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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Blazing Man

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Everything posted by Blazing Man

  1. I did read your full post and I don't believe that video games are not bad, you misunderstood me.What I want to know is, since we're all humans/working in the same way, how can some people be successful while playing video games if video games have negative effects on people.
  2. You can.But I have some shocking news for you: you're not the first human being who has been born and has matured through life.In fact, there's a well known predictable pattern in which humans evolve through in life that has been discovered by a researcher called Clare Graves called Spiral Dynamics.
  3. I'm not necessarily talking about online games and when I say successful people I talk more about real successful people like actors, musicians etc than YouTube personalities.I mentionned Michael Jackson previously but I can also mention Robin Williams who was a huge fan of The Legend Of Zelda.I "compare" my life because I'm a human being too and I work like one, I'm running the same software as theirs.I want to truely understand what video games are and the effects they have on us and why they are bad (or maybe neither good ot bad).
  4. I understand what you say but at the same time I still don't fully see video games as dangerous/harmful and I don't know why.I know that there's something fishy about video games but for me it's more a grey issue than a black and white issue.
  5. Damn, I forgot about that fucking dopamine.But how can you explain that some successful people play video games ?
  6. True.Thanks for your answer !
  7. Well you can say the same thing for pretty much everything in life that is not considered "work" or "serious" or about personal developement. "Let's say are watching a movie for about 1hour every day for 1 year" yadi-yadi-yada...Does it mean that watching movies is bad ? Don't think so.Of course if you spend more time working instead of watching films you'll get better at your craft, but show me one human being who's always working 24/7.Michael Jackson was (and still is) the greatest entertainer in the world which is a pretty BIG fucking achievement and yet he played video games/arcade games.
  8. What about arcade games like pinball and shit thou ? Are those considered "real" video games ? Do they have the same negative effects ?
  9. All that information really helped me, thank you so much ! But there's also games (that are not video-games) that are competitive like chess, throwing darts, billards, bowling and so on.Sports are also competitive.And there's solo/non-online video games where you obviously don't compete.
  10. Have you ever wondered why humans play games in the first place ? What are your thoughts on this ?
  11. More opinions are invited !
  12. I mean will my brain be rebooted or some shit ? Will I lose attraction to video games entirely/forever ?
  13. By the way, what is supposed to happen after the 90 day detox ?
  14. You should.Going cold turkey and moving on with your life is the easiest way to overcome any addictions.Just man the fuck up and do it, period.
  15. I remember that rat experiment, it's just both frightening and fascinating at the same time.Porn turned me into a lazy dopamine junkie and that lead me to search a false sence of achievement through video games, to me the connection is CLEAR.Furthermore, the more I'm rebooting my brain with NoFap the less I feel attracted to video games at the same time 'cause life (REAL life) starts to feel better.Porn is having sex virtually and video games is accomplishing things virtually, they both have nothing to do with real life and everything to do with instant gratification and dopamine (as you mentionned).Thank you so much for your support, I wish you the best for your Journey !
  16. Everything is better than fucking gaming anyways.
  17. Maybe that's because we're not addicted to something but to the dopamine that something triggers in our brain.It will get easier hopefully ! Thanks for your support man !
  18. Thanks for your answer @Philipp ! That whole brain thing is totally true ! In fact, I experienced the same thing when I was addicted to porn.In the end, all addictions work in the same way, it's about brain and dopamine.I already play the guitar and I meditate everday so I guess I'll try that oldshcool Floor Is Lava !
  19. When I play games/relapse I ,in the end, don't find them that fun.But when I'm on a no gaming streak and think about video games they seem like the most fun thing to do in the whole world (and that's usually what makes me relapse).What's up with that ?
  20. Hi Mohammad ! I think that what’s important to do when we want to cut an addiction is to understand WHY we’re addicted to that thing in the first place.To help you do that I recommend you to watch Cam’s vids that are on his Gamequitters YouTube channel, that might be a great start !
  21. I have to take my life more seriously.
  22. That's awesome dude ! And I understand your struggle with bordedom and motivation, I'm dealing with the same.
  23. Boredom + laziness + thinking that "gaming is ok"
  24. Blazing Man


    I can't pass the first week, I always relapse around day 4/5.I feel shitty, I don't like that at all.
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