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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by dirkj3

  1. I started Djing this night!

    it is real awesome I don't have been using edjing mix.

    I don't quite understand how the low and high pitched tracks can be combined to an even more epic mix????

  2. Day 0.5


    I have quit today after noticing that the effect of video games tightened it's grip on me.

    I decided to quit a couple of days earlier because I noticing that I was gaming more frequent than one night in a row..

    I want to be more social and active and challenge myself throughout the day.

    Right now I am feeling so much more relaxed not concerning where I could be in the game if I would not quit.

    I am studying for my Abitur in fact for the last exams which are math english and History.

    I have made a list of three things that I want to accomplish two of them are finished.

    However, I notice some urges to install that game again since I have a little break.

    Usually, I would game through the night and would kin da try to wast time throughout the day after.

    So many times I gamed to cover emotions and sometimes it was to wast time

    .  I recognized to build up a tolerance as the game wasn't interesting amymore even the daily let's plays that I was watching every night become stale.

    The first time I quit I wasn't sure whether to continue but the tolerance that you build up made me realize that you go down the slope if you continue even if you thing you can control gaming.

    So, I watched the tedx video by george Wilson who was mentioning that delta fos b a chemical was accumulated in the brain.


  3. Das Problem ist dass ich manchmal Spiele aber anderen Tagen mache ihr Push ups oder lerne ein bisschen italienisch.

    Aber dann wenn ich mich belohnen möchte dann spiele ich.

    Das Ding ist ich spiele alle 2 Tage  durch die Nacht und bin dann so müde sodass ich dann nichts mehr anderes machen kann.


  4. Tag 0.5

    Ich  habe absolut kein Bock auf diese Quittung games Nummer!

    Das bringt mir doch sowieso nichts Einen halben Tag bin ich schon von den Spielen weg und Ich fühle mich so ultra beschissen und gelangweilt wenn ich Schule machen muss mache ich es nur mit Widerwillen  ich bin einfach total geladen und müde.

    Ich habe es mit Meditation probiert nur habe ich keine Mindfulness oder so was.

    Ich bin einfach nur sauer dass mein Körper sich so gegen mein Vorhaben wehrt...

    Ich will mit dem Spielen aufhören aber ich fühle mich so als ob ich nur noch länger spielen muss damit Ich was zu tun habe.

    Ich werde den Text so gut wie möglich nun in englischer Sprache verfassen.

  5. Hi Leute 

    Ich spiele schon seit mehreren Jahren mittlerweile es War nie schlimm weil ich noch gut in der Schule gewesen bin.

    Jetzt stehe ich vor dem Abitur und merke dass ich mit den Jahren eine Sucht entwickelt habe.

    Meist haben meine Eltern nichts gemerkt sodass sich meine Sucht weiterentwickeln konnte.Kritisch wurde es bei dem Vorabi zur und als ich mal für eine Arbeit gar nicht gelernt und noch die Nacht zur Arbeit hin durchgezockt habe..

    Meine Eltern haben gesagt dass ich aufhören soll..Ich habe etliche Male die spiele von meinem Handy gelöscht und man hat mir etliche Male das Handy weggenommen.

    Zur Zeit habe  Clicker heroes diesen Zeitfresser gelöscht und verspüre den Drang wieder zu spielen.

    Ich habe seitdem Anfang der Oberstufe  nur noch nach diesen Alles oder Nichts Prinzip gearbeitet und mich immer vor den unangenehmen Sachen durch zocken ausgeglichen.

  6. I have been watching a lot of videos about no games and so on but I didn't really understand what those people are telling me because of the language barrier.

    iII would like to have someone who can talk about no games or nofap in German but when I asked my brother and my parents they just had no clue and everything they said was so gaming you addict!!


  7. Hey folks!

    I kinda screwed everything I have got because I have been gaming for almost 2 months now.

    I have been caught in gaming due to stress and anger 

    I thought I could combine gaming with real life but it doesn't work at all.

    I aconstantly hiding my phone when my brother or my mum come into my room.

    I do not think that this is healthy. I have been feeling worse and worse full of guilt and shame.

    I have been feeling kinda bad and I tried to convert this feeling of shame into porn or junk food..I feel gaming doesn't have a good impact on me.

    because I am ending up every time at the same spot if Ido not decide which way I wanna go.

    I am real bad in decision making 

    in 6 days I ll write my chemistry final and I don't wanna fail it.but when I go without games then I see how screwed I am and that leads me to I don't now..


  8. Day 7

    I am so stressed... since yesterday the energy is kinda down and I cannot get myself to start right after lunch..

    Before that day I got a lot of school things done but now it is dull and I don't look forward to do the exercises as to school and my homeworkout.

    I se the progress that I have made so far but there is  no bigger thing behind it.I am afraid that I could relapse on watching porn or to fap to feel good. I don't want to find fulfilling activities that make me happy but right  now I am stuck in the rough study time for my a level exam which is in 2 weeks.

    Any advice??

    Thank you 

  9. Thank you very much Cam


    Day 5!!

     I don't quite know how many days. I notice that the longer you do other activities than gaming the decision to to quit gaming is becoming easier because you can see your progress in new activities.

    Probably not as fast as the gaming rewards but they will come.

    For me I notice that I can do more advanced push ups and  I'm getting better at learning Italian. The best thing on moving on from gaming is building up a streak and track what has to be done.

    For example studying for the "Abitur" the German members know what it is like to study for a 6 hour exam...

    So much from me!!

    Take care guys!!

  10. Day 6! 

    Day 0 Pmo

    i have developed a morning routine  but cannot see how a little activity is fun compared to gaming. gaming was for me omnipresent I gamed lot until last week.

    Today is a day where I am not motivated anymore even though I have a structured schedule.

    MaybMaybe I did too much the days before. but right know I have eaten a lot of candy to push the shame of  The Pmo away.

    I wanted to game but I didn't do it.

    even before I gamed  I have been watching educational videos of how to build a better and stronger discipline and all the great stuff.

    I havhave been ttalking to my brother about the feeling of boredom even though doing something productive.I have done italian and push ups typing and listened to music.

    It was all great until today.

    • Like 1
  11. Hey Fellow quitters! :) 

    I've been having cravings on and off for a while now... i'm on day 97. After the 90 day buzz has worn off, I started to think of things like "Well, that 90 days is over now... maybe I could play again.. " And just before I considered re-installing games "just to see"... I discovered this handy website.


    Its a website for learning a second language, registration is really easy and simple, and best of all you get to see your measure of progress and growth. You can jump into it fairly quickly and start learning, right now I decided to learn dutch. So far De Krant is my favourite word to say outloud xD 

    Ahh.. its the little things

    Oh my!

    This is an extremely powerful conclusion you have said there!!

    I have been on nofap for about 40 days until you have described  that  the urges to fap got a lot stronger than before!

    The thing that I didn't  do was to fill the hole with something productive.

    I also find it good that you have filled the post with some of the interior monologue.

    That helps me personally to push me out of a down.


    Keep going!!



  12. Hey !

    I know how that's  like!

    During my exchange year I heard and read about reverse culture shock but never really.went into it.

    I caught myself playing a lot of games and it went worse and worse after the time 

    I noticed that I am pushing my emotions down because of the "

    everything is better there than here" mindset to allow me to feel less motivated in school.

    Which had an bad impact on my grades.

    Ecapism began and it got worse right now I am kinda waking up being more aware why I game but I'm still stuck in the inconsistency of satisfying activities.


  13. Hey Folks,

    i relapsed yesterday ii on my day 11 ish, i have played 6 hours on my phone  im so tired .... Yesterday was tough i have been watching cams videos about  being close to a relapse but it did´nt help me because the pressure become so enormous...  the rlapse occured in the night 

     What have i learned from that?

    Well do not plan too many things because it overwhelms you and then you do not ant to even start the goals.,

    2. The motivation to do something comes with the start of a task.

    3. beating yourself up for your failures is leading you to even stronger urges to game because you make yourself feel bad  it ends up in a binge(like in my case)

    4.Push yourself forward even if you do not feel like it it is like setting yourself new limits which you can gradually achieve.

     tank you cam for the video that you have recommend me.

    I can emphasize with both you and Sam. My questions is how can shift my repressive behavior from games into an open mindset of indulging my emotion with curiosity?

      Thank you very much!

  14. Hey!

    I don't really now how to motivate myself to continue my journey.

    School is very tough and km putting it off since 3 days. Meanwhile I'm in gym class where we go to a bouldering house close to us..

    I'm pretty tired right now but I'm happy that I have pushed myself above the limit.

    I'm triggered to game like crazy... Also I sometimes eat food to feel not riggeredd anymore..


  15. Day 11! Hey folks!

    The day was not very productive due to a porn relapse and stress in school.

    I felt bad about it and I don't know whether to count porn as a relapse.

    I notice that I am iirritated and there are huge mood shifts.

    I wantto learn how to deal with those but I am worried about behaving like a maniac being mad to anybody with no real reason.

    Usually I would as Cam said "mask my negative emotions" which is not the case anymore.

    In general the biggest problem was that my emotions kinda override me..


  16.  Day 7 and hey!!!!

    I have finally made it to that day!the week was kinda tough escpecially today and yesterday. ihave done my studies until i could not concentrate anymore i was having a walk with my brother. It was an awesome day. I had some urges today but they come and go!

    i do not quite understand how an urg or a temptation to game can get worse when I repress it...

     I notice that I can focus on a subject longer than before.

    But sometimes i have certain  word associations to my game that i am addicted to... when will that subside?

    Otherwise thank you for your support! You have helped me quite a lot!

  17. Hey!

    i had a dream about games and i had a lot of urges afterwards and i have browsed through google play... i have not done anything productive besides 3 push ups as a goal for each morning.. Yesterday had abeen a nice day until i got home.

    I have not understand how the willpower will not be used when one have a positive habit going on. I think Reno mentioned something like that.


  18. Congrats on day 5 so far! Do you have any ideas for skill-based activities? Things like learning a new skill, instrument, language, skill like web design/programming, etc can be good.

    Do push ups count as skill based activity?or is it mre reward based?


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