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Posts posted by Piotr
Czekam z niecierpliwością!
Hej! Miło Cie znowu widzieć!
Dobrze wiem jak nowe miejsce zamieszkania może wprowadzić pustkę w życie człowieka. Tak jak napisałeś, czasem jest to konieczność ze względu na ważniejsze sprawy. Ja natomiast poradziłbym Ci jedno: nigdy nie zamykaj się na ludzi. Utrzymuj kontakt z kumplami z Polski i jednocześnie staraj się poznać kogoś w stanach. Szkoda marnować życie na graniu w gry komputerowe.
Jak się udał wyjazd na snowboard?
Wpis #2
361 dni temu, zdecydowałem się zerwać z moim nałogiem gier komputerowych
170 dni minęło od mojego ostatniego nawrotuOstatnie zakuwanie do sesji strasznie wybiło mnie z rytmu(nareszcie nie jest to wina gier). Potrzebuję dobrego planowania by odpowiednio zorganizować sobie czas.
Naszły mnie dziś myśli, że na moim etapie, mogę już grać i potrafie pogodzić to z codziennymi obowiązkami. Dobrze wiem, że to tylko swego rodzaju pokusa, którą odgoniłem prostą myślą - nawet jeśli mógłbym grać tak, żeby gry nie miały na mnie negatywnego wpływu to i tak mogę lepiej wykorzystać ten czas, niż ślęczeć przed komputerem.W ciągu ostatnich dwóch tygodni udało mi się osiągnąć mały sukces, mianowicie udało mi się odstawić kawę, której ostatnio nadużywałem. Nie pomyślałbym nawet, że przyjdzie mi to tak łatwo. Widocznie moja silna wola jest o wiele silniejsza niż mi się wydaje.
Journal entry #79
Days game free: 170
Days procrastination free: 0Lastly hard-studying, got me a little off track(finally it's not games fault). I need good plans, to schedule my time. Cravings came here today, disguised as: I-can-try-gaming-in-moderation. But I've outfought them with simple thought, that still, there are better things to do than gaming.
Last two weeks brought me a good thing - I've managed to limit coffee. I've never thought that I would, but it seems that my willpower is much stronger now.
Thank you @hycniejsy, @fil, @Cam Adair. I'm so happy that I've made it.
Thank you @Schwing for your concern. My disappearance was a combination of duties and unfortunately, procrastination, which held me back since last three days. I've binge-watched tv series in my free time, but I've shook myself up and I'm going for better life - filled with taking action and productivity. Changing one addiction for another is not an option for me.
Daily activities check for yesterday:
glass of water in the morning/evening - done
affirmation - failed
non-dominant hand training - failed
reading - done
30 minutes of programming - failedWhat I've done yesterday to improve my financial status:
I've talked with one of my colleagues, who has a side job, if he can hook me in, too. He said that not right now, but in summer, they have a ton of work, so they need a few more people. This can be a good shot in the future. -
Pierwsze co mi przyszło na myśl gdy zobaczyłem, że trzecim obcojęzycznym dziennikiem wciąż będzie polski, to typowe youtubowe "Polska przejmuje ten filmik!!!111oneoneone". To miło że można mieć na tym forum swój ojczysty kącik.
Mimo, iż potrafie już żyć bez gier a ewentualna chęć zagrania jest bardzo słaba i łatwa do odparcia, wciąż czuję, że nie osiągnąłem tego drugiego celu dla którego istnieje to forum - by żyć lepszym życiem. Mimo, iż wiele poczyniłem w tym kierunku, jeszcze wiele muszę zrobić a po drodze na pewno wyjdzie jeszcze więcej trudności.
Cieszy mnie możliwość przynależności do takiej społeczności, mam nadzieje odnaleźć tu sens tak jak i inni.
Journal entry #78
Days game free: 157
Days procrastination free: 22I have passed all of this semester finals! Two exams I've past at final approach, it was so close to failure but I've made it! Next weekend I'm starting new semester.
This weekend Saturday I've spent on repairing my car, because brake pads were worn out, I've changed them immediately, along with adjustments to brakes. I think that we all agree that this part of the car, shouldn't be neglected.
After my car was good-to-go, I've drove with my girlfriend, to my flat. We've finally spend some more time together, cause lastly our duties somehow made it difficult for us to meet. Rest of the weekend along with today's morning was ours. This always amazes me, how simple hug makes day so much happier, calmer and brighter.
This evening I've allowed myself for much more rest than usually, as a reward for dealing with exams and few more difficulties.
Daily activities check for today:
glass of water in the morning/evening - done
affirmation - failed
non-dominant hand training - failed
reading - done
30 minutes of programming - failedWhat I've done today to improve my financial status:
I've checked my bank account history and noted expanses which were unnecessary, to be more aware in the future. -
Jeśli widzisz że coś działa destrukcyjnie jak gry, narkotyki, niezdrowa żywność itd. To masz już największy pokaz tego, że powinieneś to rzucić, przez własne doświadczenie. Nie zastanawiaj się nad tym za dużo, po prostu tego nie rób, przejdź do innej czynności. Zajmij swój umysł czymś pozytywnym i najważniejsze: NIE poddawaj się!!!
Journal entry #77
Days game free: 150
Days procrastination free: 15Passed two exams, two more left. I'm feeling empty/disappointed/furious, I don't even know how to express this. It all comes from those two exams, which I've failed twice and this week I have last correction exams. I've really studied with dedication, I even kinda became a studying-nolife, cause I've really focused on studying. But I've still failed this exams. I've sacrificed so much and still got nothing from it. I hope that this time I will pass them.
Why whenever I try to develop something better in me, it all becomes shit. Sometimes I've thought that I should play games and stop throwing myself into situations which are uncertain, but real. I feel like I'm loosing the point.Daily activities check for today:
glass of water in the morning/evening - done
affirmation - failed
non-dominant hand training - failed
reading - done
30 minutes of programming - failedWhat I've done today to improve my financial status:
Nothing to note. -
You were a big part of this community and your presence strengthen us. Thank you for that!
Good luck on your journey, surely you will build something beautiful, so remember to share about it. Just drop a line one day.
Journal entry #76
Days game free: 138
Days procrastination free: 4Pardon me, for being inactive, but I've build a momentum for studying and didn't wanted to break that. I've already passed one of this semester finals; only three more exams to go. That's why I will still be a little less active.
Daily activities check for today:
glass of water in the morning/evening - done
affirmation - done
non-dominant hand training - failed
reading - done
30 minutes of programming - failedWhat I've done today to improve my financial status:
I've risen my backup fund. Unfortunately, my car needs some maintenance, so although adding to it, I will have to take from it.
Positive thing: OK, I have to take from my backup fund, but this doesn't makes me sad. I would even say that this protects me from feeling anxious because I don't have to worry about where to get funds in this unexpected expenditure. -
Woow!Stress got the better of me and I just relapsed...I was just really bored and went ahead and downloaded a small game on my PC...where was my head....I will try the detox again...but only after my exams and when I feel more prepared...I fked up now...
Don't give up. It's just a little lesson, not a failure. We have your back so don't hesitate to share your difficulties with us. Just be strong and keep going.
Greetings, Piotr.
Journal entry #75
Days game free: 124
Days procrastination free: 14New ability acquired: adaptive planning; No post for yesterday, I've decided to change few of my tasks for studying. I had planned 2x50min of studying(which I've completed), but I've realized I'm a little behind thus studied for three next hours.
Daily activities check for today:
glass of water in the morning/evening - done
affirmation - done
non-dominant hand training - failed
reading - done
30 minutes of programming - doneWhat I've done today to improve my financial status:
Checked a few apps for making money by watching ads, making surveys, completing certain tasks. Unfortunately, they are a scam or require few months effort, for just few dollars. Time spent to pay ratio, shows that this is completely unprofitable. -
About that youtube suggestion: whenever you have gaming videos on main page, just click that X in right upper corner of videos block(if you hover over it, it should be labeled as: "I'm not interested in it" or something like that). In three days I had no gaming video suggestion. Or, if you don't need an account, then logout and disable cookies for youtube than it shouldn't save your watching. Hope, I've helped.
Hey @SmokeZ, good to have you here!
When I've started my detox, having a plan for next day really helped me to get things done. Also it was helping me to get games out of my head. Do you have any plans for next day/week/year?
Hey thousand days accountability! That feeling of getting things done, is really motivating. Remember that feeling, because it will surely become handy. I really like "building momentum" technique, are you familiar with it? Just remember to balance your working time with relax time and you will achieve even more results!
Greetings, Piotr.
Polski dziennik to bardzo dobry pomysł, sprawia że czuję się tu bardziej "swojsko".
To co mi pomogło na początku detoksu to napisanie wizji jak chciałbym żeby wyglądało moje życie. Następnie napisałem co powinien robić by stało się to rzeczywistością i tego się trzymałem. Np. jestem genetycznie chudy, w mojej wizji widzę się jako dobrze zbudowanego więc zadbałem o swoją diete i przez ostatnie pół roku przytyłem 10 kilo. Staram się regularnie ćwiczyć, uwidoczniły się moje mięsnie. Chce być wykształcony więc i zacząłem się lepiej uczyć. itd.
Zauważyłem, iż każdy swoją decyzje o przerwaniu nałogowego grania, zaczyna od zawiedzenia innych. To czego ja najbardziej się wstydzę, to oszukiwanie swojej dziewczyny że źle się czuję, lub że muszę zostać w pracy, tylko po to by dobić expa. Żałosne, lecz to doprowadziło do lepszego człowieka którym jestem dziś i z dnia na dzień staram się być jeszcze lepszy.
Nie można zmienić przeszłości, lecz pamiętaj, że to TY decydujesz do czego ta przeszłość doprowadzi. Więc nie poddawaj się i pamiętaj, że masz u nas wsparcie.Skoro pracujesz w IT, może dobrym pomysłem by było zapoznanie się z tematem freelancingu. Dzięki temu możesz zyskać zabezpieczenie w razie utraty pracy.
Pozdrawiam, Piotr.
Journal entry #77
Days game free: 122
Days procrastination free: 12Studying soak me in today. I feel this drive for learning again and I'm grateful for that feeling. I didn't even made much breaks during the day, just done all of the activities planned for today.
Daily activities check for today:
glass of water in the morning/evening - done
affirmation - done
non-dominant hand training - done
reading - done
30 minutes of programming - doneWhat I've done today to improve my financial status:
I've asked my boss for a reward for additional work I'm doing at my job. He changed subject, so he rather disliked the idea, but it was clearly seen that this made him see my efforts. Although failed, it was great experience which improved my contact with my supervisor. -
Journal entry #76
Days game free: 121
Days procrastination free: 11Great accountability talk with @hycniejsy!
Daily activities check for today:
glass of water in the morning/evening - done
affirmation - done
non-dominant hand training - done
reading - done
30 minutes of programming - failedWhat I've done today to improve my financial status:
Cut my expenses on weekly groceries. -
I have a "connect the dots" type book. One picture have around 350 and I'm doing two of them. Then I write short text usually part of affirmation, a note from book or anything that comes in my mind. I'm also trying to do everyday activities with non dominant hand like brushing my teeth, washing the dishes etc. I hope you get the point @Reno F
Journal entry #75
Days game free: 120
Days procrastination free: 10I have a little mood swing today. Until the midday I felt euphoric, then I've felt normal and in the evening a feeling of depression and anxiety came in; along with cravings. Need for playing is like an itching. Seriously? Will this craving shit ever go away?
Daily activities check for today:
glass of water in the morning/evening - done
affirmation - done
non-dominant hand training - done
reading - done
30 minutes of programming - failedWhat I've done today to improve my financial status:
Nothing to note. -
I didn't trained website programming today, but had 3 hours of classes on programming. Thus I consider my daily task done, because I was working on my programming skills.
30 minutes of programming - doneHey, you nailed it man! 6x times done, so you're overkilling your task couple of times!
I have something similar with labs/seminars on pharmacy. From one point I could assume that I haven't spent any time on studying this day, but what If I had 7 hours of organic chemistry labs this day and was working on it 100%? That's fuckin' overkilling my own task
So, be proud of yourself, sometimes college can help in finishing our tasks.
I noted it, because somehow I feel that this is a little "cheated", due to the fact, that this was my classes and not my will. Nevertheless, this still expands my mental capabilities.
Journal entry #74
Days game free: 119
Days procrastination free: 9I'm not summing up yesterday, cause the whole day I was at work then went back home and spend some time with my gf.
I didn't trained website programming today, but had 3 hours of classes on programming. Thus I consider my daily task done, because I was working on my programming skills.Daily activities check for today:
glass of water in the morning/evening - done
affirmation - done
non-dominant hand training - failed
reading - done
30 minutes of programming - doneWhat I've done today to improve my financial status:
Today, I came in with an idea for an app/website which I can't find online. Did I came with an idea of something completely new? This needs further investigation. -
Weekly experiments Ep.2
Welcome. I am glad that I have you are reading this because this could change your life to the better. Today I will talk about my experiences with an handwritten journal.
I personally never thought that I was a person who would enjoy or get anything out of a daily Journal. For me this was something teenage girls did to write about their tragic love into a handsome sportsteam caption. You amy ask yourself if you read my Journal on this site: Why the hell did you write then for the last 8monts almost everyday in a online Journal?
The answer reads as following: I found Cam and Gamequitters and the members of this forum told me storys how this "journalling-thing" has been the most important part of their detox. At this point I was pretty dissapointed in my own abilities to judge things because I wasted so much time on gaming and was never able to stop even if I tried as hard as possible. So I said: "Fuck it!" and just started my journal without considering privacy problems or anything. I just started it. And this decision to "fuck it" was a wise one. I learned a lot about myself reflecting and challenging myself at this journal. But with time and after some discourses wiht my wife I got my doubts about spending so much time on a basically public place and to bear my heart out. That wass when I started to think about a private journal. Almost two weeks ago I bought an empty one and started this experiment.
Tools that I currently use on a daily base:
Workflowy, kanbanflow, headspace, gamequitters, my laptop, a handwritten journal.
What are the things I am experimenting with last week?,, intermittent fasting, handwritten journal. ,
Tool of the week: Handwritten journal
I use a lined DINA5 Journal and write one page per day. On top there is the the actual date because I want to be able to look at it later and learn from my past experiences. On the bottom of the site I always put the time I finish in. I journal every day before I meditate which I do before my workday starts. I write freely over topics which are in my mind right now. It ranges from productivity over personal problems and strong feelings or I just write what I did the day before. The beauty at this that I don't have to consider a potential read or of beeing to vulnerable becasue noone except me will read this! And I still feel like I am processing my experiences and emotions in a helpful was. Sometimes I don't know what I feel before I talk about it and talking wiht a journal is a great way to clarify your mind. I like the limit of on page per day because this is manable to do everyday. It also evades the possibility of loosing too much time while overthinking my life. And the last positive point I have is that it makes me more Independent from my Laptop and the Internet.
Last week I had sometimes Problems to be consistent with this ahbit but I barely managed tow rite every day but at very different times. This week I managed to do it every time through fixing it infront of my meditation habit. I can imagine that it could be hard to stick with it if you haven't build a General Habit of journaling. So my advice to you would be to start with an online journal here (while keeping privacy in mind) and after you amde this a daily Habit I would Switch on the self-relian Handwritten journal.
Result of the weekly experiment:
Handwritten journalingl is awesome and not just overly romantic teenage girls should do it! I definitely will continue.
Next week:
I will talk about daily meditation and why I choose this habit as my main priority
I try to keep things simple and just write down what I did and why I did it every week, whilst explaining one experiment every week. If the experiments are successful I'll integrate the tools/habits into my life. I do hope that this posts will inspire you to try out new things along with me and share your experiences. If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to post them here. I am happy to help if I can.
See you next week or on the journal and always remember: It is a Work in Progress.
Thank you for sharing this with us! Can't wait for the next week update!
[PL] Dziennik Piotra
in Non-English Language Journals
Wpis #3
377 dni temu, zdecydowałem się zerwać z moim nałogiem gier komputerowych
186 dni minęło od mojego ostatniego nawrotu
Zdaję się, że mam ogromny talent do marnowania/zabijania czasu. Skończyłem z grami a zaczęłem z oglądaniem seriali toż to jakaś masakra. W czasie detoksu wiele się nauczyłem, a mimo to popełniam tak infantylne błędy i łatwo wpadam w sidła które jedyne do czego prowadzą to siedzenie na dupie i nie robienie niczego co prowadziło by do jakiejś dobrej zmiany w mym życiu. Jak bym miał jakąś pętle w mej głowie w której się powtarza marnowanie czasu a zmienia tylko jego forma z gier na seriale.
Może już nieco nadużywam mówienia o hobby/pasji, lecz myślę, że to wszystko wynika właśnie z tego, że ciężko mi się ukierunkować na coś innego. Po prostu inne czynności albo są dla mnie zbyt dużym obciążeniem finansowym, albo już jest dla mnie za późno żeby się nimi zająć(np. sport - nikt nigdy mnie de facto nie nauczył grać w kosza, siatkę czy piłkę nożną, a że grałem strasznie słabo i byłem jedynie pośmiewiskiem na boisku to tym bardziej od tego uciekałem), albo mnie coś zwyczajnie nie interesuje.
I weź tu człowieku bądź mądry xd.
Idę dalej rozmyślać nad tym co zrobić ze swoim życiem...