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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Max

  1. Hey. That’s so cool that you know physics on such high level. I wish I would too one day.

    8 hours ago, dirac said:

    programmed a little by myself, got into electrical engineering

    What were you programing? What were you studying related to electrical engineering? Was that some sort of an Arduino project or something similar?

    Dude that’s so interesting. 

  2. 43 minutes ago, Mohammad said:

    I think it was okay though. After 20 days of hard work, gaming for 2-3 hours is acceptable if I am not doing it again at least for a week or two.

    Hello. You are making excuses. Every time I started making excuses I ended up with failure. I don’t suggest you starting it. Maybe you should reconsider your goals or something. 

    P.S. I am no one to actually tell you what to do, just think of it as an advise. 

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  3. 3 hours ago, BooksandTrees said:

    I am a compulsive sex addict and will recover. It is worse than my video game addiction. I will recover. 

    If you had strength to quit video games then you have strength to do whatever you want.

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  4. @BooksandTrees You helped me a lot. I’m reading your journal every day. I know that community is not very active here and if you’re seeking feedback then this might not be the best place. I don’t know either why am I writing here, just to keep track of my progress or to share my experience with someone. I don’t fucking know. But journaling helps me a lot in many ways and I don’t want to give up.

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  5. 33 minutes ago, AbjurationWizard said:

    Hey everyone.

    Starting a daily journal is a bit of a weird one when you can only estimate the day count. It has really been two years, and I have not fallen back to actually play, although there were some close calls, especially recently. Staying vigilant and joining this community helps. 

    I am looking to improve myself as well, and because my struggles are often linked to gaming when I feel that I am stressed or stuck, I felt that this forum might be a good place to share some of my attempts. 

    I will be trying intermittent fasting with a twist! I will reward myself with food. So my hours will be minimum 16, but will largely depend on when I am done with the amount of work I want to be done with. I DO NOT recommend this for other people. I try this now with awareness to my routine and capabilities. I might make this a once in a while thing. Who knows. 

    Have a good day everyone! 

    That’s great that you decided to start your journal. 2 years without gaming are impressive. Wish you all the best man, keep it up!

    • Like 2
  6. 52 minutes ago, gargamel said:

    Entry 1:

    Got out of bed: 04:50

    • Washed the dishes and made coffee, had a chat with grandma
    • Fed the fish, watered the plants
    • Finished creating this thread around 07:00
    • Made myself eggs with avocado
    • Translated for an hour
    • took a shower and meditated until 9:30
    • Translated for 5 hours straight (finished my chapter)
    • vacuumed the 2nd floor
    • Went for a half hour bike ride
    • Went to my mother for dinner in 16:00, asked for the recipe
    • Spent time with my family and my sister's boyfriend
    • Got back home around 19:00
    • spent an hour checking my translated chapter for mistakes and inconsistencies
    • watched youtube for half an hour
    • ate some watermelon and here I am
    • I'll be going to sleep soon
    • Edit: just took a shower, and I'll listen to LotR audiobook until I fall asleep, good night guys

    Time wasted: 00:00 (I feel utterly spent, in a good way)
    Daily gratitude: Grateful for today's concentration.

    Woah, seems you’re doing great. I wanna try to be as productive as you.

    • Like 2
  7. On 5/6/2020 at 11:34 PM, dirac said:

    @Amphibian220 the concept of dota is similar to most of the "modern" online games. Into the same category I would push in league of legends, Overwatch, Fortnite and many more. Those games are all different in how you play them (strategy,shooters,rpgs....)  but they are all the same in the following way:

    - You play "a round" of the game. you cant finish it because they are all multiplayer only

    -"a round" is usually between 20 and 60 minutes

    -you play with players against other players

    - horrible communities with very toxic people

    - every round has highs and lows which leads to the two biggest problems:

    1) you get an insane endorphin rush when you play well and win

    2) you feel bad and empty if you lose

    The whole concept of playing a quick round and then another and another and so on is horrible. You are always chasing the one game that was so super awesome because you played so well. Sometimes you just lose 4 times in a row and feel empty because you still didnt get the "high" that you want.


    So I hope this made my problem with dota a little more clear. Of course this is just my point of view and I am sure others might disagree. 


    Apart from that my day was nice, I did most of what I wanted to do, I was kind of productive for uni but I also realised that I find it very hard to do uni stuff after working out in the afternoon. I will try to do my workouts from now on either later in the evening or first thing in the morning. I didnt game so far but I will play half an hour of a "non threatening" singleplayer game now. After that I will meditate and then go to bed:)



    I’m a little bit late, but I wanna say how true it is. My biggest problem was when I was playing competitive Overwatch and losing rank points. Every time I though: I’ll win next match, get my rank back and stop. But almost always I ended up losing more and more.

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  8. I made a bet with my brother that I’ll pay him certain amount of money if I relapse. He’ll pay me if I won’t in half a year. This helps me a bit. But yeah, my biggest motivation is knowing how miserable my life is when I’m gaming. Hope you can get through this.

  9. Hi, that’s great that you decided to stop gaming. The only advice I can give you from my personal experience: DO NOT RELAPSE. If you decided to quit, it is essential to stay away from games. I relapsed 30+ times past 2 years. I think visiting this forum whenever you are about to play games might help. I wish you good luck, mate 🙂

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