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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by dirkj3

  1. Day 8 or 9

    I went to a gym yesterday night. it felt good and I am planning to go there the next time. I am still shy and am rather not asking people for help as this will show me that I don't know something.

    I keep my phone in the kitchen and I almost got my phone in my room. I feel like I am replacing gaming with junk food.

    I plan to read and write a journal but then I don't get to any of this. Next exams are coming. I feel like I don't want quit games I kinda gave up that there is a better real life. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Matt S said:
    2 hours ago, Matt S said:

    have memory flashbacks 


    I can feel with you I'm 22 now and today a classmate turned 18 

    I was kinda sad looking at myself and I didn't change any of my behavior since I'm 18.

    That's what i dont like about games.

    I asked about how her party went and I shared how excited I could have been if I turn now 18.

  3. 2 hours ago, Silverlining said:

    Hey! You are back!

    There're plenty of things to do. Learn something new, get a new hobby. Get outside your room, exercise. Do some chores. Spend time with family and friends. Use a pomodoro clock. It looks simple but it is powerful. Trust me.

    Start with small steps. Read more journals here. People usually stop craving for games after less than a month. The key is to fill your free time with all kinds of things to do.

    Ok thank you very much!

  4. On 11/18/2018 at 6:12 AM, Silverlining said:

    Day #28:

    My 4-week summary:


    Weekly objectives:

    Went to the gym every day: ✔️ Even on Thursday, when I had a headache.

    Optimized some processes at work: ✔️

    Spent the extra time at work to study on the industry:  I read about stay-at-home mom and pregnancy instead. I'm a little stressed about these plans in my near future. Nothing I can't handle though. I have definitely become stronger for the past few weeks ?

    Did more HIIT: ✔️ 3 out of 7 days.

    Improved my learning skills with the techniques learned from Learning How to Learn✔️ but not enough. I used deliberate practice and tried to avoid some illusions of competence, but not other skills.

    Keep that work up !!!  4 weeks already!!

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  5. On 10/23/2018 at 5:31 AM, Silverlining said:

    Thank you!

    Although I wouldn't be too excited about it ?

    It's not my first time to quit gaming...I did this so many times that I am almost good at starting quitting.

    It not my first try, too.

    I want to do it.

    This week was so rough and games made it even worse. 

    I need a honest opinion about how hard quitting can be.

    Is going through withdrawals of the hardest kind worse than being in a chronic lower intense but slowly and surely increasing stress levels coming from gaming?

  6. I feel the same right know.

    Tomorrow there is a chemistry Lab(I don't like it) and I am still not off gaming.

    I don't know how to have the desire to stop playing video games on a practical way.

    Theoretically it would be to limit phone usage but on a practical level I hesitate to just go without it for 10MIN...

  7. Entry Ne 1



    breathe air, awake, alive, new day, 

    Most important facts what my day consisted of yesterday:

    the morning went well.

    After school I substituted buying and eating candy with reading a book

    after I got home  I have eaten a lot of ice cream.

    Then 3.5 hours yt-session

     No Evening routine.

    woke up the same bit with a weird dream. 

     a dream where there is no gaming or porn involved I cannot believe it!!

    So far so good

    I 'll update later more info

  8. On 8/14/2018 at 2:20 AM, eshi2000 said:

    Officially one year :))))))) AND ill just keep on swimming


    You are my role model!!

    Keep on doing and the compounding effect will get you where you want!!!!

  9. I was not in game quitters, slacking off until I got to an extreme bottom.

    Since October I woke up from this then feeling what if would die tomorrow pushed me up to do something where I am lacking.

    right know I am implementing the thing and grow rich principles.

    It is extreme hard to tackle both porn and video gaming focusing on one is crucial but detrimental  because the other one catalyzes the other.

    I have missed this company!!

    I had to carry that all on myself.

    I thought that nobody would reply but I got to the one who is 100%  on taking responsibility for my friends!!




  10. Day 1 Miracle Morning 

    Hello World

    I am tired waking up 1 hour earlier than I have to but I did it anyway!!

    I don't feel any better than before

    Yesterday I was doing some school next to it I had a game running on my phone...

    I could do what I want I couldn't get to finish the task how I wanted because I was constantly distracted by it.

    Usually I would delete the game immediately and try to subjugate the very thought Bout games.

    It's interesting what a game does to your performance. 

    Anyways I'm struggling to bring up will to move on from games, as they will always be there on my Google account if I don't

    "draw a line in the Sand" to move on from it!

    See ya  coming again tomorrow


  11. Day 0

    After about 2 months of letting myself struggling I decided to start miracle morning.

    Today is my second day.

    I have been gaming every 2 nights through the night and I don't want to live a separated life with 2 personas 

    I have read Mindset by Dweck and some other self development books but never implemented it to real life.

    I want to change that.

    I want to commit to a life purpose to wake up every day. 

    I am grateful for getting up this morning





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  12. Hello Eli

    Would you mind giving me some tips about how to deal with the inner resistance?

    I am on day 17 and I feel like that I simply resist making plans to boost myself out of the state of replacing games with porn and junk food.

    I know that I just gotta start but it isnt that easy to control all that little knobs and switchs that are now available for me and for anyone else going through this right now.

    Somehow my responses to high level of unfortable things like the exam today dragged me down a lot..

    Thanks in advance!


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  13. Day 17

    So far, I notice slight improvements in my diabetes treatment like my blood sugar isnt above 300mg dl for a longer period of time anymore

    I stopped gaming but I havent made any new habits because something inside doesnt want to spend more time on self development or any uncomfortable areas.

    it drags me down when I dont actively choose new activities other than eating ice cream in front of the computer or watch animations after the news.

    Today there was a chem test and I felt good in the beginning but the last 3 tasks in the last half an hour paralysed me, it was an slow ongoing process of thinking

    Thats fine that I didnt get this task completely right.

    I only learned the comfortable things not the uncomfortable being emersed in the actual process of rehearsing a process of a titration.

    Like what to calculate and the most important why Im doing that.

    Anyone reading this, I dont know how to change that...the negative thoughts played a part in the stress and kinda black out moment  as well.

    I cant continue my way by living through life without taking real action into challenging myself or doing something more uncomfortable.

    Can some one please help me?

  14. Day 14

    Feeling weird right now I have noticed a lot of things about negative habits-

    I still struggle to keep a persistent agenda going especially because I dont have set priorities to time management yet.

    I say its 4 pm then I do 4 Pomodoros and then I take a walk then its supper then it kinda gets blury then its 9 to 9.30

    I have school from 8 to 3 Pm and on weekends I struggle to deal with all that additional freetime

    You can not say it is 11 am screw it ill do some sport in the middle of a lesson...


  15. On 8.10.2016 at 7:08 PM, Hitaru said:

    That's an interesting question actually. It has to do with the concept of hiperestimulation: You're so used to be distracted and entertained all the time that now even the most basic action of eating feels boring. Right?

    From my experience I always had trouble eating, I'm underweight and my eating habits usually consisted in quickly eat up the bare minimum and rush back to gaming. I'm also a naturally light eater, so I get sated really fast. Just two or three forkfuls feel enough, so the rest of the meal feels a bit like taking medicine. Necessary but uncomfortable. 

    What I usually do is eat as fast as I can to get over with it, usually while standing. If I sit down to eat while watching TV it's almost sure I'm going to procrastinate in some way. But this is not healthy either. How long does it take for you to finish a meal on average?

    I notice that as well

    I am also eating while watching the ingredients list or something else that keeps me distracted.

    Most of the time when I am distracted I eat junk food and dont even notice it.

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