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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by amchow

  1. @BooksandTrees Sounds like you need a place that has families as your neighbors or has a community that is known for being pretty quiet and docile. Thankfully, my apartment complex has a lot of families and everyone is decent and doesn't hold loud parties at their place so I have never had issues with noise. I tend to worry about whether or not I am being too loud as I like to listen to Kpop. XD I saw your post from yesterday about adults sleeping with stuffed animals. No worries about that. You aren't the only one. I sleep with a Winnie the Pooh and Stormtrooper Tsum Tsum plushies and have also slept on the same pillow I've slept on since I was a baby (Note: it's about as old as I am and I have to have another pillow under it because it so flat XD). We all have our comfort plushies (aka security blankets XD). I am particularly attached to my Winnie the Pooh Tsum Tsum and treat him like he's my pet. XD
  2. 10/12/2020 - Day 133 Today was a pretty peaceful day with work. Nothing happened that was of significance (which I guess is a good thing). Did my usual real life dailies and finished up season 7 of Blue Bloods. Now i have to wait for the next three Season dvds I requested from my library to arrive and then I can keep watching through Season 9 and watch the BTS material for Season 10. Will be patient (despite it not being my strong suit). Meanwhile, I will enjoy what is left of this somewhat wonky warm and pleasant weather in the middle of fall before winter comes in a little over a month. Till next time. :D
  3. 10/10/2020 - Day 131 Saturday feels good. In general, the weekend always feels rather good. Did my usual real life dailies..... 'usual'. Staying at home for the whole day. One of those times where I start wishing for restrictions to lift and for social stuff to be able to happen again. *sigh*.... Feeling tired and my emotions like to mess around when I'm tired. Anyway, wanted to check in before the day actually ended for me and to show off this seemingly simple yet a tad complex model I had mentioned sometime back. Till next time, all.
  4. 10/8/2020 - Day 129 The days after Monday were a lot more uneventful than Monday with the exception of an office wide network outage for about half an hour today. In all honesty, I was okay with it as it gave me an extended lunchbreak. ;) Things came back up and I continued working until the end of the day. These past couple days, the routine has been roughly the same so I had nothing of significance to report on aside from the normal workday and evening routine. As in the past, I am daydreaming about the days when this Covid craziness is over and we can all go back to being social again.
  5. 10/5/2020 - Day 128 Today was a good day at work. In fact, there was a second incident with that one co worker of mine nitpicking on group IM and dragging me through the mud again. This time, I had come to anticipate it and it didn't affect me as much as before. Thankfully, my colleague who is in this project with me came to my defense and even got some hostility from this mean spirited co worker so I knew I wasn't alone in this. I was more so frustrated that the guy didn't let up and made two more attempts to drag me through the mud before finally stopping after failing both times. As far as I am concerned, I'll let him dig his own grave and I'll continue working and learning. Otherwise, I had a good rest of the day and I am just relaxing and listening to Kpop.
  6. 10/4/2020 - Day 127 Today and yesterday were both good days and in general very relaxed. I did chores here and there, watched Blue Bloods and listened to Kpop throughout the day. I also did some more simple cooking with plain Texas Toast, bacon and cheese. Toasted the bread and put cooked bacon and un melted cheese on top to make some Bacon and Cheese toast and enjoyed it for lunch on both days (with hashbrown as a side on Saturday only). Feels good cooking my own meals and when they come out tasting great, it feels even better. Watching one more episode of Blue Bloods to end the day before another week of work.
  7. 10/2/2020 - Day 125 Today was that Friday I wanted to have overwith since I was feeling a tad weary. Well, now work is done for the day and I am here writing early as I said I would. Things are more steady at work and I am doing my best (with a tad bit of "Am I doing this right?" uncertainty). Need to talk to a colleague and get feedback prior to submitting for review. As per my usual activities, will be doing my dailies and then settling down after exercising to watch Blue Bloods for the rest of the night.
  8. 9/30/20 - Day 123 I usually write every couple days, but I really felt the need to check in today. Mainly due to the fact that I had a first today. I went to vote in person for the first time. And I felt very much like a ......... an adult. I had voted before using absentee as I hadn't changed my location to the town I went to college in. But this was a whole new experience. And it felt good doing something typically associated with being a full fledged adult. :D As for who I voted for..... would rather not say. I'll let you all play the guessing game with that. Until next time. :D
  9. 9/29/2020 - Day 122 Going to start writing much earlier as leaving things until too late tends to lead to not writing that night. Had a good start to the week and am continuing to have a good week with work. Learning new things every day and going at a slow enough pace with what I am working on so as to not miss any details or miss anything that isn't according to standard. I am grateful that my team is being very patient with me. Will be doing my dailies after taking a walk and then watching Blue Bloods for the rest of the night. Until next time. :D
  10. 9/27/2020 - Day 120 Today was like any other Sunday. Due to having some longer cleaning tasks later in the day, I spent more time doing more exercise today in the morning while it was bright and sunny out and sweat a ton before coming back inside to clean up. Air fried hash brown for lunch (which is a personal favorite of mine) and had some bacon on the side. As per past times, it feels good eating a favorite dish I made myself. Did my usual dailies + additional activity on Duolingo with learning more Korean adjectives. Plus did some more work on the House with the Apple Tree V1 Lego model. Spent the rest of the day prepping myself mentally for work and getting in gear for another week of hard work.
  11. @BooksandTrees Thanks for the encouragement. My emotional distress mainly stemmed from the fact that I had just come from an old job where toxic stuff like that happened on a daily basis so it was kind of a downer that I had to encounter someone like that again. Thankfully, my parents reminded me that there's only one of him. All my other colleagues are very kind, supportive and helpful, making toxic coworkers a minority. Still in a continuous learning process with my new job. Lots of design and detailing standards to get familiar with.
  12. 9/24/2020 - Day 117 I realized this after several days of dealing with a now difficult colleague. I neglected to write for more than two days and I apologize for that. a couple days ago, a colleague threw me under the bus during a team pulse call and I was an emotional wreck for the remainder of the day and for most of yesterday and I just didn't feel like writing. I talked to my parents and I was also comforted to find that one of my other colleagues didn't approve of what this other guy had done so I am for sure not alone. As for what I was doing for the past couple days, I was doing more dailies and watching Blue Bloods alongside working on the project when working. Just for the record, I have felt much better (although I still am a bit tense when having to interact with the guy). I am looking forward to Friday and the weekend. :D
  13. 9/21/2020 - Day 114 I would have written yesterday evening if it hadn't been for an internet outage that happened during the afternoon. It was a tad frustrating (given my past bad experience with the management staff) but otherwise I was content with watching Blue Bloods Season 5 and watching it to completion. Tonight, I finished up my real life dailies after my internet finally came back on and I watched the Season 5 BTS featurettes for Blue Bloods before going into Season 6. I look forward to being at home tomorrow after being in the office today. Until next time. :D
  14. 9/19/2020 - Day 112 Today was a semi relaxed day as it was intended. Had a relaxing morning followed by a late afternoon filled with errands (which included a flu shot and getting my hair trimmed) and then using a $5 off coupon I got from the flu shot to get a couple bags of my favorite snack (known an Funyums). Did my dailies in the earlier part of the morning and did more laundry chores later in the day. Finished it off with watching Blue Bloods Season 5 for the rest of the evening while occasionally dealing with the soreness from my flu shot. Ultimately, everything felt good today and I look forward to more good days.
  15. 9/17/2020 - Day 110 Today was another busy day. I was working on the same project and got a lot done. However, some last minute stuff came up long after the day was done that I will need to tend to tomorrow before end of business. At least I have most of my part done and this change I need to make is not huge. Did my dailies this morning and worked throughout most of the day. Did not finish until 6 PM to finish the changes. Thus, everything happened later today. I am looking forward to things being done tomorrow and getting to the weekend. Happy Friday in advance.
  16. 9/16/2020 - Day 109 Today was a busy day at work. Finally got a satisfactory amount done in spite of my own insecurities about my current lack of experience and knowledge about the trucks I am working on. Even though right now I am a noob, I know that given time and experience (once this craziness with COVID is over) I will be a lot more sure of myself. Until then, I have to contend with that. In the meantime, I attended to my usual real life dailies and watched Blue Bloods like I always do. Plus, I continued to read my Bible and some pre trilogy LOTR lore from the Book of Lost Tales Vol 1. Being the LOTR fan that I am, I am personally interested in pre trilogy lore + all other manner of writings from Tolkien. As for the LEGO model, did not get much time on it today. Will work on it at my own leisure. Until the next update. One step closer to the weekend. :)
  17. 9/14/2020 - Day 107 Yesterday was a somewhat busy day with me putting in some extra time to get some work done that was weighing on my mind as well as the usual chores. After that, I again patiently waited for Blue Bloods Season 5 to be ready for pickup at my local library. It turns out that after another day of hard work on the project today, I was rewarded with more DVDs to watch Blue Bloods. I spent the evening running a couple errands, then doing dailies and watched a couple episodes of Blue Bloods which I am enjoying very much. Onto another day of work tomorrow. As for LEGO models, switched to LEGO Creator with V1 of a House with an Apple Tree just outside it. Will post it once I finish it. 🙂
  18. 9/12/2020 - Day 105 Today was a much more relaxed day after being able to calm myself down the night before, get a good night's sleep and disconnect from work completely. Or maybe not. My thoughts have strayed to work stuff from time to time. But that seems to me as being better than how I was before. As for what I did today, did my usual dailies and finished Season 4 of Blue Bloods. It's a perfect time for resuming LEGO models while I wait to for the four DVDs to be checked back into the library system and get the next 3 seasons. Speaking of LEGO models, here's the Brickhead for Ursula. Also from the Little Mermaid. I apologize if the eyes look weird or a tad unnerving. I don't have the proper decal images to apply to the part. More models to come. Changing things up and working on a building from the LEGO Creator series. Until next time. 😄
  19. 9/11/2020 - Day 104 Today was such a turbulent day. Dealing with a hard project (or at least seems hard) and I was feeling demoralized and oversaturated. Somehow, I got through and got a good amount done. Did my dailies just now and I am going to busy myself with Blue Bloods again for the rest of the day and all of tomorrow while thinking of making some taquitos and chicken ranch tacos tomorrow for lunch. Signing off for now.
  20. 9/10/2020 - Day 103 Today was productive vs yesterday's stressful. Got the heat turned up on some work stuff and I got overwhelmed and overstressed and went to bed in a bit of a bad state. Thankfully, lots of things got cleared up today and I feel really relieved now that some of the pressure's off. Did my dailies and am going to again busy myself with Blue Bloods tonight before going into Friday. To another day at work tomorrow.
  21. 9/8/2020 - Day 101 Today felt like a Monday due to it being the first day back at work after a 3 day weekend. Felt hard after resting and being lazy in general for 3 days straight. Thankfully, I got through and am glad I got through another day of work. Did my dailies this morning and will be busying myself with Blue Bloods again tonight as per usual (or until I finish the series through Season 9). For the time being, nothing much to report at the moment aside from work and my usual activities.
  22. 9/6/2020 - Day 99 Today was another lazy day with the exception of doing some easy chores and then making a potato casserole for lunch. In all honesty, I made too much, ate all of it and suffered from a mild stomach ache afterward while lying on the couch watching Blue Bloods like a genuine couch potato. However, it is a 3 day weekend so there is a justifiable cause for it after a long week at work last week. Did my usual dailies, made lunch and then finished Blue Bloods Season 3. Intending to start on Season 4 tonight. And with that, I end this entry. Will be continuing with my LEGO models after finishing up Season 4.
  23. 9/5/2020 - Day 98 Today was the start of a three day weekend. Similar to Friday evening, spent most of the day watching Blue Bloods and air fried shredded hashbrown to have breakfast for lunch along with some pre cooked bacon. Aside from that, nothing special happened. Continuing to enjoy my weekend as per usual.
  24. Welcome to the forums! You are definitely in the right place. If you need additional resources to assist you in stopping gaming, get Respawn. Paying the 45 dollars for the Elite level content is so worth it. What I learned from it and applied to my life has changed it so much for the better. Plus, it freed me from the prison I had laid around myself in playing MMOs and other games intended to keep people addicted. Read the journals of others on this forum and start finding new hobbies to pick up. Who knows? You'll find a new interest or something that can contribute to your future in terms of a job. We are all cheering you on, and don't forget we are all on the same journey.
  25. @AndreaLittle Better to play board games (the actual ones you can buy from the store) and card games with people in person. In all honesty, it is better to go spend time with people and talk like gargamel is suggesting. Tbh, expect people to discourage playing online games on this forum as a lot of folks here have freed themselves from those kinds of entertainment and have lived free from it from quite some time. Thus they (as well as I) would discourage you from continuing in the same life that has crippled a lot of us who once lived in it.
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