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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Cam Adair

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Posts posted by Cam Adair

  1. 7 hours ago, Brian said:

    I recently downloaded the "easy" button from the old Staples commercials (in the US, not sure if you saw those down in AUS). I LOVE pushing it after completing something hard. I smirk every time. ? It's a fun way to add a little video-game psychology to my every-day achievements. And I like how you framed up achievements in your post - this can probably be transferred to 'leveling up' too. 

    haha that's a funny way to get a boost of dopamine while also bringing light to how silly the digital achievements are.

  2. Urges will pass just hang in there. Try to exercise move your body get outside if possible. Use the pomodoro technique to do other activities like learning to code. Do it for 30 minutes and then take a non-digital break like going to get a cup of tea.

    This is a new experience for you, be patient, it gets better.

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