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NEW VIDEO: The Dark Side of Gaming (Documentary)

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I am a 35 year old in a demanding professional career where I face tremendous pressure, long hours, and near-constant criticism.  I used to play Magic competitively over 10 years ago.  A friend introduced me to Hearthstone and as a more accessible version of Magic, I became instantly hooked.  I’ve used it as a way to escape from the stresses and burnout of my job, and it has led to a serious decline in my performance.  I even played a lot during work hours.  I realized I had a problem after I spent the better part of three work days playing hearthstone at home instead of working, even though I was late on a project.  It’s time to do something about this.  It’s embarrassing to write this and hard to face the facts but it is time to change.  Thank you for what you’re doing Cam, and good luck everyone.  

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Welcome to the forums, @Bort! I once too, had been addicted to Blizzard games. Jeez, I worked so hard to get that golden deck of fire mage Jaina!!! And I ended up, selling my account...

11 hours ago, Bort said:

 It’s time to do something about this.  It’s embarrassing to write this and hard to face the facts but it is time to change.

Don't worry my friend, now that you have quit, sooner or later everything will be the way you wanted it to be.
Good luck and take it easy! 😄

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