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90 Day detox - Day 1 and 2


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So since the site wouldn't let me register yesterday on chrome I am posting my entries for day 1 and day 2 of my 90 day detox.


Day 1 - 12/10/18


  • i hope i am making the right choice and not merely an emotional one
  • I'm really nervous about turning my back on video games
  • i hope i can still stream irl content on twitch since i am a twitch affiliate.



Day 2 -12/11/18


  • definitely had stretches of boredom today and have been watching more youtube videos, albeit non-gaming ones.
  • put off watching the 2nd module since i knew it would call for me to uninstall my games
  • really started questioning if i needed to delete my accounts since i am a casual gamer and may want to return to play an occasional game after the detox
  • deleted all my games, the steam account delete method no longer works so had to put in an actual ticket to get my account deleted for blizzard and steam
  • had some pangs of regret as i was deleting the games because i had some fond memories but also due to the realization of how many hours i spent on some of the games
  • will say that my attempt to not play games have also reduced my desire to watch +as many twitch streams as i used to, i've only watched 3 unique channels in the past 2 days versus my usual average of 10+
  • really looking forward to module 3 since i get to pick some new activities to replace my gaming hobby
  • ordered a new laptop to use to learn web development, can't wait until it comes in
  • trading my ps4 to get my wife a better laptop, looking forward to surprising her with it for christmas
  • head is hurting, don't know if it's from deleting the games or my poor diet lately



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Day 3 - 12/12/18
  • woke up on time today and felt energized but 3 hrs later was feeling tired and severely bored
    • spent a good bit of time on youtube this morning as a result
    • tried to watch twitch this afternoon, but quickly lost interest
  • got some laundry done and washed the dishes, so i felt good about that
  • my wife and i found out that we're going to have a baby girl, so we're excited about that
  • tried to wipe my ps4 today in preparation for the trade tomorrow, but my brother's user account cannot be initialized and i do not want to tell him i am giving the ps4 away since it used to be his and he gave it to me as a wedding gift last year.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Day 22- 1/1/19


  • Sorry it's been so long since i posted, been busy with the holidays
  • good news is i have not played a video game at all, so I am 22 ays clean!
  • i still struggle with boredom and still err on consumption like activities like watching YouTube or reading fiction and I haven't done much of the creative activities like web development or music production
  • i finished my first Lego set in years - the London Architecture set.
  • I bought the gamequitters challenge and day 1 was today so I am excited what new things i will learn
  • my wife and i are also doing a 30 day devotional on marriage and I am looking forward to growing our marriage further doing this time.


Edited by WarrickB
forgot to add the picture of the lego set
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Day 24 - 1/3/19


  • been sleeping in way too much, not feeling these late starts
  • picked my project for the next 30 days, couch to 5k, really nervous about it and i hope to stick with it
  • still think i'm afraid to do something with web development, really hard to do the pre work i am supposed to be doing before class next month
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Day 25 -1/4/19


  • still sleeping in, really need to get myself up earlier
  • bought the slight edge today, looking forward to actually reading through the book this time
  • been tracking how much water i've been drinking, i'm shooting for 84 oz a day and am happy with the results from drinking more water
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Day 26 - 1/5/19


  • had a great day today
  • completed week 1 day 1 of the couch to 5k program, i was definitely struggling but upon returning home, i felt that runner's high
  • spent most of the day out with my wife and son
    • we ate a favorite restaurant of ours for breakfast, went to the mall and then went to target
    • I cooked dinner and it turned out pretty good
    • played skip bo and rivals of catan with my wife and won both games. ?
  • i'm looking forward to starting my new morning routine tomorrow, the game quitters challenge has been great so far.
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Day 28- 1/7/19


Wow, can't believe it's been 4 weeks since I decided to stop playing video games. It's crazy to think how much there is still to do when I am not tying my attention up in a video game, so lately I haven't had too much trouble with urges to play, but I will remain vigilant because I know each and every day is different.


Today is my last day being unemployed, I start my new work from home job tomorrow with the company I had left back in august of last year.. how ironic. I still have some concerns, 1 it's seasonal, 2 it pays less than what I was making the last time I worked there. I am also sad because we have to put my son back in daycare and I have enjoyed being with him everyday since September. I am not looking forward to getting back in the cadence of getting up early taking Ben to let someone else to raise him working for a company I don't like, and then picking him up. But we need this job and God has reminded me that work is a gift. I am hoping I either get moved onto a long term project or I find a full time work from home position that does not require me to be on the phone.

I woke up late again today, but I did not let that stop me from meditating and running and I happy I stuck with it and didn't let my late start be an excuse. I forgot to schedule my week yesterday, so did that this afternoon, and having a job that requires 8 hrs of my day made scheduling a little easier.  I made my vision board today and am excited about day 6 of the challenge. 

The slight edge has been really helpful, I keep repeating to myself, 


Do the thing, and you shall have the power - Emerson

anyways, it's time to wrap things up here at home so I can get my son to bed early in preparation for tomorrow.

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