will have to suffice. And Robert, thanks for the encouragement man, it really lifts my spirit. I will look forward, I already feel a sense of freedom, but sometimes I still feel depressed, I just have to focus on the positive things. Seriously, thank you guys. Every word counts, and you have both helped me with what each of you have said. You guys are awesome.
  17. Wolf

    I Do Not Know

    I didn't really see it like this. Thank you Reno!
  18. So I have failed.. I actually went full on into video games, went and spent more money on the exact thing I was so set on quitting. I downloaded almost my entire steam library again, and even reconnected with my buddies who game. I was gaming so much I just felt a sort of fog over my mind. I would start playing games, and next thing I know it's dark outside. I just wonder what am I doing wrong here? I did everything I could to quit, deleted all the games, started working out more, even started reading books too. Today I began the process of quitting AGAIN(I just feel weak), but there's this one game called Stardew Valley, I just cant seem to let go. It's just such a simple and peaceful game, and I enjoy it. But I know I must quit, but I know that I will fail, I just know it. Am I ill equipped for this? What am I lacking? There's this anxiety that I feel now as I try to resist that urge, I almost feel as though, maybe I'm insane. Sometimes I feel like that. God help me. But where do I go? Half of me wants to keep playing games, doing what I've known for soo long, and the other half knows there are better things to be done but just doesnt know what to do when there's nothing to do. Any support would be appreciated, any and all... Quote Edit
  19. So I have failed.. I actually went full on into video games, went and spent more money on the exact thing I was so set on quitting. I downloaded almost my entire steam library again, and even reconnected with my buddies who game. I was gaming so much I just felt a sort of fog over my mind. I would start playing games, and next thing I know it's dark outside. I just wonder what am I doing wrong here? I did everything I could to quit, deleted all the games, started working out more, even started reading books too. Today I began the process of quitting AGAIN(I just feel weak), but there's this one game called Stardew Valley, I just cant seem to let go. It's just such a simple and peaceful game, and I enjoy it. But I know I must quit, but I know that I will fail, I just know it. Am I ill equipped for this? What am I lacking? There's this anxiety that I feel now as I try to resist that urge, I almost feel as though, maybe I'm insane. Sometimes I feel like that. God help me. But where do I go? Half of me wants to keep playing games, doing what I've known for soo long, and the other half knows there are better things to be done but just doesnt know what to do when there's nothing to do. Any support would be appreciated, any and all...
  20. Wow.. Thank you everybody for all of the beautiful words.. Words that reflect beautiful people! I will continue on!
  21. Thanks Cam!(For opening the front door so to speak lol)
  22. Hello everyone. My name is Ben, and I, probably like a lot of you, have a serious issue with gaming. Video games is something I initially started getting into when I was about 11 or 12 years old. Since then it developed into this sort escape for me. You see, i moved from a small town into a big city and it was not easy by any means. I started playing games excessively, mainly as a way to push reality away, to just be at peace once again. There were no fears or worries when I was slaying those Colossi til 3am in the morning. And I've pretty much been gaming ever since, on and off, as I've been trying to quit for quite some time. I really enjoy life, and going and doing things progressively. But somehow I find myself, playing games til 3am in the morning, still. So..since I should just get to the point, as I've probably passed the "a few words" limit, I joined this forum in the hope of finding more strength and advice to continue on the road of game quitting, and I would really appreciate all the advice anybody is willing to give me. And specifically to this question: How do you not return to video games time and time again? In the boredom of the night or day, how do you not want to play video games? Thanks.
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