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    • Entry 3.6 ( Written on 4.6) Day 613: No Useless Videos Day 610: Sticking to Food schedule Day 2143: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 205: Being in bed before 23:15 Day 0: 7 pomodoros - only 4, Don't know what to say on the subject.... 3 Things I did well no matter how small -Visiting police again -In bed by 20 10 second day in a row, because I woke up on 4 10 -Kept writing and calling potential apartments 1 Thing I could do better -Again when putting groceries during the night into the fridge be see chill, lost a whole HOUR there.
    • Hello guys, I am Paris, 31 years old and I am glad to say that I have quitted 6 years to this day.  It's been very rough all these years since gaming consumed my teens and early adulthood so I am trying everyday to catch up with everything I was behind.  I am going to the gym everyday and I graduated with a degree in finance and mathematics couple of years ago. Now I am following a double masters in finance and econometrics and hopefully next year I will be ready to roll my career a little bit later than the usual. What I found to be very hard is the development of a social life. I have some lifelong friends but as we get older everyone lives in different places and countries and we meet rarely. What I wish is to be able to connect with more people in real life and find a nice and pretty girl. I know the desperation when you guys try to quit but cannot. I was one of you. Every single day for 12-15 hours at the computer playing games. Being left with "friends" from those games. Trying to quit and having to deal with "boring" real life.  But hey real life is not boring , we make it interesting. Step by step build a new life. You will be lonely yes. And sad also. But when the initial urge goes off, fighting every day will make you stronger. Try to find a whatever activity that slightly interests you and no matter how awkward you might feel keep doing it. I believe a sport or simply going to the gym help immensely. At least they helped me. Consider all these activities as grinding. You start at level 1 being a noob that has no idea what to do in the game and you level up. In a x amount of time you will have achieved a x level and that will bring you satisfaction since it is really hard to excel at a thing. Consider how many hours you played a game to master it. Wish you all to find your true self out there under the shadow of a tree in a park, hanging out with good friends.  
    • Entry 2.06 ( Written on 3.6) Day 612: No Useless Videos Day 609: Sticking to Food schedule Day 213: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 204: Being in bed before 23:15 Day 0: 7 pomodoros ... 3 Things I did well no matter how small -Visiting police station once again for the "no crimes permit" -Picking up photos -Called potential apartments 1 Thing I could do better -Go to eat at break right away instead of using 8 minutes to re-read job contract
    • Entry 1.06 ( Written on 2.6) Day 611: No Useless Videos Day 608: Sticking to Food schedule Day 212: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 203: Being in bed before 23:15 Day 0: 7 pomodoros - for the next week the standard is going to be at most 7 pomodoros and possibly less because I need to concentrate at this specific time on other things, this hurts. A lot! But it is necessary at least this week, If I accomplish my larger strategic goals for the short term, I'll quickly revert to 8 as is planned Yesterday I did just 4 3 Things I did well no matter how small -7 hrs deliveries -Cleaned bathroom floor -Planned week even though yet again I was late from this planning by 1 hour 1 Thing I could do better -First plan the days schedule, then wonder around finding out information
    • Hello Game Quitters members today and yesterday on Friday was really good in general. I did went to my local bank to financially take care of things in general and also allow me to progress in general and it's almost 2025 to finally become a published author which mean in October 2025 the breakdown payments will be finally complete in general so I can make my own income onto something that I know it's something that I personally and professionally enjoy doing, not other stuff that is not in my interest in general professionally. I did exercise successfully yesterday with cardio and strength training without ending fitness sessions incomplete by not exercising the body fully with full body strength training workout in general. Life is going to be great for me thankfully, because I decided to choose to live and create a life that I'm setting up to succeed highly. And it's best for me to continue that way, because I remember a time I was the complete opposite in general in year 2012 clearly now I like my life better compare to previous years before 2020 in general.   Alright Game Quitters members, I'm going to continue my day. Bye.
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