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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by d.manuk

  1. pizza_face_sticker-rcdca89fe24494de48e91

    My self esteem is quite low at the moment. My acne is a little better, but it still looks bad. I am confused and getting desperate about what I can do.

    I need to find a way to be less stressed at work, and also I am going to start tricking myself into being in a good mood by only listening to calming and happy music. I like to listen to metal music but it always puts me in a bad mood. Music can affect how you feel a lot which then might affect your hormones. I think I had a stressful week last week.

    I'm hanging out with my friend on Saturday and we can only hang out a few times a year... I'd hate to show up looking ugly and with acne redness. It makes me feel not want to go outside and not to talk to anyone, and it adds even more to the stress. Ahhh!


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  2. 19 hours ago, Hitaru said:

    Right in my childhood, Cardcaptor Sakura~~! Back to the time when a proper magical girl had nothing to do with being a ghetto edgy t***-tr******* les****-


    What have you been watching lately? It's been a while since I watched anime. Last time was all the filmography of Makoto Shinkai bc all the hype from the latest movie (except Hoshi no Koe, the only one I knew prior and was actually looking forward to watch) and boy honestly felt like watching the same thing over and over. The guy basically had the same story to tell, some girl in high-school must have gave him a very bad time and he refined those angsty feels for years until bam, best-selling Japanese animation movie ever. Perseverance is key. (Jokes aside, goddamn determination, the guy did most of his films by himself, we should interview him). 

    I liked the Garden of Words but I thought Your Name was boring.

    I have been watching Ao No Exorcist most recently, which is a typical and predictable shonen anime but there's nothing wrong with that.

    The newest Cardcaptor Sakura series starts airing in 2 weeks. ^_^

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  3. I feel better, physically at least.

    I did a short 25min yoga session today.


    I haven't been my cheerful self lately these past few months. I realized this after watching a new anime. And then I realized I haven't watched any anime in that same amount of time. I think I just need to watch more anime to maintain my happiness levels. Anime is life.



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  4. I’ve been sick for the past week so I’ve been feeling very frustrated. I watched an entire series of Gotham and started watching an anime. 


    I’ve been very grumpy because I ordered a lot of soup. Some of the soup had sugar added to it without my knowledge, so I had some unnecessary acne because of this. I still have a big pimple that I can do nothing about but wait. So I feel a bit unhappy. Why do Americans need to be so fat to add sugar into a vegetable soup?


    When I was sick I did not paint or do any creative writing, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I was so tired, I just wanted to consume and be distracted. I had the heat turned up to 85F. I drank a lot of tea though which was nice.


    I also found a new song I like:



  5. My face is almost back to normal, I'm starting to look really good again!! My careful attention to my diet and proper care is finally paying off.


    I realized I hadn't done much on Saturday night or Sunday morning. I blame the fact that my building had the heat turned up a lot so my brain got way too cozy.

    So I opened the windows to let in some cold, 35'F motivation to move my ass!

    Afterwards I went to a yoga class at a yoga studio in my neighborhood I've been wanting to go to for a while. It ended up being very lovely, the class was the perfect pace for me and exceeded my expectations. I feel really good now.

    Then I remembered that I promised I'd be more gentle with myself. So instead of cooking a full dinner, I made a reservation for 1 person at a sushi restaurant I've been wanting to go to with boyfriend but we never got around to it. It's a late reservation, but I'm going to go and enjoy!


    I feel like I just ended the weekend on a very good note, and I'm happy. I feel very taken care of, I did a good job. ^_^


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  6. My acne seems to be beginning to clear up, so my confidence and happiness levels are much better. 

    @Brad_Hurst is motivating me to do yoga much more frequently. He is so fit, doing heavy cardio exercises so often. I don’t think I have the energy for that, at least not yet, but I should be able to do my favorite exercise more frequently if he is able to do that. I used to be in much better shape, and I want to exceed my past highs.


    I’m having tea now, then I will do yoga and make dinner.


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  7. This morning I had a maid come and clean my apartment. I gave her a list of specific things to do; the chores I hate doing the most. I was so happy when I came home after work!

    I asked to receive a gift certificate to a maid service for my birthday, which is how I paid for it. :P

    I pretty much finished a big project at work.

    I cooked pasta for the first time in my life today! It was okay.

    I also did this good yoga workout. It was the perfect difficulty level for me, I will be doing it again in the future since it did some stretches I need help on.

    It was a pretty good day considering it was a weekday. ^_^


  8. I had another healing day today. I drew for 5 hours after work yesterday, drank a tea in a great clay teapot, had a great vegan dinner at ABCv, and gave myself a facial.

    Perhaps focusing on consistently healing myself is another way I can be like a holy priest in real life. Trying to debuff the consistently recurring poisons of daily life, until I become such a high level that it’s not an issue. I just have to regulate myself to make sure this mindset doesn’t lead me towards going full shadow priest instead.

  9. I almost always eat a piece of fruit after dinner, and recently I started putting small pieces of fruit in some of the things I cook for dinner and I noticed I didn't really have a craving for something sweet afterwards.

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  10. 13 hours ago, simmsjt said:

    11/30/17 The hardest part is the loneliness. I find the cravings are only really bad when im home alone. I don't have any friend outside of school so weekends and evenings are hard to stay on track.

    Try to find a meetup.com group based on an activity you might like. 

  11. It started with a podcast Cam stickied about drugs. I listened to part of it, and pretty quickly closed it after I judged it as something that didn’t have much relevance to me since I already went through a pretty heavy stage of drug usage in my late teens and got most of what I think I could get out of those substances. Drug usage is not something I look favorably on, but this is mostly because I think I’m past that stage and don’t think drugs should be a regular part of someone’s mature life but are ok as a growing tool and can be especially helpful when transitioning to adulthood. But something about the podcast triggered me when there was a comment about marijuana usage.


    In mid-September, I was feeling kind of unhappy. I felt bored, I was tired of “being good,” I was lonely because my boyfriend was on a lot of business trips. This is stupid but the turning point for me was needing to do the chore of lacing the new shoes I bought. I really didn’t want to do it. It’s boring, it’s stupid, and it was going to take a lot of time to do properly the way I would want so I had been putting it off because I didn’t want to do it. I still haven’t done it properly. So on my way one night to the park to work out, with these thoughts in my head, I decided to turn back around and go home and order some weed. I turned on the computer, downloaded League and World of Warcraft and essentially conked out for 2 months. After noticing my gums had receded a bit and tired of looking like shit and having bad sleeping habits and feeling cold all the time because of the hormonal imbalances that were accumulating, I decided to stop. I went through a mild physical detox, and I kept playing videogames through to keep myself comfortable and occupied, but of course once I was sober they weren’t interesting. Games + weed are a great combo and when I previously relapsed earlier this year, it was a similar situation. I’ve since stopped playing both games and they faded out of my life quite easily because I didn’t really have a desire to play them.


    To be perfectly honest, I have a history of marijuana usage problems. If I have it, I need to use it until it’s gone, and as quickly as possible. I just want it “out of my life.” But then a few days later, I often find myself deciding it wasn’t a big deal and then order it again… and the cycle repeats for a time. It has its benefits though, especially when I first come back to it. I become very introspective and think a lot. Thoughts that have been floating in my subconscious bubble up to the surface, and I often make improvements in my life as a result. This time, my relationship with my boyfriend improved as well, and I made some good decisions that I had been holding off on doing. But overall I view the experience as a net negative. Because of my lack of control, the positive aspects that could come out of it devolve into a negative. I simply like to use it too much, and because it’s not a healthy substance (unlike tea for example), it becomes a problem in multiple ways.


    During the 2 months I was in this mindset, I didn’t exercise the entire time. I didn’t do a good job at work. I started to cancel some plans I had previously made with friends. I went back to square zero in some ways, but nothing permanent or damaging. Just a setback. I’ve been starting to heal and go back to normal. I’ve begun working out a bit more heavily than I did earlier in the month. My skin still really looks like shit and I had really bad breakouts the past few weeks, but it’s starting to get better. How I look really, REALLY affects how I feel about myself. I don’t feel good about myself right now. I think I will become whole and back to normal in another 2-3 weeks. It feels like the time the drug took away from me now still needs to be paid out in full in order to get my life back to the way it was.


    It’s clearer than ever before that this journal isn’t really a game quitting journal, it’s more like “a journey to find things I like enough that can distract me from doing bad things that waste my time or harm my health.” Overall, I feel like I was reminded of something I had forgotten, my attitude towards marijuana and video games are the same because they are fairly interlinked: do your best to completely abstain, until you can no longer take it and give in, after which your goal should be to get on track as quickly as possible and remember to treat yourself gently throughout the process because if these are your greatest vices then you’re already in a great place.

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  12. 32 minutes ago, Hitaru said:

    The other day my partner in crime showed me an animated TV show about three bears who did stuff like... updating their social media? It was cute tho, given your love for bears maybe you know about it? :D

    No, I've never even heard about it actually. I'll check it out if you find out the name :P

  13. What are ways that I can be like a priest class video game character but in real life? They have nothing to do with religion.



    wear white and be surrounded by natural light

    eat clean and healthy plant based foods


    don't flake out on your friends and try to meet with them regularly

    Read books

    Keep a sketchbook - hand drawings and carefully written things - putting time into this craft (inscription)

    gardening (herbalism)

    gong fu tea ceremonies (alchemy/potions)

    yoga (mediation/prayer)

    listen to classical music

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  14. Alright Day 3 -

    To be honest not much happened today.

    I woke up and attended my Strength and Conditioning class in the morning. It's good fun as usual working out with the guys whilst having casual chats.
    Once I got home I did 15 minutes of meditation, day 20 of my headspace journey. But god dammit I kept drifting off and thinking about random shit lol.

    I set myself 2 hours to look more into Amazon FBA, I'm just currently trying to get a good understanding of how it all works whilst I save up money to buy the course so that I can actually start. But looking at all the success stories surrounding it, it's definitely very inspiring.

    I also managed to find an improv class to join, the only problem is it's a 10 week course that runs on thursdays which clashes with my Boxing sparring :(
    So i'm planning to head along for the first class and see what I think, it's just annoying because I really enjoy my boxing too!

    Now my daily challenge of trying to meet 2 new people and get their names.
    Unfortunately I failed the challenge today, I set myself an hour to go out and do it. But I feel like I left it too late in the day and went to the wrong environment.
    Basically what happened was, before I went out I kept telling myself that this is not me and in the back of my head I knew that even though I was going out to try to talk to some people, I wasn't going to do it...

    So I went to my local town, it was getting dark, the weather quite miserable and pretty much all of the shops were closing. So the only place I could go was the pub.
    Now i've never been a big fan of pubs as they tend to always be filled by drunk old men. At least where I live this is the case.
    I went in anyways and guess what, it was filled with old drunk men. At the back of the pub there is a dining area, but I could just see everyone with their friends and family enjoying each others company. I told myself, there is NO WAY I can just approach these people... So I went straight up to the toilet to escape the environment, I just couldn't do it today.
    Once I exited the toilet I walked straight back out of the pub, back to my car and went home.

    Once I got home I started looking at some videos on approach anxiety and what to say. So I think i've learned some new concepts and ideas that should hopefully help me in the future.

    I think part of the problem today is that my goal isn't to just talk to random old men in a pub. To be honest when I see these guys in pubs the thoughts that run through my head are, "Man is this what you do with your life every weekend? That fucking sucks"
    I understand that if I want to get good at socialising in general then I should be able to do it with anyone, but that kind of environment really uninspires me. To be honest I think the town I live in sucks and everyone is just going through the rat race, getting pissed on the weekends and living paycheck to paycheck. And I really do not want to live my life like that, so I really do not want to associate myself with these people. Which is making this challenge extremely hard for me, because 99% of the people around me are like that.

    I just wanna move out to Australia or some shit like that where people are loving their life and not drinking beer to drink their problems away...

    So yeah, I failed my challenge. Instead I just watched a film with my sister. And oh man of course there is a love story in there, and whenever I see this stuff it's like I do enjoy watching it but then I feel horrible because I haven't experienced love in my life :/

    Gah what a negative post today.

    I really need to find myself some environments where the people surrounding me are actually inspiring and seem cool to talk to. (Like YOU GUYS :D Unfortunately we don't speak face to face. But if we did it would be AWESOME)

    Oh yeah, a final thing - I was listening to a podcast on porn addiction and all that shit. Now i'm not actually too bad anymore but like from the age of 14 I have always watched it and it's definitely reprogrammed my brain in a bad way. So i'm 100% committing to a 90 day detox. As well as a 90 day gaming detox. Now the real challenge is tommorow (Sunday).
    For the past 3-4 weeks, Sunday is the only day where I relapse and start playing some Battlegrounds because I get bored and I have nothing to do on Sundays. And what tends to always happen from my bad habits in the past, once i've played video games guess what I load up next...

    SO, I uninstalled my steam account which should certainly put a barrier between me just loading up a game because i'm bored.

    Now I just need to find something to do on my Sundays...
    I might go for a swim, definitely gonna watch the F1 highlights and try read some more of my book. OH and I need to go speak to some new people!

    Hey I really appreciate you guys reading through my journal, I kind of just splurge it all onto the page before I head off to bed so I apologize if it's all a big mess xD

    - Brad


    Australia has a huge drinking problem 

  15. I'm doing a good job spending money this month, lol. But I'm improving my life in some places that have been lagging behind so I am happy.


    These are the sneakers I decided to buy. It took me about 5 hours of research and work to settle on these (perfectionist...). I'm still researching how I'm going to lace them (probably bar lacing?).


    I've also been working on applying a lot of the techniques and skills I've been researching for both writing and painting. I'm cutting down on my color palette and I think I'll buy different colors in the future to get a basic color scheme that reflects more of my personality instead of just buying off a list of what paints someone recommended for beginners. I've also taken the plunge today and finally started handwriting my first draft of my writing. I've been procrastinating it for about 9 months... -_- I'm just going to try to enjoy the process and not have a specific goal in mind like "I'm going to write a novel so that I can sell it and have extra income." I think that kind of goal made me not succeed in getting a finished product and made me write in a slightly different way. It's interesting because each time I pick up writing, I add another layer onto the same plot I've been trying to push out of my system but have never been able to fully complete. Let's see if my fantasy story finally comes to life this time!


    You can see how much I love my avatar. It is on my pen, on my home screen, I have a piggy bank of it, it is so cute.


    I told my boyfriend I was feeling lonely because we haven't had many meaningful experiences together for a few months because he has been traveling a lot for work. It made me feel better to say it aloud, because a small voice in my head was saying it for the past month and it was making me sadder and sadder. Thus I get to award myself a point.

    Shining Heart Goals:

    Initiate conversations with 10 people I haven't spoken to. Progress: 4/10

    Be open with 10 people about things I would normally be embarrassed or self conscious about. Progress: 4/10

  16. Honesty time:


    With my present mindset, I will relapse once Maplestory 2 is released in North America. The game will likely release in early 2019. It might be a short relapse, or it might be a long one. It depends on how fun the game is.

    It's true that I don't really care about any other games at this point. I don't feel the need to play them to fill my free time. But Maplestory 2 is different, perhaps I won't be playing it "just to fill time."

    It's a sequel to a game I loved and that I grew up with. It was also the highlight of my teenage years that helped me escape from an otherwise psychologically traumatic home situation, and a way to hang out with friends after school on days we didn't hang out in person.

    Why would I relapse? Well, because I want to play. ¬¬

    I haven't disassociated myself from wanting to play this game. It also might only happen once I actually play it and I see the reality of how playing the game actually is.


    I need more self discipline and set my priorities.

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