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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Hello! My name is Priyanuj. I am 22 years old born and bred in India. I was first introduced to gaming when I was 10 years old. Although not an intense gamer(because my parents were very restrictive about me playing games), playing games does have quite a negative impact on my mind.

As I mentioned I am not an intense gamer, but playing video games for even an hour or two affects me. It drains a large amount of my energy and I end up feeling demotivated, distracted, and low. Then starts the 'game-revision' phase of my mind, which is, when my mind starts thinking of all the things that I did in the game and what my next action would be or how could I complete a particular level. That leaves me extremely distracted, especially when I am studying.

I realize that even an hour or two of gaming can disturb me. I don't think quitting for a certain period will do me any good as I tried to quit gaming for a month(which started on 19 August 2024) and ended up playing again after 9 days. I can see a lowered enthusiasm towards learning new things, and a lowered zeal towards my studies.


Therefore, I have decided to quit gaming once and for all.

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Welcome to game quitters.

Always good to see self awareness in young aspiring people. Do you know that there are many who say that the video gaming or other bad habits do not affect them?

This is called denial and the best definition I could give it is refusing to observe the consequences of a harmful habit.

I have seen journals on this forum where members tried controlling the time spent on video games and I have yet to see a successful case. So all cases were negative.

Hope you have a fighting spirit to reclaim a healthy way.

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