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    • 12 June - 16 June: I met my friend, spent time with my girlfriend and attended a small high-school reunion. It was nice to see the guys after a while. I also finished the testing of students who had it as a requirement. I also worked on updating my website yesterday, although I am heavily considering consulting a professional. I strongly believe in improving my online presence as much as I believe in improving my actual teaching skills. It's really on the same level and these two must go together. My brother, my girlfriend and I also visited my mom at the spa. The visit was OK, so I hope it helps her mental health. She should come back home the next week. I was also a bit bored yesterday, but I did some things around the flat. It's odd, but necessary to be bored sometimes. I haven't watched porn in almost a month, so hooray for that 😄 
    • Wow, I can't imagine the nerve of that person. I can imagine happening it once (even though meeting somebody new should likely be top priority), but not twice. I'm certain it's a good thing you won't work there, if that's how it goes there 😄  Do you have any support to help you with that? I started solving my porn problem actively and I've been clean for almost a month now.
    • June 17 - Day #3.5 I spent half of the day in a meditative state in preparation for a twice-rescheduled phone interview, albeit one that I wanted. No one called, and I'm pretty sure I was waiting for another 'No Caller ID' as part of the bargain - calling their regular number, I've tried once before to no avail. So I went out for a short jog and medium walk to try and clear my head, but mostly what that did was re-ascertain me of the clearly bad mood I was in. The good news is that I'm here instead of recommitting to gaming. The bad news is that after reading an email sent past 5pm and its contents, I don't think the person deserves a 3rd chance to mess up again on this week. The vibe has well-passed now. Onward to abstinence. ______________ Gaming: No desires until the walk back home, even whilst knowing I was 20-30 minutes from getting here and typing, the only comfort I could find was a mental image of grinding the game. I am usually pretty attuned to my environment, and it was cold literally and figuratively, so simply changing my thought patterns this evening would probably have created collateral damage. I don't do that. But maybe overnight/tomorrow. Erotic material: Explaining the 'Day #3.5' count, I accidentally came across some whilst reading, and forgot to say a prayer or whatever. I felt unclean, but did not suffer all-day damage from it like with actual giving in to looking for whatever else. I don't wish for another half-day-count, but at least we would return to whole numbers if I misstep again.  _____________ Gratitude: ~ Maybe the general population is so far gone where I am that my suffering appears minuscule, and not even worth aggravating for entertainment. So, I am lucky that I felt unprovoked and thus harmless.  ~ The taste of water when truly thirsty ~ Gradually returning pleasures of the sounds and smells of new days ~ Waking up semi-dead and recovering Happy Monday, I guess. ~ Matt
    • Entry 16.6 ( Written on 17.6) Day 625: No Useless Videos Day 624: Sticking to Food schedule Day 226: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 217: Being in bed before 23:15 Day 0: 6 pomodoros - Till the end of the week i Omit this count since I did put in the weekly plan less than 6 pomodoros each day in any case. 3 Things I did well no matter how small -1.5 more hours of apartment progress - Overcoming the urge to go to sleep even though I slept only about 4 hours -1 hour workout 1 Thing I could do better -IF I wake up to pee in the middle of the night, return more promptly to bed
    • Godspeed. There are gonna be some ups and downs here.Ii's okay. Just remember your why during the hard times 🙂 and I think you have some written here as an aid 🙂 
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