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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Davo36

  1. Thanks for the comments guys, it's good to have someone to talk to about it. I have seen my GP and have an appointment to see the psychiatrist who sorted me out last time. As background I was eating well, exercising frequently, doing a gratitude journal and meditating daily. Nothing bad happened in my life, on paper, my life is awesome. So, frustrating that I was doing all the right things and ended up feeling like crap. Still eating well and exercising often but given up on the journal and meditation for now but might get back into them at some point. Also, have tried around 5 antidepressants in the past - none of them worked, but I do take a supplement called 5-HTP which does help quite a lot. Anyway, I'll come right, off to the gym for a workout and nice breakfast now
  2. Yep, got to 11 weeks through the 12 week program and fell off the wagon. As I've said in other threads, I've been really depressed at times recently. I understand this could be a reaction (or common effect or whatever) to giving up gaming but man it's hit me hard. Had depression around 4 years ago quite badly and it's exactly like that. Not a place I enjoy being. So anyway, had one day last week where I didn't know what to do with myself, couldn't see how to get through the day and so started watching streams on Twitch. And then of course installed the only game I ever play, StarCraft 2. And I've been playing it for the last week. And man the first few days were wonderful! The depression instantly went away (I have noticed this before) and I was really enjoying myself. Getting lots of other stuff done too. Lots of energy, felt really positive etc. But of course it went the way it always does, which is that within a week, I'm staying up to 2am playing it, getting really shitty when I lose and craving that winning feeling. So that when I win, or lose, I instantly start another game to either take away the bad losing feelings or get the winning feeling again. So uninstalled this morning. Again. The whole time I was watching myself do it, very aware of what I was doing and trying to take in how it all felt etc. And as I said above, at first it's like a Godsend, then after a while it's OK, then an all encompassing obsession which is not enjoyable at all. Oh well, back on the wagon, wish me luck.
  3. Davo36


    Interesting, when I quite games I started drinking a lot more, basically to fill in the time, escape etc.
  4. Thanks guys. I'm feeling a lot better now. Went and saw the GP. For years now I've been taking a thing called 5-HTP which is a supplement which helps produce serotonin. I was feeling so good I reduced my dose... and hey presto 4-6 weeks later I felt like crap. Started taking it again and 10-14 days later I feel fine. So it may have been that. Perhaps along with giving up games of course.
  5. Cam that's a really good talk. Hard to believe he was 19 when he did that. Very wise words from a young man. Thanks for recommending it Cam.
  6. Been off of games for 7 weeks now, and man am I feeling depressed. My life is totally fine, nice house, nice family, nice car and other things. No money problems. But I am struggling to fill the time in. Everything is just unappealing right now. Just have to work through it I guess.
  7. Watching is one thing. I'm not one to encourage playing. I tried for a bit and it was way too similar to the skill/competition/hyper-action of gaming. Hmmm ok. Well that makes me think I might need to stop watching it then. In the past when I've watched SC2 videos, I always go and play. Poker doesn't have anywhere near the same pull, but it might do one day... Thanks for your thoughts Cam.
  8. Hey guys what do you think about watching people play poker on YouTube? I never used to do this, but have seen the odd bits on the tv. Now I find I'm watching quite a bit, say an hour a day of various poker games.
  9. Hi guys, been 3 weeks now. Went by pretty quickly actually. Today (Monday) I'm starting to eat better too. I know how to do this, but just been quite lazy, and drinking lots of alcohol too. Hope everyone else is going well.
  10. Hmmm, will be interesting to hear about your visit Cam.
  11. Worth a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM8jee4r5fg
  12. Just starting the 90 days, started on May 2nd. Wish me luck!
  13. Well good job man, but I see you slipping back into it. You've had your little test now, and you've found that a) You played for long periods over 4 days and b) It didn't make you happy. So get back with the program - in the gentlest way I mean!
  14. Good analysis here. I have dieted in the past and managed to lose a lot of weight and get really fit etc. I did this via the Body For Life program. But I always fell off the wagon later, got injured or just got sick and tired of a) Cooking all the damn time and b) Missing out on stuff other people were enjoying. I've just started the 90 day detox for games, wish me luck!
  15. I just signed up for the 90 detox, paid online. So will do 90 days no gaming. Got a confirmation email from Cam, but can't access the Respawn area yet. Guess it may take a little while to activate or something? David
  16. Guys, I've been playing again for basically a month. All of February, but uninstalled this morning. Things I noticed this time round: I had forgotten just how toxic people in the games community are. They call you names (noob etc.), get shitty, blamey etc.I started having negative violent thoughts - ones I've had in the past, again. Just stupid things I won't act on, but basically just getting angry with people in my head over non-real things.I started going to bed late - because staying up late to play. And then getting really tired - which leads to irritability, loss of interest in people and things.So started feeling depressed again, with the usual accompanying things like loss of interest in exercise, other hobbies (including bioinformatics programming) or anything at all other than SC2. And also too tired to read anything factual etc.So this morning I decided enough was enough and uninstalled. Not sure if it will be permanently, I seem to go back to it now...So interesting, and glad to have pulled out of it, but man, I'm pretty bad at handling all my various addictions! Might sign up for the 90 day thing, but honestly not sure if I can do it.
  17. Man, my nemesis is StarCraft 2. Watched a video of 2 pro guys playing last night and then started downloading and installing the free version of the game. I got to the video by simply hitting the 'home' button on YouTube. It brings up a list of 'recommended' videos. Bastards. But also I had been thinking about the game for a few days, haven't played for a month. Have been getting heaps of other stuff done, doing well. Was tired last night, had a few beers, saw the video... you know how it goes. All the rationalizations as to why it's not harmful etc. start going through my mind. Anyway, didn't actually play, so close call.
  18. Get back on the wagon mate.
  19. Hi guys, yep, I'm the grandpa of gaming addiction. My poison has been StarCraft 2, which was Cam's I believe. I have played it on and off since it came out (since StarCraft 1 came out in fact). The built in reward systems, achievements, league levels and so on are really compelling. Lots of YouTube videos of pros playing and so on. I LOVE all of this stuff - of course! If I hated it, or was ambivalent about it, I wouldn't be addicted. Around 18 months ago, I gave up playing and in fact got to 424 days of no playing. So what happened? Well, I got very physically active after being very sedentary for a long time (sitting on my ass playing games of course!). And I got a bit over eager. I got very into growing native tress, removing all the noxious weeds off of my section etc. and really really hurt my knees. It's a sloping section... So I assumed that I would just be able to you know, stop gaming and take up a more active lifestyle. But it turns out that if you spend like 10 years inactive, and then get quite active (and you're not in your 20s any more) then this can be a long hard road to go down. Gaming ruins your mind, we all know this. Just bear in mind, you younger guys, that it also ruins your body. So anyway, I started watching game replays on YouTube and guys playing on Twitch. And sure enough a couple of months later I bought the game again... And I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times since then, the last being over the Christmas/New Year break when the weather was terrible. Been free of gaming for a few weeks now, and man I've got so much done! Actively trying to keep myself busy with other things. I've managed to rehabilitate my knees via the gym and a good physio. So now I can do active things again and am really enjoying getting outside to ride my bike, walk with friends etc. Started back working on my section, but will take it much more slowly. I'm lucky enough to be financially free, have a nice house, wife, 2 boys etc. Not having a job is also a bad thing. It gives me all day long to indulge bad habits. There's absolutely nothing to stop me from gaming, drinking, eating all day long and of course looking at boobs on the internet. So actually I need to be busier to keep me away from all these temptations. I've enrolled in several online courses, mainly in Bioinformatics which I find really interesting. I'm getting back into reading and watching movies/tv series in the evenings. Oh well, wish me luck, and part of the reason I posted this is to let other older game addicts out there know they're not alone. David
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