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Posts posted by Ikar

  1. 3rd January - 8th January:

    The last few days have been fairly standard. I spent time with my girlfriend, started my English lessons after Christmas and visited my family at the weekend. I also went to the sauna and sent out the questionnaire for my students.

    Today is a special day as I handed in my thesis electronically. In a while, I'm going with my brother for sushi to enjoy the rest of the day 😄

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  2. On 1/4/2024 at 9:07 PM, BooksandTrees said:

    I'm also going to sell my drum set. I want people to know that a lot of the hobbies I've tried have not stuck. The only things so far are reading, legos, cooking, puzzles, listening to music,  and board games. 

    Rock climbing, boxing, beer league hockey, badminton, volleyball, animation, drawing, yoga, photography, billiards, woodworking, drums, gym, painting, brewing beer, podcasting, video editing,  and a few other things have not worked. 

    It seems that I'm attempting mostly exercise or artistic things. 

    I haven't tried things such as a new language, volunteering, making furniture or clothes, etc. 

    Just keep in mind that it's sometimes painful to find replacement activities for video games and most of the time they're not nearly as fun. We're just in it for a healthier and balanced life without addiction. 

    You also write, that should be on your hobby list too!

    I also have a bunch of discarded hobbies: going to the gym (later Brazilian jiu jitsu, now I just go for walks), drumming, learning new languages, partying well into the night (lol), reading a lot of newsletters, giving English lessons for free and nearly joining a cult-like organization. I got to the last one through culture and volunteering, so it's definitely a good idea to beware of volunteering with strings attached!

    Some of my current hobbies are: writing, reading, journaling here, my job and spending time with friends. I also occasionally go to the shooting range, play billiard, table football and organize student events with my geography group and blog.

    15 hours ago, BooksandTrees said:

    Also, I wanted to compare writing to working out at the gym. If you over exert yourself at the gym you'll hurt yourself. It's exhausting and you can only do major body parts once or twice a week for bulking. Same concept for writing. Sometimes your mind can only handle once or twice a week. It doesn't mean that we don't like writing or the gym. That's just how it works for some people. 

    I agree. I prefer working on my master's thesis every day for two or three hours maximum. I can't do any more after. I know some people write the whole thing in two weeks, while I take three months with my tempo. Everybody's different. Plus, if it's a hobby, there's generally no "right" way to do a hobby.

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  3. 19 hours ago, Pochatok said:

    6MO: Have a full support system (finance, social, etc.) to live by my values, full-time

    Earn $100 from my passionwork by February

    Earn first $500 from my passionwork by March

    Limit my spending to fit the budget- more $$$ means sooner quitting!

    I'm fairly interested in how these money steps are going to work out for you. It seems to me that you are just starting out to "manage" your money with a greater goal in mind. It's definitely a good idea to have something to fall back on if things aren't going as planned. Good luck!

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  4. 22nd December - 2nd January:

    I worked on the thesis over Christmas as well. It's mostly formal stuff now: citations and formatting. Even then, it's been taking a surprising amount of time. I have nearly one hundred pictures in the thesis, which means I have to write a description for all of them and quote the source. Sometimes I need to go back to the original document if the graph/picture is not 100% understandable or complete on its own. Suddenly, 100x3mins=5 hours of work 😄

    I also cleared out my mailboxes. I'm at an effective 0 of unread mails.

    I got the questionnaire out for my students.

    I attended a high-school reunion. I had a surprisingly good time. We usually have two of these each year, so I'll see about the summer one. I spent some time with my family and friends. I had some good social meetings and I enjoyed all of them.

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  5. 8 hours ago, wheatbiscuit said:

    So here it is; in 2024, I intend to achieve the following:

    1) One year without games - this especially includes all coded, electronic games. Potentially harmless alternatives include frisbee, squash (though I haven't really tried it), and catch, generally. Where the 'rally' is more important than winning/losing. 

    2) A driver's license. This will take a lot of confidence-building again (I learnt, but never took the test that would allow me to drive alone). 

    3) New paid work that I'll have become competent at for 3+ months, though aiming for 6 to 9. This means that I'll be pushing to have been hired by April. 

    This is a nice plan. Good luck! 🙂

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  6. I'm going to do a recap of my year 2023. I even encouraged my ToastMasters group to do the same at our last meeting this year, as I think it's valuable to just sit down, reflect and think constructively for a while. It'll be something similar to what I've done here:

    The first thing that comes to my mind is traveling. I really traveled a lot. I visited Finland, Poland and Georgia. The most interesting trip was definitely to Georgia and I'm happy I was there with my girlfriend as well.

    That leads me to my girlfriend. She's been very kind to me the whole year and I'm grateful to be with her. It's not that she doesn't have any problems at all, but I really think we complement each other well. We're gonna live together from April 2024 and I'm looking forward to it.

    My place of living has also already changed. I left the dormitory life behind me and moved to a shared flat. Truth to be told, it was mentally tiring to constantly be around students, granted I've been working for the last three years, and even a few years before that. My mentality is just too different from theirs now.

    Speaking of studying, I hopefully have just about a month of my studies ahead of me. My reading habit morphed into reading studies for my thesis and I'll pick up on reading books once I'm done with the university. I've been working on the thesis the whole August, part of September, whole November and whole December. At the moment, I'm cleaning up the thesis for the last few days. I'm going to study for the finals after submitting it.

    That'll make me the last member of my core family to get their master's degree. I think I've actually done well as far as my familial relationships go this year, especially making my grandma happy, though the kitchen project is still there.

    As for work, I've done many activities as well, such as setting up tracking systems to monitor my work (tables), providing my students added value in the form of shared documents or setting up a biannual feedback questionnaire for my students, attending business mentoring, networking...

    This new year, I'd like to focus more on being a good teacher than a good businessman. Therefore, the plan for the next year is to improve my professional qualification by getting a Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) certificate. I want to improve my knowledge and improve the retention of my students.

    Perhaps the situation seemed better in April or May (as seen in the graph in the post above), when I recorded the biggest amount of private lessons I've ever taught. The beautiful thing that I however realized is that while my income is significantly lower (less lessons and full set of taxes apply to me now), I'm OK and I don't worry. I've build up a significant reserve over the past three years, that could easily satisfy enough three without me moving a finger. Maybe five if I lived like a cheapskate.

    I think working less actually helped me to have a better life balance, to have more time for my other hobbies, to spend more time with my girlfriend, to move more and even to allow more time to spend the money on myself. I really haggle about prices just for the fun of it now.

    Okay, I've bragged about my work enough. Time to check the goals for 2023 and set some for 2024.


    Evaluation of goals for 2023:


    Pass all the exams at the uni, finish the thesis and finish all university duties successfully in January/February 2024. - WIP, progress = yes

    Yes, that went as expected.


    Improve my business, so that I don't need to teach for language schools anymore, by getting more private contacts, opportunities and students. - WIP, progress = yes

    I definitely cut the amount of lessons for language schools. I improved my business and took some new opportunities.


    Go to Georgia to visit my friend. - Unfortunately, the plan didn't work out. I plan to go there later this year, either in late summer or autumn. We did it! 🙂

    Yes! 😄


    Stop watching porn (again),

    I haven't had a long stretch of no porn as I did the last year (August - December 22), though I don't think I've been watching it too much overall. I have a good feeling that it will completely go away once I'm with my girlfriend in the flat.


    stop reading too much news (again). - Got some blocks going on. The past week was clean!

    Normal news webpages are not a problem anymore, I just satisfy myself with "Current Events" on Wikipedia for a few minutes a day.


    Start getting up when my alarm rings. Put my alarm across the room. - I got better, not 100%, but better.

    I don't know how long I've been doing it (again), maybe just for a month, but it's especially helpful on the weekends when I want to start early, as during the week I usually start the morning with my students.



    Continue: planning, walking/exercising, writing/journaling, reading, studying for uni, working on good life/work balance.

    It's a short list, but if I manage all of it, I will be happy.


    I pretty much do all of that. I did good work 😄


    Main must-have plans for 2024:

    Prepare for (Feb-June) and successfully make (July-August) the CELTA certificate course.

    Finish the university in January. In case something goes horribly wrong, then in May. I've got this.

    Move in with my girlfriend in April.

    Set up the new kitchen for my grandma.

    Optional nice-to-have plans for 2024:

    Re-start my financial blog in February.

    Learn how to type with all ten fingers on the keyboard.


    Stop watching porn (again).

    Start getting up when my alarm rings = Put my alarm across the room.

    Establish flossing at least once a week.

    Exercise regularly.

    Continue: planning, walking/exercising, writing/journaling, reading, working on good life/work balance.

    It's a short list, but if I manage all of it, I will be happy.

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  7. On 12/17/2023 at 4:46 PM, FDRx7 said:

    90-day Retrospective

    Amazing, great work! You did a great job visualizing and analyzing the past three months. I believe it was very useful for you and it was an interesting read for me too.

    I can say I love analyzing stuff too, so that's why I write a bigger report every month. At the same time, I also create about five smaller posts a month whenever something is on my mind. I believe it is like therapy. Then again, to get into deeper and more complex ideas, I can't just talk it over with somebody, I need to write it out and think about it.

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  8. I'm using the template I used the last time. 22/11/23 - 21/12/23

    "L" will stand for the (last) plan/notes for this term. "T" will stand for done this term.

    I added "Future goals/direction" to better reflect on the things I am trying to do and to add specificity. I will copy it and stick it somewhere where I can see it to remind myself whenever I feel aimless. I will also use different colors: blue for newly added goals/habits, green for completed/successful, orange for ongoing/some progress and red for ones I haven't worked on in that period.


    --- set smart/stretch goals - read book again


    Books/Reading articles:

    L: Still on the business book, although I've been prioritizing other projects, so I didn't spend much time on it.

    T: Same. I also unsubbed from a lot of email newsletters several weeks ago, so I get very little nowadays.

    Possible direction/goals:

    (Borrow) and read one book until the next monthly report.



    L: Took my grandma and my mom to visit my grandma's sister family. The visit was OK. Went for a lunch with my father. Otherwise nothing new.

    T: I went to a hockey match with my mom. I also visited the graveyard with my family to commemorate dead family members.


    Since October, the project of my grandma's kitchen has been my responsibility. Some progress has been made, however I know that half a year is just too big of a time-frame to justify. I'm gonna lay out the plan:

    Weekend of 11th/12th March: Ask my grandma to give me a "free hand" in the reconstruction of the kitchen. She was hesitant regarding the scope of the reconstruction, which made me hesitant in turn, because I didn't know what to do. I want to convince her that she has nothing to worry about and that the whole operation will be fast.

    Weeks 11 and 12:

    Consult my father and brother as to the design of the kitchen and use the IKEA kitchen planner to help me out. Show my grandma the plan for the kitchen at the end of week 12 and get a green light.

    Weeks 13 and 14:

    Go to IKEA to get the furniture and other shops for linoleum and other smaller stuff. There's no need for new electronic appliances, so there's no need to get involved with electrical thingies. Transport the furniture to my grandma's flat.

    Weeks 14 and 15:

    Plan a weekend with my father/brother to help out with the reconstruction. Removing old furniture, a bit of demolition, painting, putting in the new furniture. Get it done well and ASAP.

    NOT: I don't want to get alienated from my family.

    Possible direction/goals:

    Work on getting the new kitchen for my grandma.

    Continue work on maintaining the relationships with my family.



    L: Got the outline pretty much done. I'm currently on roughly 18 thousand words, so I won't have troubles with the word count. I have until 9th January to submit it, meaning about 45 days. I'm confident that if I put 2-3 hours in every day, it'll be done, although it's hard to anticipate how much work it will take to finish the theoretical and empirical parts. I'm actually surprised by the fact that I have a lot of it done, even though I had week-long breaks in the past.

    My plan is to work on it every day, do at least a little bit every day, no matter how small. I shouldn't have any days away from now on, so it's doable.

    T: I ranted about the thesis a little bit in my post above, but if I really had to submit it in 24 hours, I could. I just want it to be cohesive and well-written and that takes time. I've been working on it anywhere between 2-5 hours daily, sometimes I threw in an afternoon session too. Some 17 days are left to submit it.

    NOT: I don't want to drop out of the university.

    Possible direction/goals:

    Do the main part of my diploma in summer/autumn 2023 and do the defense and finals in January/February 2024.

    Work on the assignments in a timely manner.



    L: I had a consultation with a girl who wants to teach informally in her company; a shared acquaintance told her to visit me to ask how to best do it.

    I haven't been feeling the best in the last few networking events. I'm not sure if there are any relevant ones for me before the year ends, but that's OK.

    I also lost a few courses over the past months, though again, I'm not too worried about it. I'm still making enough money to save some and I can use the time for my university studies or spend it with my girlfriend. Besides, I got two new students in the last three weeks 🙂

    T: I will have two new courses in January and one new in February, all of them my own (A).

    I went back to my reports, pulled the numbers that I write every month and construed a graph for the year. I've had less hours since July, though at the same time the share of my own students went up. The last quarter of the year wasn't as successful for me, though March-June were especially strong. T

    he new students in January/February should bring the hours up as well as A share above 60%. I'll use this in my all-year report for sure!


    An example for 18 hours the last week (12 - December): Category A 54% (53); B 8% (4); C 0% (5); D 5% (5); E 33% (33). Brackets are % values from previous month.


    I've done a bit of an analysis of my courses and categorized them based on what they provide me. I earmarked five types of courses:

    a) my own - well paid + generally more motivated students (as they pay the courses themselves) + more challenging

    b) premium - language school courses paid at a premium compared to my standard LS courses for various reasons (roughly matching the a) group)

    c) flexible - courses from LS that don't have a fixed schedule, meaning it's on me if I make time for them or not (though I mostly do, as can they plug the gaps or can start my day)

    d) challenging/fun/prospective - standard LS courses with an added quality

    e) neither - standard LS courses without any added quality


    NOT: I don't want to have a job that I don't enjoy. I don't want to have a job that is not well paid.

    Possible direction/goals:

    With my job position and student demand secure, I'm more able and willing to reschedule or even cancel classes in case I want to do something, mainly in the evening and for holidays. I enjoy having this option thoroughly.

    Keep classes at a stable 20-25 hours a week.

    Keep asking for reviews or recommendations from students.

    Look into strategies to become truly self-employed by skipping the agencies in between.

    Create a learning plan for myself.

    Go through "lecturer academy" materials.

    Write down specific areas and what I want to do in them:

    Networking and business events.

    Get a system to mark down the progress of my students, together with their learning plan.

    Check out business vouchers for equipment.

    Past projects:


    Fixed logos on my website for better visuals.

    Updated the pricing section of my website. Variable/tiered pricing (do in July/August).

    Got minor pay raises from language schools.

    Did evaluations/testing of my students, if required.

    Attended one networking event and one marketing seminar.

    Introduced "phone call" classes. Update website/business profiles with "phone calls".

    Lecturer academy.

    Sample business contract on my website.

    Google sheets system for students.



    L: Cycling and walking still, though I prefer walks due to the weather. Had two hikes too.

    T: Nothing special, though a lot of walks.

    NOT: I don't want to become fat.

    Possible direction/goals:

    I enjoy the fact I do not have to be "actively" dealing with this area of my life, as it's technically a part of my job. I just have to be on lookout if that was to change.

    Keep in shape.



    L: I haven't had time to even think about blogging with everything that was going on, although I do have a half-way written article in the works that I could publish soon.

    T: On hold until I finish the uni thesis.

    Possible direction/goals:

    Find a suitable UI/web template.

    Set up emailing for subs.

    Post two articles a month.

    Polish links in articles. Interlink new articles with old ones.

    Finish articles in concepts.




    What to do if I am bored?

    Replacement activities for 1 hour: reading books, cleaning, washing the dishes, reading newsletters

    Replacement activities for 2 hours: going for a walk, work on my business, blogging, diploma thesis




    Additional thoughts/activities:

    My hobbies are: personal finance, graphs/projections/statistics, gunnery, GIS/statistics, reading/videos about (modern) history, English, working on my business, blogging/writing, geography.

    This month, I did these cool activities: spending time on the GQ forum, table football tournament (another!), attended a Toastmasters meeting, went to the sauna, played billiard, visited another city for a day trip, watched hockey with mom, .




    Goals/resolutions/aspirations for 2023:

    Pass all the exams at the uni, finish the thesis and finish all university duties successfully in January/February 2024. - WIP, progress = yes

    Improve my business, so that I don't need to teach for language schools anymore, by getting more private contacts, opportunities and students. - WIP, progress = yes

    Go to Georgia to visit my friend. - Unfortunately, the plan didn't work out. I plan to go there later this year, either in late summer or autumn. We did it! 🙂

    Stop watching porn (again), stop reading too much news (again). - Got some blocks going on. The past week was clean!

    Start getting up when my alarm rings. Put my alarm across the room. - I got better, not 100%, but better.

    Continue: planning, walking/exercising, writing/journaling, reading, studying for uni, working on good life/work balance.

    It's a short list, but if I manage all of it, I will be happy.

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  9. 16th December - 21st December:

    My girlfriend and I went for a day trip to another city, together with her cousin and her husband. It was nice to visit some other place after a while.

    Watched "American Gangster" and had good fun with the movie.

    I cleaned and reorganized stuff in my room this week as well.

    Participated in the table football tournament and came up fifth, which is a success, as my regular teammate/friend was sick and another friend subbed for him.

    My thesis has been going on as usual. It's been going on since August and I'm kinda getting tired of it, which is normal I guess. I've been sending my tutor weekly updates for the last three months, though he hasn't given me much feedback ever since we agreed on the topic. I send him a message yesterday and he wrote he'll look at it over the week. I kinda hope he'll have just a few small things, as I have only a bit over two weeks to do something about it, while brushing up the rest of the text.

  10. 16 hours ago, BooksandTrees said:

    My boss just said we might go back to a hybrid working schedule. I don't want to commute in traffic again. Fuck. This sucks.

    Any reason why? Is it his idea? A lot is at stake here, having an acceptable commute is a must.

    56 minutes ago, FDRx7 said:

    Everyone says it’s about the in-person connections, but I think it’s really about justifying that building they pay for. And some places don’t trust workers to work without physical supervision. Frustrating. Hopefully they don’t go through with it

    That's also in the mix. I watched a video on YT on that a few months ago, but I know you don't watch YT anymore. Maybe Books will watch it at least 😄

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  11. 10th December - 15th December:

    I've been working on the data for the last week and I think I am gonna finish this part at the weekend. That's good news, as I thought I'd be working on it for the whole next week. Now I have two weeks to polish my thesis, with one week in January to print it and hand it in.

    Took my family to the graveyard at the weekend to commemorate my grandpa and my mom's relatives.I attended the speaking event on Wednesday. It was good fun as usual. I think I'm good at improvising and thinking in the moment, but I'm bad at speaking with preparation. Got my bike back from service. Other than that, I spend time with my girlfriend as usual. A common friend came to visit us too 🙂

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  12. 5 hours ago, Vee said:

    - Using gaming as a reward. Well, duh. It's too easy to see through the lie of "I can only game when I've done X" - actually I can play whenever the hell I like. If I did want to try moderation, I think I'd need to simply...choose moderation. Not try to restrict myself to only before Xam or after Ypm.

    - Reinstalling Steam. Well yeah, duh, but I mean even if I could moderate my behaviour (doubtful),

    I mean, the idea that this forum is not called "Game Moderators" but "Game Quitters" makes me think that we have to quit to make a meaningful difference. Maybe not forever, but it's often much easier to dispense with the whole thing than to try and balance it. Gaming is not a physiological need.

    Part of why I got into gaming was because it was so immersive, so it wouldn't make sense for me to restrict myself to certain times either. Some people can game healthily naturally, and good for them. I knew I couldn't and that the negatives outweighed the benefits.

    Welcome back!

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  13. I'm ashamed to (not) give compliments to others. I'm afraid of being judged by others, in case they overhear it, but also that it comes out as creepy towards the recipient. For example, telling an acquaintance that she is smart, looks good etc. I'm very bad at complimenting myself too, as I think there's nothing praiseworthy for following and executing a plan well.

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  14. 4th December - 9th December:

    Still writing. I think I'm making good progress, so I don't have worries about not completing by the end of the year. I also went to the sauna with my girlfriend and another friend and played billiard yesterday.

    My sleep has been better the last few days, I swapped the mattress I slept on. I think I sometimes get headaches because I don't drink enough before I go to sleep. It's very annoying, as then it lasts the whole next day, so I need to watch that.

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  15. 14 hours ago, Pochatok said:

    I want to make the most of my life. I want to escape this prison of 9-5, of isolation within a community that doesn't value the parts of myself I value most, and which I have little value of myself. I want to be resist, I want to rebel- but in the moment, all of that adds up to continuing to work on my committed passions, and trusting that they will lead me towards that future. Perhaps not immediately, and not as easily as others would. But that's where I can try my best. That's where I can create a long-term, sustainable career- in animation and writing. 

    I've been thinking about this paragraph for a while. One thing that came to my mind was to use the existing framework to get the closest to the point where you want to be. In other words, not everything is horrible and the parts that are good can help you and be to your advantage. The framework can be quite rigid, but it can still support you and help you.

    Over time, you'll get enough freedom to make your own decisions more and more. That freedom comes with time and dedication, some would maybe say discipline. I'm self-employed myself, so I understand your vision to do things your way in animation and writing, though I am quite on the "safe" side as an English teacher. The objective is the same though: give people what they (and you too!) want and have a good life as a result.

    I hope what I wrote makes sense 😄 

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  16. I've been having some odd sleep in the last few days. I woke up early and couldn't fall asleep again. I haven't felt tired during the day yet, so it might really be that I sleep too much. It's just that mentally, it feels odd lying awake in bed for an hour or two, trying to sleep, and then still getting up early.

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  17. 14 hours ago, FDRx7 said:

    Yesterday I spent most of the day doing something very important - setting up the family budget and tracking expenses. I had tried to do this once before with the app YNAB, but I found it too difficult to set up and didn't see paying $14.99 per month or $99 per year to be worth it if I can do something similar in a spreadsheet. So, I sat down and put together a template, filling it in with November's information. It took hours, but now that it's done, I can use it right away for November and months thereafter. It feels good to have that complete with the clarity it brings to our finances. It'll help us to find where we can cut back and give us peace of mind each month.

    That's awesome! I think it's important to make sure to live within one's means. I also have a job that allows me to work more/less, so tracking money helps me feel confident in adjusting my workload.

    If you want a recommendation for an app, I've been using Wallet for years now. I started with the free version, but it has a limit of 3 money accounts, so I got lifetime premium for 30€ back in April. Premium also has automatic tracking (bank account synced with the app), but I still put in data from CSV files from my online banking, because I want to do a monthly evaluation anyway:


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  18. 28th November - 3rd December:

    Worked on the thesis as usual, although I stepped up the effort to 3 hours on Friday, 4 yesterday and 5 today. I'm confident I'll have everything done on time, though I need to start on the data selection and analysis

    Otherwise I spent time with my girlfriend, friend and attended Toastmasters again 🙂

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  19. 3 hours ago, FDRx7 said:

    Maybe I'm burned out. I did spend a few hours outside finishing the lights. It was very cold, so I really needed time to warm up when I came in. Still, something feels off, as though I've just taken the on-ramp to monotony. While I love reading, it seems like the only thing I do now in the evening. Everything feels like work.

    "Everything feels like work." reminded me of @BooksandTrees and his journal. He solved something similar and I think it's even the exact phrase.

    My opinion: I guess the mental signal you're getting is to live a little. Life isn't only about ticking off chores and improving habits. It's not a carte blanche to stop trying and to do stupid shit, but probably a sign to slow down. I sometimes have it too, so I just sit with myself a while and reflect on the successes I've had in the last months/years and really feel them through and appreciate them. Burnout is no good.

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  20. 4 hours ago, TonyMelo said:

    What I wanted to ask you all about was about switching from one addiction to another. When I first quit videogames I focused on being more social and getting a girlfriend. After I managed to do that, I started spending all my time studying to get a good job. After that, my focus was on my job and reading. I feel like I can't enjoy something unless I obsess about it, and when I get a big drawback on that obssession, I end up thinking about games again as a way to deal with my frustrations.

    Anyone else feels like you are just constantly switching from one addiction to another?

    I guess a lot of it depends on how you frame it. From the way I read it, I'd say you are goal oriented and progress from one thing to the next. That's not a bad thing. My idea after quitting games was to branch out into multiple important areas of my life and work on them consistently and with passion. Yes, sometimes I can get super passionate about a certain subject for a few months, but then it eventually passes. I haven't had my extreme highs and lows since I quit gaming, but I think the tradeoff for stability and sustainability is worth it.

  21. 4 hours ago, BooksandTrees said:

    My main goal is to have a good life with my wife and future son.

    Wait, am I reading it right? Are you going to be a father soon? If so, awesome! Congratulations! 😄

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  22. 22nd November - 27th November:

    I've been working on the thesis every day since I wrote my last post, usually for two hours daily. I might step it up a little, but so far I haven't felt the need. I believe I'll have the theoretical part of it done in about a week, leaving my hands free for the practical part in December.

    I went to watch a hockey match with my mum yesterday. I haven't been doing anything special otherwise. There are many things I don't have time for, but I have to prioritize. No other way around it.

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