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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by dirkj3

  1. Today I was doing g the typing lesson and almost snapped.. I was like why the heck do I do this crap?! It gives me no fulfillment no joy no nothing it is just a way of wasting time in something incredibly boring.

    I caught myself often giving up something that is uncomfortable  like I want to do 2 lessons on typing for 5 minutes I type them very fast make a lot of mistakes and then I close the programm.

    I don't know whether you know that thing that you feel like you have to get it over With very fast and then being bored the rest of the day?

  2. That's awesome!!

    I used to read a lot  of "goosebumps "books  .when I was in elementary school but it faded.

    I recently picked up a book I have once read and have noticed a big shift.

    the shift from the perception how I read and the Content.

    Books which were scary when I was 10 aren't scary at all due to you being more rational.

    But I could  still see the excitement at the end of the chapters.

    that drove me on to read more and more of them it was kinda like a snowball effect.

  3. Day one 

    I  almost relapsed after I got home from town. I had  some thoughts about my "favorite games" and how to improve "if" I go and game again...

    These kind of thoughts are the engine that keeps me "wanting to go back to the old days..Always the thought "after I got the detox done I will hit the phone even harder.."

    Those thoughts about pausing and kinda "pretend" to be working on something awesome and boom! You are having a great time and where  the end hits ground you will be kinda like Well, there was something I wanted very bad!!

    Also, I have struggles to find a suitable reward except for high sugar foods to reward myself I end up having no rewrds at all doing things half heartedly still having the Powerful dopamine surge while gaming in the mind..


    Gratitude List

    Went to the city

    I felt more relaxed

  4. You have a great journal. I know it's hard to journal when you have less good news. But that's the best time....where else but on a whole forum of people with the same struggles?

    That's true Journaling daily can be tough because I had the tendency to show only the chocolate side  and when I had a hard time I just winged Journaling.


  5. I'm glad you're back, Ashley. You're fighting hard just by being here. The relapses are tough but they happen....I've had several. I think you'll get to a point where you just want things to be different so badly, you'll overcome the obstacles and quit. I still battle bouts of intense anxiety and loneliness two months into my detox. It's not easy, I just have that deep conviction that it's going to be worth it on the other side no matter how much it hurts now. I'm rooting for you!


    That's intense inspiration you have got there!!

  6. Basically I want to get red of the fling of shame and guilt when I get caught gaming.

    I don't like sitting in a bad position because it hurts a little now I cannot go upright.

    I want to go outside refreshed with no sleep deprivation due to gaming.

    I want to have more time.working out to get ripped and Not having a pale skin when I am gaming.

    I want to be more productive and understanding.

    Those are the goals and the uncomfortable things that I can think of.

    Sure there are a lot more to consider.


  7.  Hello


    I have started to be more committed in learning new skills like typing and make some home workouts.

    I want to give it all my best. My typing speed is kinda fast since I have been working it for a month next to gaming.

    Do you have any suggestions on how I can make a good structure to improve my typing correctness?

    I still need a lot of time to recheck whether there are no mistakes.

    By the way, I am on 1 hour without gaming. 


    Gratitude List

    i have talked to some friends

    I have been going to the town

    I have been jogging for half an hour using endomondo


  8. I have deleted my Google account and all my gaming stats save games etc. are gone!

    I don't know how to handle with it I dipped back into binge gaming to fill the void of the lost account. I feel like a part from me is vanished.

    Yesterday there wasn't problem at all but today I have thought a long time about the process of quitting gaming.

    Probably I wanted to see whether 90 days are cool and then go back to gaming. but t then I figured that I cannot detox when there is still some voices in my head that urge me to game.


  9. Hello people,


    I'm Here I deleted my mobile game.

    I did that because there is no way around I gotta make the decision. I am interested how I will feel in the darkest moments I wanna see myself being able to feel life not just numb it and take only the good stuff out of it.

    I don't want to be apathetic  about going outside.

    I am scared about making that decision because I feel like that the little off time frkm detox undid my entire process.

    I am getting irritated of not looking at my phone

    I don't want that I wanna level myself up going through the zones of life I wanna reverse the pull that gaming had jn me and use it to my advantage!!

  10. Hello

    Sorry for the delay

    I gotta put myself on track again after trying some things out that didn't work at all.

    Yesterday I have been in Quedlinburg and o was gamin here and there for a little(great mistake)

    I couldn't enjoy the town to the fullest( I have never been there before)

    This morning I was getting up with 3 hours of sleep in it is raining quite heavy.

    I noticed that when I do the detox I am not feeling too much but when I game I feel all the negative things from being a little anxious that u could get caught to having no motivation at all.

    I know all the negative things toowell. It Sucks to go through the same crap over and over again.

    But for me being on a detox I don't feel anything.

    I understand  relapses but I have a had time getting back on track while the grip on gaming got right to me the longer I game, which I don't want to do.


  11. It's okay my German friend. Rethink your attitude to life and set system for yourself (for me is perfect GTD- David Allen). Be good on yourself, love yourself and get up and move forward. Start believing that you can do it! You can do everything to be more complete person with a new way of thinking, working and living. I believe in you! We are here to support you! 

    I appreciate you reading the power of Habit!!!

    Wè can help us out that way:D


  12. I have been listening to the gamequitter podcast recently and i stumbled on the following statement: "living to the fullest"

    i realized that I have some issues regarding the statement!

    i dont feel like being able to be in that kind of lifestyle yet. i dont know whether the feeling to expand myself will come from itsef while goin through the detox.

    I think that in order to fulfill the statement i gotta go to town every day make challenges that push my comfort zone.. i feel very overwhelmed by all that.. I dont know whether it should come from me to go to town or does the urge to go to the city comes from itself?

    i am a little confused. the statement creates an immense pressure like what if i dont be like that?!


    Thank you Mettermrck and onlysoul for your posts!

  13. Day 0 Nogames

    I relapsed a couple days ago i deleted my google play account

    i downloaded a game and gamed for comfort...I am tired

    i wasnt aware of ´the knockback that gaming gives me I definiteky never want to experience that shitty experience of being exhausted again!


  14. Thank you @Tom2 for your great advice!          Today is my day 18 on nogames and i don't feel different. the urges to game are there again.That is interesting!!!! Unfortunately, I had a porn relapse yesterday . Having my phone in my broom at 2 am jn the night is no fun! I watched a horror movie before so I think k that might have triggered me.Other than that I am currently out working in the garden which is awesome!!! I always hate to do things in the garden.            the issue is that I am not persistent enough to make small things like  make a daily structure a habit.I have been working at that but I don't know how to add a good reward for this.    Do you have any advice how I can tackle that the best?

  15. Porn has been a very difficult thing for me as well!

    I have been using it about 6 to 7 years and it has pushed me down the river.I am on my day 4 without porn and I am facing a lot of cravings and 2 wild dreams within a week.

    I used to game a lot of Idle games and I was staying up all night until I was so exhausted then I put a porn on top and after that I thought like 

    Oh well then I can keep gaming... ? 

    It was screwed up and I talked to my brother how reliefed I am.

    A couple weeks ago I had difficulties to sleep because I was gaming gaming through 2  nights. I was worried about me getting not enough sleep. I was extremely sleep deprived...it felt like shit and honestly it began to get dangerous for me personally.

    Now I can surely say that I can sleep and there is no force holding me back from sleeping.!!!!!!


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