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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Introduction, my video game addiction


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I’m 33 years old and I’ve played games ever since I was 2 years old . I have 2 kids with my wife, my oldest is 11 and my youngest is 8. Video games have completely ruined my relationship with my wife, as of this moment she wants me gone. I’ve neglected my whole family and all of my responsibilities for years, it’s a recurring problem and she’s done giving me chances. I always stop playing and then I just get bored and I see my whole family just sitting around watching shows and I think I’ll just play games a little bit...it’s never a little bit, I can’t seem to control it, I have literally put between 3-4000 hours a year for the past 5 years into one game. That works out to about 166 days out of the year for the past 5-6 years I have spent in a game. Ignoring my family, Leaving all the house hold chores to my wife, would hardly consider myself a partner, or a father. My parents always told me I had an addiction but I thought it was nonsense and I could control it. As of yesterday I’ve decided to quit video games, it’s a serious problem for me. Might be too little too late for my wife but I need to do this for me to be happy, for my kids to see a respectable father. The tough thing will be saying good bye to all my online friends that I’ve really gotten to know very well over the years, and finding hobbies to fill the void of time I’d usually spend playing games. As of day 2 I already found myself bored and just wanting to play. Not gunna be easy but I gotta power through the urges to play. I’ve started working out and I’m going to start regular walks with my kids. Part of me wants to smash my PlayStation, which my son is glued to all the time, I see myself in him and I don’t really want it in my house anymore, but my wife wants the kids to able to play games if they want, which has made it more difficult for me in the past. Here’s to a better future of self improvement and what I hope can be a fulfilling life. 

Edited by Moogy
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The choice you're making is the right one. Stick with it, and Hobby Bomb until you find something that works for you.

Board Games with the family are a great way to pass the time, and there is a whole world of games out there that most people don't even realize!

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Welcome! Always remember to take it one day at a time. No matter how much video games have detracted from your life in the past, you always have an opportunity to build a new life starting today. We’re here for you on your journey.

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