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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Blocking MOBA game from being downloaded on iphone


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Struggling with re-downloading Mobile Legends everytime I get triggered.  I've tried screentime, but it's just too easy to get around.  Any suggestions? 




Edited by Zoe
wrong screen name
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  • 5 months later...

I know its late but i suggest you ask your parents or a friend to turn on parental guidance and unless they give you access you can't install mlbb, you can also reduce the time you spend on your phone by limiting the usage before it locks. I would have said delete your account but from experience i know it doesnt work(deleted mlbb accounts 3 times and just restarted the grind again). Then find something else to do that you really like and can replace gaming. I'm currently still struggling with this but the PG helped alot

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