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    • Entry 5.7 ( Written on 6.7) Day 644: No Useless Videos Day 643: Sticking to Food schedule Day 245: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 0236: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -10 hrs of deliveries -Embassy visit regarding NIE -Back home at 22 10-ish 1 thing I could do better -Same as yesterday. Finish the edreams cancellation earlier in the day. no need to wait for last moment It seems I got carried away and I accidentally looked at the computer watch instead of hand-watch, and have passed the 23 15 deadline. Well, there is no shame in falling. There is a shame in staying down. Re-starting the count and gotta get back onto track.
    • Welcome to game quitters. the trap as you described it is a game or film perceived as something common. There is a bigger excuse to do something wrong, if a false impression is created that there is a community around the harmful activity. This is how people play online video games for years without detecting that they are performing the same operations without any tangible meaning. Another thing is how jobs previously filled by your community members, have been transferred to automatic computer systems and back office functions. So the human element is greatly reduced. This causes that feeling of loneliness and loss of sense of belonging to a community. Now online communication and easy on demand entertainment makes people less present to notice their family, neighbours and friends. There is a great transition to fake substitutes. the answer is greater control over one’s needs and focusing on building relationships with family and community.
    • Entry 4.7 ( Written on 5.7) Day 643: No Useless Videos Day 642: Sticking to Food schedule Day 244: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 235: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -Handing document for translation, even though the price is astronomic...  I probably compared 10 places already at least! And time is not waiting. I am sure I could find a cheaper deal if enough time was given, but time does not wait and there are other things to tend to. -As planned yesterday gone to court to ask them regarding notaries -Asked at embassy regarding NIE + insurance + what kind of translation is necessary. he said the notary himself must be a Spanish speaker.... Though this guy already mislead me once, but in this case I gues I'll take his advice. even though it may cost me about 60$ 1 thing I could do better -Finish the edreams cancellation earlier in the day. no need to wait for last moment
    • July 5 - Day #3 I am trying to avoid counting unhatched chickens, as after my last post and the online applications, I tasted too much victory and went for some erotica. So if I can stay off of games (as I'm counting the combination of these two vices in the same day as a complete relapse) today, I'll make it 'Day #3.5'. I could apportion blame to other people if I did relapse, but really what's holding me back is not wanting to upset anyone into using obviously-available means to further mess me around, by telling my truth. Again, feeling disregarded by others' by being vocally told that I was, is what led my hospitalisation. The only real new piece of information I got is that sometime in the medium-term future I'll need to earn more to continue to solo rent. So I'll be trying not to just 'write off' days at a time in my search - though I still could use a pick-me-up right now that is a bit more than a daily cacao drink. ___________ Gratitude: ~ a mostly undisturbed walk in the bigger park ~ I finished David Goggins' book; good ending - stretch those muscles ~ that I can still write properly, in my journal and diary dates, under my own steam ~ pet dogs - OK, specifically I'm pretty sure I passed a dog-walking business in action on the way home. Gooooood doggies. Happy Friday all, ~ Matt
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