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    • Hello Game Quitters members today and yesterday on Friday was really good in general. I did went to my local bank to financially take care of things in general and also allow me to progress in general and it's almost 2025 to finally become a published author which mean in October 2025 the breakdown payments will be finally complete in general so I can make my own income onto something that I know it's something that I personally and professionally enjoy doing, not other stuff that is not in my interest in general professionally. I did exercise successfully yesterday with cardio and strength training without ending fitness sessions incomplete by not exercising the body fully with full body strength training workout in general. Life is going to be great for me thankfully, because I decided to choose to live and create a life that I'm setting up to succeed highly. And it's best for me to continue that way, because I remember a time I was the complete opposite in general in year 2012 clearly now I like my life better compare to previous years before 2020 in general.   Alright Game Quitters members, I'm going to continue my day. Bye.
    • ~ About a Dog ~ Our first family dog lived to just over 10 years - we finally had an appropriately-sized backyard for him, long-term. Once I'd finished school, my weekend job, in addition to his or our daily walks, was picking up after him and his friend-and-other-family-dog, a very small dog by comparison. He was almost completely mild-mannered, save for some other dogs' attempts at dominance, my own intense hugs and backyard plays, and whining at the top of the stairs, behind a barrier, as we ate dinner. It was his personality that all but crushed my previous fear of most dogs. Sometime in his last year, he developed what I'm simply going to call stomach problems. Our walks continued, but his pace got slower and slower, albeit determined, and me and our family would more often than not find him curled up in the laundry room shower in retreat, probably due to discomfort and a want to escape it. So in the end, soon after I'd settled in to my first job, a service was arranged to put him down. Inspired by the spirit of movies like '300', I had wished our dog a 'warrior's' passing - to be on his feet until the end, I guess. Because of the relative obviousness of his suffering, this was opposed, and I personally hadn't the resources to argue. So eventually, we all wound up crouched around him teary-eyed while the two people from the service did their work, and transported him away. We kept his ashes for the rest of our stay there, but I can't remember if we ever scattered them together. The owner of our dog's smaller 'brother' once said, 'there is no rule for grieving'. ______________ We are seeing our second similarly-bred dog into his almost-as-late years at the moment, but aside from slightly less bounce, which I may even be imagining, he seems to be doing okay. I saw him a few suburbs over last weekend (I haven't the yard space for him) when it dawned on me I'd been spending too much time typing here about myself in order to get through the week. He has turned out to be a very worthy replacement, but I know I'll never forget the warrior that was our first family dog. He had that look that convinced us, even as his practical masters, that he knew what was what. RIP See you next time, ~ Matt
    • Entry 31.05 ( Written on 1.6) Day 610: No Useless Videos Day 607: Sticking to Food schedule Day 211: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 202: Being in bed before 23:15 Day 1: 8 pomodoros 3 Things I did well no matter how small -Getting visa photographs -Calling regarding insurances to do price comparisons -Coming back home a little bit before designated shower time 1 Thing I could do better -Make sure I have a separate time for finding out things about visa and separate time for food and pomodoros
    • Hey Curtis,  This was the first post I've read on this forum and so I decided to create an account to reply. I have also been struggling with porn and masturbation addiction for a while, and I really suggest you focus on that rather than game addiction. I read a lot of old esoteric scientific books about the disastrous effects of masturbation and as much as they were insightful, it didn't completely curb out my addiction. So recently, I have been reading Hindu texts about celibacy and sexual continence and they have really inspired me to quit this habit once and for all.  It used to be common knowledge that ejaculation in all its forms weakens the male greatly, but this knowledge has been lost and actually know the opposite is common knowledge, you've abstained in the past and you must have felt the mental and physical benefits of abstaining. Right now I'm abstaining and I just feel like a new person, I'm able to hit the gym and gain strength, my sleeping pattern is more aligned with sunlight and I wake up more refreshed, and on top of that it has allowed me to do other things than game all day, I'm also a CS graduate and so I have more mental energy to focus on learning about mobile app development and reading books that interest me. I'd suggest you stay away from the nofap Subreddits and chose to read more about it on the semenretention subreddit as the conversations are a bit more mature but I warn you there is a strong spiritual aspect to this practice.  
    • Day 47-57 Hoorah, beat my previous best of 56 days, as of today. Assuming I don't game today, (I'm writing this in the morning). My physical energy has been great the last couple of weeks. My top three 5K runs have all been in the last fortnight - somehow my body is just gliding along whenever I run! Also, I went for a 2hr walk with a friend earlier this week. I'm particularly pleased with that because I know my friend hasn't done any exercise for a long time, and I was the pushing force to help him get moving. I'd like to get into doing some longer walks over the summer, so I might see if I can get him to tag along in the future. I've been reading every day for the last three weeks. It's hard to explain, but previously, even if I broadly wanted to read, it wouldn't click in my brain that reading is an option. I would just be so glued to my laptop screen (whether gaming or not), that I couldn't imagine doing anything else. Other good things: My sleep schedule continues to improve, I've been eating well (although not very structured), I've been planning a novel thoroughly, and I've continued to journal daily (also not very structured). On the downside, I haven't been seeking out employment, and I've been erratic with my online work, so despite being able to earn enough to offset my outgoings...I haven't. I've opted out of socialising a couple of times, despite having the energy to go out and do things. I've gone back to being terrible at brushing my teeth. Also, although I wake up at a consistent time, I haven't even attempted to have any morning routine recently. About once a week I get a weird restless energy for a day, and I end up doing barely anything. Going forward I'll try going for a long walk (2hrs+) when that happens, assuming the weather isn't too terrible. It's better than trying to force myself to do something and failing. I sometimes daydream about walking the length of the UK (Land's End to John O'Groats), and while I'm unlikely to ever actually do that, going for long walks regularly at least makes that more plausible.
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