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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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  1. DAY 18, 19, 20, 21 Physical task: - Projects: To get IT certificate(passing on 15.10.2021) - Continuously learning and it is looking good. So far so good. To start classes for getting CAE certificate - To be taking classes Getting back to learing IT Security staff Miscellaneous accomplishments: - Summary of Day 18, 18, 20, 21 3 weeks of not-gaming passed quickly. Today I had a desire to play, but only because my colleague was saying news and his excitement about the new Battlefield 2042, which will be released in November this year. I thought what a nice present it would be for me. But then I realized that I am not like normal dude who just that sits and plays. I would play constantly for hours, forgetting about the whole world. So I felt very sad for a moment, but then OI occupied myself with something else, and the craving just gone. It doesn’t change the fact that I feel awful most of the time, and I sense that I’m lonely with my commitment, I feel boredom too. As much I am keen to do other staff(like learning more, etc…), I don’t feel like I have any entertainment in my life. Quit gaming on September 17th, 2021 Quit alcohol on June 16th 2021
  2. DAY 15, 16, 17 Physical task: - Projects: To get IT certificate(passing on 15.10.2021) - Continuously learning and it is looking good. So far so good. To start classes for getting CAE certificate - To be preparing in October Getting back to learing IT Security staff Miscellaneous accomplishments: - Summary of Day 15, 16, 17 I did not write anything as I was busy almost all the time, and was away the entire time from keyboard. I am doing well, almost forgot that was addicted from gaming. I think I had a good interview on Friday, however it wasn't the last stage. I will have known more details in following week. I think the reason for that is, that there are many candidates competing for the position and they want to choose the correct one. Quit gaming on September 17th, 2021 Quit alcohol on June 16th 2021
  3. DAY 13 and 14 Physical task: I did some push-ups and crunches during that 3 daystime Projects: To get IT certificate(passing on 15.10.2021) - Continuously learning and it is looking good. So far so good. To start classes for getting CAE certificate - To be preparing in October Getting back to learing IT Security staff Miscellaneous accomplishments: - Summary of Day 13 and 14 2 weeks of abstinence from playing passed. Time is running fast. It was difficult time and still is, but today was the first day where I didn't even think of playing. I am going to thy gym tomorrow after 2 months of doing push-ups and crunches, I think that physically I am well prepared. I studied al lot today and just finished my work. Also tomorrow is the big day, as I had my last stage of job interview - and the role is what I am dreaming of from months. The security It specialist. Keep fingers crossed for me. 🙂 Thanks Quit gaming on September 17th, 2021 Quit alcohol on June 16th 2021
  4. Hi Jason. That's a most important part( forgiveness). What you mentioned in a first post, got me thinking, that without there won't be any success. We must forgive ourselves and keep going forward. That's all we have left, the future. Take care and remember, no matter what, the fact that you had realised you weaknesses makes you a winner already.
  5. I love them too. You can learn a lot from them. And there are so many topics brought up 🙂 Takce care man.
  6. DAY 10, 11, 12 Physical task: I did some push-ups and crunches during that 3 daystime Projects: To get IT certificate(passing on 15.10.2021) - Continuously learning and it is looking good. So far so good. To start classes for getting CAE certificate - To be preparing in October Getting back to learing IT Security staff Miscellaneous accomplishments: - Today I have managed to fully exploit all day, without wasting any single moment. Summary of Day 10, 11, 12 I did not post on last few days as I had cravings and really bad time. I had them so badly, that I started playing other game(F1 rFactor) which I used to play like 9 years ago. I stopped it immediately as this was my problem too. Back then I had been preparing to high school diploma, and I almost failed bc of that game(f1). Yesterday I thought it through and cam up with an idea to distract myself with something useful to do. I decided to add another task on my Project list - to get back to security training(participating at my work place via training platform) So that’s all from those 3 tough days. Eventually I am good, still don't want to get back to play BF3 May the force be with you Quit gaming on September 17th, 2021 Quit alcohol on June 16th 2021
  7. DAY 9 Physical task: I did some push-ups and crunches. Projects: 1. To get IT certificate(passing on 15.10.2021) - Continuously learning 2. To start classes for getting CAE certificate - To be preparing in October Miscellaneous accomplishments: - none Summary of Day 9 It was good day with some cravings and doubts of all of this...but eventually I did not play May the force be with you Quit gaming on September 17th, 2021 Quit alcohol on June 16th 2021
  8. Hi Gundham, Happy birthday! 😉 I'm glad that I could help with an app for workouts. Take care man. You've got this!
  9. DAY 7 & 8 Physical task: I did some push-ups and crunches. Projects: 1. To get IT certificate(passing postponed) - Continuously learning 2. To start classes for getting CAE certificate - To be preparing in October Miscellaneous accomplishments: - none Summary of Day 7 and 8: Those were tough 2 days. Yesterday was a day full of cravings - but I managed to be persistent Today I learned that I am insufficient in knowledge to take the exam on the end of September. It occurred to me today, when I was viewing some samples of questions from previous exams. There are more than 2k questions, where I knew only a 300 of them. It depressed me a little. I came up with a plan though. I had to postpone the exam a little bit May the force be with you Quit gaming on September 17th, 2021 Quit alcohol on June 16th 2021
  10. Hello Gundham, One question reg. this: - The Philosophy book I am reading now (Four loves) is a recommended read for y'all. What is the author?, I cannot find it. Furthermore, I like you being so devoted to not gaming. Take care and keep it rolling
  11. Hello Gundham 😉 Regarding template- I actually borrowed it myself from here: templates When it comes to workouts. I actually have some background in exercising on gym but I recommend you the app (available on android) - GymRun. You can find plenty of exercises there. I am doing it since more than 2 months, and it requires some motivation, but once you keep regularity it become more natural. Also the goal is(at least for me) to make it as daily /weekly routine, a habit let's say. The moment that it will happen, you don't need any motivation at all, as workouts become part of your life. Good luck bro.
  12. DAY 6 Physical task: I did some push-ups and crunches. Projects: 1. To get IT certificate(passing on 30.09) - Continuously learning 2. To start classes for getting CAE certificate - To be preparing in October Miscellaneous accomplishments: - I started planning in detail the next day. It is working. I am having much more time now. Summary of Day 6: I felt so free today. I did realise how I was stacked with my life when playing, never had enough time for staff I planned to do, my daily-routine was never finished too. I was in shock a little bit when it occurred to me how many time I do have now. It is great feeling when you did all your activates and still have enough time to do even more, and furthermore you have a power to do that . May the force be with you Quit gaming on September 17th, 2021 Quit alcohol on June 16th 2021
  13. DAY 5 Physical task: No physical activity made today Projects: 1. To get IT certificate(passing on 30.09) - Continuously learning 2. To start classes for getting CAE certificate - To be preparing in October Summary of Day 5: I wake up afternoon as I had night shift. It was very lazy day without any significant initiative May the force be with you Quit gaming on September 17th, 2021 Quit alcohol on June 16th 2021
  14. I decided to follow a template, so my journal will get some consistency DAY 4 Physical task: I did some push-ups and crunches. Actually I am doing those since July. The goal is to continue home - exercising in order to create a habit. Projects: 1. To get IT certificate(passing on 30.09) 2. To start classes for getting CAE certificate Miscellaneous accomplishments: ~ Didn't think of playing for almost all day ~ Get learned some IT stuff ~ Helped a colleague from work to get promotion Summary of Day 4: It was a good day, full of some activities that kept me distracted. I was glad that my contribution in my colleague's career matters as probably soon she will be promoted. Also I had a good talk with my wife. What I am grateful for today: ~ That in spite of cravings I was able to distract myself and simultaneously doing something useful and productive. ~ That I have beloved wife that supports me ~ That I can share my thoughts - it really helps May the force be with you Quit gaming on September 17th, 2021 Quit alcohol on June 16th 2021
  15. Day 3 Day gone, but I had cravings all day long I managed to keep myself busy and engaged with some activities. May the force be with you.
  16. I like read your posts. I see them insightful. This one for example comprehended me when yesterday I played some chess online, that during the game I felt like I am in a competition and I was nervous and an anxious once I lost some games. It was the same feeling I had when playing Battlefield 3. Once that happened I wanted to play even more to get even with the opponents. Same happened in chases plays yesterday. It started me worrying as probably I won’t be able to play any games in the future with non-competitive attitude Take care m8.
  17. Hello Thanks. Just wanted to add that I wasn't addicted from alcohol luckily ;). And I realised that alcohol does not nothing for me but stopping me.
  18. reader


    I envy you. You are very enduring, based on your previous posts. I am on the beginning of the detox. Good luck
  19. Good luck with everything. Each day of not playing is a won day. Take care
  20. Quit gaming on September 17th, 2021 Quit alcohol on June 16th 2021
  21. Day 2. I felt craving from time to time. I was engaged in some other activities like chess, learing some IT stuff, reading some news. It was good day without playing. May the force be with you.
  22. Hello Me and anyone who will be reading this content. In order to keep things in line I've decided to post from time to time my thoughts and struggles regarding quitting gaming. A quick introduction to my addiction is here First day of not playing: 17/09/2021 Yesterday night I have deleted all the games I had on Origin and Steam account. My main addiction is playing Battlefield 3 multiplayer. Also I have requested in EA to delete permanently my account on Origin. I am meditating since 2 month - I will be going to continue this activity. I am focus now on passing a certificate which allows me to be perhaps promoted sooner, or to find a better job in future.
  23. Hello All, I had been playing BF3 since 2011 the date the game was released. Since then, I am constantly playing. I was. As I decided to quit gaming forever. Imagine that I was playing first on PS3 - I had 1100 hours of play. Then after 2 years I switched to PC. On BF3 on PC I have more than 1800 h played. It is a lot. I know. For many years I was trying to quit gaming, but unfortunately without any success. I am tired of this. I know for sure that I am addicted. I feel craving all the time, and each time I allow myself to play- I am telling myself that will be playing only one round maybe two - just convincing myself that I control this. After 4, (sometimes more, even 8 -10 h) I got to realize that I broke my resolution. It is causing a very bad feeling, I am very anxious, and game itself makes me more nervous. All taht is caused bc of playing. I have a good life though, I have a wife, own apartment, a car. But I feel like this game addictions stops me, dragging me down. I feel unaccomplished as I know I could do so much better in many areas. That’s all from me. Please keep the fingers crossed
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