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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Remigjus

  1.                                      DAY251

    If I'm writing here that means that another day has passed (sort of). Today was a normal day. Not really much to say. No special thoughts, feelings, sudden mind state swifts(the fuck's that?). There we go I wrote a paragraph.




    Daily affirmation
    Focus on my goals.

    Yes, reading A Song of Ice and Fire  A Feast of Crows.

    What went well today:
    Staying in a good mood

    What I will do differently tomorrow:
    No YT/Discord on my phone.

    Today I'm grateful for:

    • Snow
    • Good mood
    • Pancakes
    • Beautiful morning
  2.                                                                                 DAY247  !!!!I WROTE THIS YESTERDAY, but didn't finish it

    I wasn't planning to write today, not with the mind state that I had a few hours ago because I couldn't do anything productive. Had insane mood swings, couldn't stay focused. Sometimes (for example today) I feel like I'm being bombarded by negative thoughts and everything I'm doing is pointless. I want to fall flat on my face. It's like I've lost the spark for my passion and life.  Everything I do slips through my fingers. I thought my head is gonna explode so I just laid back on my couch for like 15mins so I could get a clear head. Afterwards, I meditated a bit ( downloaded this app called Headspace which is really cool), and I started to get back my clear mind state. Then I played some of my favorite music (old school HipHop) and as soon as I heard the sound of scratching my passion and love for music came back. I know this sounds weird, but fuck it, that's what happened :D 


    Rest, so no need.



    Daily affirmation
    Think positively

    Yes, reading A Song of Ice and Fire  A Feast of Crows

    What went well today:
    Mind state swifts

    What I will do differently tomorrow:
    Turn off Wifi on my phone, stop being a perfectionist, no PC.

    Today I'm grateful for:

    • Headspace
    • My Journal
    • You guys
    • Music


  3.                                                                         DAY245

    Today was a shitty day. I've failed to start off the day strongly and it felt like everything  slipped from underneath me. It's 8:00pm at the moment, and I have no fucking idea how did time melt so fast? It feels like I was hypnotized or some shit. I can't even remember how I was able to procrastinate for 9 FUCKING HOURS. All the time I was trying to get my momentum back but I ended up writing here . It's like a loop. It seems that I need to be more aware of what I'm doing in the moment.




    Daily affirmation
    Think positively

    Yes,  finished reading  The knight of the seven kingdoms.

    What went well today:

    What I will do differently tomorrow:
    Turn off Wifi on my phone, stop being a perfectionist, no PC.

    Today I'm grateful for:

    • Winning a rap battle.
    • Long weekend
  4.                                                                         DAY243

    Heyo folks! 

    Today was alright. While being in school, same thoughts like  "what am I doing here?" "I'm waisting my time here" started to kick in. You know the older I get the more it dawns  on me that  school doesn't prepare me for nothing but more school/studying wich in the long run leads to working a 9 to 5 for the rest of my life (sounds harsh).
    What pisses me off the most is that schools teach us to pass a test but to fail in the real world. They give us tons of stuff to learn by heart but not how to apply it in life.  After reading "Think and Grow Rich" and "Outwitting the Devil" and discovering that "Whatever a mind can conceive it can achieve" I thought: "Hey why don't we get to read these types of books in school?". Anyways, thanks for reading see yea next time





    Of course!


    Nope, and I'm ashamed of it.

    Daily affirmation
    Think positively

    Yes, just finished Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill.

    What went well today:

    What I will do differently tomorrow:
    Think positevily.

    Today I'm grateful for:

    • Positive mood
    • Awesome weather
    • HipHop scratch mixes
    • easy day at school
    • Getting stuff done easily


  5. So do you think gaming impact your ability to focus?

    YES, Yes and yes. When I quit gaming focusing was one of the most hardest things to do (besides trying not to procrastinate).It was living hell, I struggled so hard to keep my head clear from thoughts about games.The only thing I could do was to force myself  not to think about them. I started to notice improvements after like  the first month or so.

  6.                                                                         DAY242


    Long time no see folks! To sum up the past 2 months it was just me basically trying to get a grip on my life (as always). Things are better now than they were before, I barely procrastinate (word of the day), I'm more organized and I think that from being a hardcore pessimist I've turned into a happy optimist. It's like my mindset and my attitude towards life flipped over. Thanks to the help of Cam and a few self-improvement books, I think like a completely different person, then I was at the start of my Detox. Tho sometimes there's this feeling that is bugging me that it's been 8months since I've quit gaming and the only thing I've managed to do was to change my mindset.  I barely improved my social skills. What I mean is that I'm the same kid who most of the time hibernates in his house but the way how he thinks has completely changed. If ya know what I'm sayin' :D





    Still thinking if I should  begin doing that.

    Daily affirmation
    Think positively


    What went well today:
    Staying organized.

    What I will do differently tomorrow:
    Be more focused, positive thinking.

    Today I'm grateful for:

    • For being in a positive mood
    • GQ
    • self-improvement books
    • getting back home earlier
    • better focus


  7. Hey Jacob!
    I suffered from the same thing ( over time it got a lot better).You see, the problem with focus is that it's so hard to maintain it and easy to lose it, so your ability to focus often depends on the environment that you're in. If you're having a hard time dealing with background noise I'd recommend you to install a White Noise app, or you could try out meditation I've heard that it helps to maintain better focus (haven't tried it out by myself tho).

  8. DAY-177 (I Guess)


    What's up, everyone! It's been awhile since my last post... 3months to be exact.

    Recently I've done some digging on the internet and found out that events like Rap Battle contests, Freestyle Open Mics, HipHop Radio stations  exist here (where I live lol) although they happen rarely. Turns out I'm surrounded by opportunities If I only knew this earlier. I'm going to participate in a Rap Battle contest next year  where the winner gets invited onto a HipHop radio station for  an interview and to spit some bars. So that might open some doors for me. Thus I'm more motivated to rap.  Doing NoFap (around 35 days) and having cold showers (almost 2 months) every single day  helps a lot too. I feel less depressed, and just happier in general. Reading Think and Grow Rich ( it became my "bible") for the second time gives an insane boost in motivation. I especially like this quote from Napoleon Hill,-"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." I guess at this point gaming stopped being a thing lol.

    Besides all of that, I'm doing great ( could be better tho).


    After not being touched for more than two months
    It's time to wipe off layers of dust

    Off my daily journal and revive it
    and bring it back home from the underworld

    So I can start whining about procrastination
    the only thing I can do without a lack of motivation

    It goes without saying having writer's block
    Is my second nature besides complaining a lot

    But my biggest sin is to be bored and frenzy
    be pissed of at things cuz I can't do 'em perfectly

    Anyways thanks for listening see you in the next journal entry

    I'm saving up cash for some decent recording equipment because the stuff  that I own  is  far beyond ghetto. Hahaha, to be honest, my mic is worth like 4$ + the condition of it ain't very nice.

  9.                                                                                        Game Quitters Song - by Relet


          Five or seven? Or a whole decade?
    Don't care how many years you've spent playin'
    As long as you turned around
    And you saw that your life turned into a pile of old wreckage
    That's why I'm here to spread Cam Adair's message
    If gaming got out of hand and you want to end it
    and if you have thoughts that games are horrible
    but you have a fear and quitting might seem impossible
    Join Game Quitters ! Cuz People there are awesome
    Set up a Daily Journal and run away from boredom
    It's never late to quit 'fore these games get on you
    Your life is full of benefits and I have a question for you

    Biggest nemesis of Game Quitters
    take a guess what it is no it's not facebook or twitter
    But games made in hell that should be banned from the shelves
    Cuz they were brought to you by the satan himself
    Like League of Legends Addicts best friend
    Transforms people into braindead servants
    World of Warcraft Horror of you past
    It will trap your sorry ass in it's bloody hands
    You have to avoid this shit because games like these
    Will have you sticked to the couch for several weeks

    But when you scratch of the glue and leave comfy spot
    and you decide to do the 90 day detox
    I wish you all the luck , cuz you gonna need it
    Fuck, I'm not gonna lie to you It ain't easy
    Cuz your brain might explode in the first 2 weeks
    Cuz of the amount of cravings it receives
    It's so unbearable that it might drive you insane
    So bare in mind that you'll be itching to play
    and if you fall of the tracks and hit relapse
    don't be mad! Cam's here to heal your ass and

    To teach you the art of killing boredom
    like a martial artist you gonna finish it off
    with a final hit by kicking it in the scrotum
    n rippin' it off punchin' it so hard till it falls off
    Your back! Together with cravings
    and procrastination and all that other crap
    so you dont have to be attacked by withdrawls daily
    so you can live a happy life without panicking
    'bout some CD's screaming
    I'm sure you don't want to spend the time while stayin'in death bed
    Countin' how many hours you've spent
    Smashing the keyboard just not to be bored
    But the question is how many you'll spent crying
    after finally realising you shoulda quitted before
    and all of your dreams have been destroyed
    So in conclusion if you plan to have a big future
    Quitting might be your next solution
    But have this in mind quitting takes time
    that being said goodbye




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