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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by WorkInProgress



    I have noticed that LoL is a super addictive game. I don't play this personally myself but this is coming in a big way into the high schools in my city. Just wanted to know from your experience what is so addictive about this game? Are there randomised rewards at the end of each match??

    thanks so much. I've enjoyed reading your journal. 

    It is jsut the league system and the short circle of games.

    Also there is the illusion that you could get a better team everytime you load a new game. Either you get a flaming shit team or some team were everything clicks and you got awesome teamwork (which is the most fun thing ever). It is like a one-armed bandit. Totally addicting. Was the hardest game to quit and gave me the most benefits.

  2. And I've completely forgotten about music production. Listening to this music reminds me. I said I would put it on the backburner while I adapted and made my habits rockfast. But I think it would be great for me now, I need that expression.

    Goal for tomorrow: produce something.


    PS Ive also looked into getting counselling. Sent one guy and email today (even tried phoning but no answer so email. might contact a couple more. theres so many therapists in this town, how do i choose?? i especially want to talk about the uni - expulsion thing i'm so terrified about. )

    Also i knocked on that girls door again and spoke to her. easy. even met another girl in the hallway and chatted with her for quite a while. 


    It doesn't really matter I would think. With counselors the relationship needs to fit. There is no other way then trying someone out. You could also inform yourself about student counselling. Most Universitys have some of one if this is the most important topic for you.

    Things which could help with your anxiety is to figure out a plan for this worst case. What would you do? I am sure there would be options for you even if you get expelled from uni. It surely wouldn't be the end of your world. Another thing which I would advice you is to stop smoking pot. I know a few people who got psychosis-like side effects especially if they consume regular. Just not worth it.

    Good job with speaking to the girl. The more often you get over this the easier it get. Here is alittle free ebook about that topic which I enjoyed ("The Flinch").

  3. @WorkInProgress Spain is surprisingly tolerant with the L and G letters of the collective, things considered. We were much faster to approve gay marriage than say, France or Germany, even with our Church being more entrenched. My guess may be a bit unconventional, but I think a good chunk of the spanish population feel very bitter and ashamed for the dictatorship and consider we are "behind European standards" so as society we tend to go bananas with social issues. Spain must go forward to catch up at all costs, or back to the old days as God and the Caudillo intended. Practically none in-betweens and if they are, people consider them not "commited" or "serious" enough (even if they later play it safe when voting); it's been getting worse since 2008. So, either you're super progressive, super conservative, or you don't care at all. Ah, the good old black and white infighting. Smells just like home. It's actually a bit more complex than that, I could elaborate if you're interested.

    Bisexuals still get the butt of the joke and the depravity meme, it can be annoying but also played straight for laughs if you're not super shy about sexuality like me. 

    With transexuals and queers (either in gender, expression or both) you can clearly see the contradiction I mentioned. Many don't get "the point" of them, but very few will speak up (even from a position of plain ignorance) for fear of being accused of intolerant. So they just shut up and mumble until they don't anymore, given enough time. Same happened with gays before. The way I've experienced it, Foucault was right: there doesn't seem to be morally superior ideologies, being progressive is just "in" nowadays and may as well change someday. Or not. Anyway that means the most effective approach is to isolate and give absolute silent treatment to undesirable ideas until they go away, even if we assume that majorities are simply built by arbitrary strength of numbers. The most convincing for emotional reasons wins. The rest shall be ostracised. May be different in the northern countries utopia, you can tell us about it :P

    Interesting. I would say up here in Germany the topic isn't that hot. Most discussion are about the refugity situation and genderquestions tend to be not that intensly discussed. Even the ultra-right-populistic AFD has an lesbien party leader. It just is kind of accepted that people can have other sexual likings and nobody cares which seems like a good modell because it isn't something special to be gay/transgender/or whatever. It is jsut how you are. There is surely still alot of homophobia around but atleast in the media, politics and my personal circle this is the leading attitude (nobody cares).

    I get the impression Spaniards are still a tiny little bit meek when talking about sex (beyond bluffing and bragging I mean) but with me in particular it just get ridiculous. I literally tear up in shame when discussing absolutely normal things with my SO. No religious or conservative education so I'm not sure where the hell does that come from. My thoughts on this are a mess, like you wouldn't believe.

    I can sympathize with you there. Before I met my wife I always had the nagging feeling that I am not allowed to have sexual feelings because I would be inherently asexual to girls around me. Of course that was BS but left to big insecurity about this issues and a feeling of shame. It got better as I opened up to her about this feelings and could see that this obviously wasn't true. But it was and still is a work in progress for me to.

    What are you doing as official part of the gamequitters team? I was wondering when cam would split is numerous endeavors a bit and give away some responsibilities. It seems like he has a little much different stuff (youtube,podcast,forum, speaking gigs ant cooperation with universities) on his plate right now .

    I hope everything turns out all right for you. I still remember how you joined this forum as an absolute mess. It is really great to see you evolve and getting your shit together.

    PS: If you dislike me spamming your personal journal we can move this chat to pm's.



  4. Because on of biggest interests right now are computers and programming. I feel like there are technical topics where an podcast can give you great bird-view information on specific topics (c++ and the current state of the language and supporting community) where there are no books about it. They are also pretty entertaining.

    Audiobooks shine especially in biographies and historic contents as @giblet mentioned. I love to listen to them and especially the topics of computer history and hacking have some great audiobooks which are a good choice to learn more about the whole computer culture.

    If you want to study special technical topics them visuals of diagrams and code are essential, so I have to read them in a book/pdf/wiki version.

    To summarize my opinion: You need an intention behind consuming content.The medium of choice depends on the content you want to consume

  5. @WorkInProgress

     Uh, complicated topic. I didn't feel they would outright beat me (firstly out of respect for my straight friend and nearest macho Cam, secondly because I didn't get that much homophobic vibes), but I certainly felt they would take me less seriously somehow. If it was a prejudice, we shall never know, but I prefer to play it safe. It's all in the subtleties. Like, someone makes a joke about me sucking one of the other guys dick for 40€ (it actually happened though I'm not sure how we arrived to that point) and I have to keep a straight face-no-pun-intended as if oh yes, that would be, like, super humiliating for my masculinity. Well, maybe prostitution would be, but the guy was well worth 40 dol... erm. Absolutely bad. Of course!

    I see what you mean. When do you show people/friends your sexuality in normal life? I have gay aquaintances who would have used this opportunity to let the gay bomb explode and make a suggestivly comment (like you did in this comment) to provoke some laughs.

    Maybe it is somehow grounded in the tabu of talking about your sexuality. I recognized that this is kind of a tabu-topic in Southern-Europe and America. Here in Germany it is (atleast fo my social circle) pretty normal to be open about that stuff. We maybe don't share out fetishes and intimite details about our sexlives but only because it is the gentleman way and not because it would make anyone feel especially uncomfortable. How does the spainish culture handle non-normative sexual orientations?

  6. Did you adopt any new hobby during this 50 days?

    Archery, but it has a very limited time frame, and atmospheric conditions. I haven't found anything to do in those free time moments before sleep, or after waking up.

    Listening to ausdiobookls could be an idea. I absolutely love to listen to podcasts and audiobooks in quiet moments. Especially before bedtime it quiets me down nicely.

  7.  -On a side note, keeping the heteronormative facade was a nuisance, but manageable. It's harder to do it without outright lying (aka, saying I'm dating a girl), I'd completely hate to do that

    Hey sounds like a good experience with cam. Thanks for the well written reflection.

    Why did you even keep a facade up? Is there really so much homophobia in the world? I am always astonished if people feel like they need to do that.

  8. Hi Knowswany,

    Welcome to the forum. I am sure you find a lot of like minded people. Feel free to just lurk or even better introduce yourself and your history here so people can relate to your story. If you want to quit gaming I would advice you to start a daily Journal (feel free to check out the existing journals there are often a lot of insights there). If you just want to chat with people there is also the Discord Chat. Best of luck. We got your back.


  9. Hey thanks for sharing these. I will steal the questions for my next goal setting session ;). I like especially the last two questions because I usually have a hard time asking people for help. But I know how important it is to use other people experiences. 

  10. Hey I am job hunting also and I found it really helpful to let other people (mainly my wife) look over it. If you want you could surely black out your private data and post it here. THen people could give you feedback. Just a suggestion which popped into my mind reading about it.

    Best of luck with your medical problems. Good job on sorting them out. 

  11. Hi and congratulations on the game free week and saying no. I know that this can be really hard, especially if it involves family

    PS: Does someone know how i can get rid of all those red lines below words? I think autocorrection is set to german, but i cant find an option to change it anywhere.

    You can right click  on the window your writing in and select -> Rechtschreibprüfung -> English as option (at least in chrome). Definitely try out some martial arts. I heard of many people who started it after the detox and only had good experiences. Most of the "dojos" have free tryout-sessions and people are usually pretty friendly there.

    If you have problems with your morning routine I would advice you to make a plan for the next day so you have a reason to get up and go showering the first thing n the morning. It doesn't have to be smth. productive just something which is important to you.

    Best of luck! If you have any questions feel free to write pm's. Lately i am not as regular online as I was half a year ago but if I am online, I am happy to help.


  12. I got some of the same thoughts about beeing consequent. It is really hard for me because I usually make a lot of plans and can't hold myself to it always. I think it is important to make realistic plans and then make it possible to stick to them. I feel like this is of an equal importance then beeing disciplined.

  13. Well I don't know if it is the best way but it surely better then just thinking about it. To write something down forces you to bring it in a coherent form which our thoughts usually aren't. Also it helps you to remember it later. So yeah. Write it down :)

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