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Reno F

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Posts posted by Reno F

  1. @dandielionous Hey, thanks for dropping by! I had seen Smashwords before, I think I've bookmarked it for later reference; I'm definitely self publish my first books until I can make some connections on the publishing world.

    Well, I can picture you writing interesting stuff. Pardon me to say it, but your journal is, by some reason, an interesting read. Perhaps you have a likeable protagonist in it :)

    As for outlining, I've done it once and I'm doing it again. It helps me seeing the whole picture and find the flaws and dead ends before I have time invested in the actual writing. But you said one right thing: you shouldn't edit or review your text while you are creating it. Logic and Creativeness are in two opposite sides of the brain, and if you switch to the logic side in the middle of your creative process, you will end up breaking it.

    And yea, we do this together, Ms. :)

  2. @Piotr if you don't mind seeing unfinished projects... do you want to see the code?


    Study day

    I'm getting myself more involved with noveling and roleplay stuff... I thinking of making it a business, but I'm not sure about the audience as I don't see anyone who likes writing like I do on the Portuguese side of the planet. Today I researched some tools for an idea that I had. I feel like I could focus on this one and make it a reality, but I need to find and understand the audience better.

    I spent some time on YT today and I watched a top 10 NES games list... nostalgia hit hard but I accepted it as it was. Pure nostalgia from the good old days.

    Off to exercise now. Gotta break the 2-day no exercise streak.

    Awesome things:

    • Vacuum cleaner
    • Life
    • YouTube (I know, and you know...)
    • The Sun
  3. You bet, especially when it involves gambling and microtransactions in game. Children can gamble with real money for collectible virtual monsters or soccer athletes for their team. And guess what? The house always wins.

    I had the 'privilege' of working for a customer support center of some big game franchise for a while. Among some inquiries about tech issues, there were real addicts complaining that they had spent hundreds and didn't get a single good item. The reply was the same: "The results are random, therefore there is a chance that you can't get what you want'. What is worse, the in game screen said they should have 10% of getting a rare item, ie, at every 10 tries, you get one. All bs.

    Oh, and by the way, congratulations on your first week, lady!

  4. How do you manage to get up early in winter? What is the average temperature of your room early morning?

    I feel a little embarassed to ask you this, but I'm having problems on getting out of bed in the mornings because it is hard to leave the warmth of the quilts. And you are the Winter Lord, so no better person to come for help :)

  5. It took me a lot of time to recognize that gaming was a problem in my life too.

    The thing is, most of today's games are designed to keep you hooked. They are nothing like the old NES, Atari and DOS games. Fortunately, the awareness on gaming addiction is increasing as the problem is getting bigger.

  6. I think I'm softening up.

    Like, going with the flow, instead of pushing thru. When I have to work, the stuff I do for myself gets compromised because <insert an excuse here>. But yesterday, during some idle time at work I started journaling on my notepad and came to this conclusion. It's usually when you are busy that you realize how valuable your time is. The fundamental law of economics.

    With that in mind, I'm going to put more effort on my work - writing and coding. We are almost half way through December and I don't want to reach its end with the same regrets I had by the end of November.

    Awesome things:

    • microwave oven
    • pajamas
    • star jumps
    • the guys from the roleplay
    • English
  7. Love equals girls (atleast for me), and with the thought of girls comes thoughts about my body

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    PS: Sorry about the joke, sometimes I can't control the 5th grader that lives within :)

  8. It's simultaneously awesome and depressing to hear about other people writing. It makes me happy for you (since writing is magic), but it also reminds me that I've neglected my own writing habit for about a week. Ugh. (I should stop feeling sorry for myself and just do it, shouldn't I?)

    I hope we'll get to the point where we can call ourselves writers someday. 

    Sup Simon, mate! The struggle to sit down and write will be a constant, regardless of how long you've been writing. I believe it is a similar struggle to go out and jog/run. I still haven't written shit for my websites, the only thing that I should be focusing on right now. Anyway, for me it is still my first steps in this unknown world of writers and I'm getting used to it, by reading and sometimes writing.


    Quick post: yesterday was 50% productive, 50% "wasted". Today was better. Got a haircut. Wrote for the roleplay. Read (should read more, my read list is getting longer).

    Good things about today:

    - Cheap haircut at a barber shop. Once I paid 3x more and got out the salon with the same looks, haha.

    - My roleplay group: not very good writers (neither I am) but they are very engaged to the story.

    - Online dictionaries: one of the reasons I never enjoyed reading in my teens was the need to look up words in a dictionary. now a computer does that for you!

    - Firefox. I've installed this awesome extension called lifetime that shows you your age in nano seconds everytime you open a new tab. It sure shakes you up if you hadn't had anything good in mind when you opened that tab!

  9. I finally sold my books that were being advertised.

    It took almost three months and over 100 visits to the ad until someone would actually buy it. I was sure that I had written a good ad, but it took longer than I was expecting. The books were quite old, and I couldn't profit from them (considering the price I paid on them 5 years ago). But I freed some space in my room and someone else will make good use of them.

    I got in another roleplay. The people involved are quite active and it has been fun so far. Also it keeps me writing everyday and I try to write good stuff to entertain the others.

    Gotta reserve some time to work on my websites soon. Now that I have another source of income, I may get a low cost host for a website. The free ones are quite slow and have some downtime, at least the one I'm using now.

    Today I'm grateful for

    • 100 yen shops. You can get basically anything for 1 dollar.
    • Eye glasses.
    • Tables and chairs
    • 24/7 convenience stores
  10. I'd say that hunting was part of our survival many years ago and it had been like that for a very long million-years time. Those who cooperated had more chances of surviving, and therefore passing their feats to the next generations.

  11. Great move.

    That was my dumb action for you :)


    I started to write a short horror story. Actually, I'm still outlining it, but the outline has already gotten a good 3000 words. I'm becoming more used to the idea of being a writer and I need something written to start calling myself that. I'll get there.

    On monday I started my new part time job. Extra cash, and I get to challenge my Japanese. On the minus side, only night shifts in December. That means I have to build a routine for the days I work.

    Studying code by itself became boring. I need a project to work on and keep things challenging and fun. Wait a minute, I have projects...

    Gratitude Practice

    - The guy from work. Very nice bloke.

    - Wife's banana cake

    - Hair wax

  12. Guys, that's the whole reason I'm looking for a better income source. Because nowadays you can't do shit without spending money. I guess I could try to speak to people randomly at the streets. I should probably do that sometime.

    Anyway, Journaling a bit earlier today.

    November restrospective

    I gave some steps forward this month. I started to picture myself the lifestyle I want to live and took some actions towards it. I started writing more, and reading stuff that will give me a better vision on the next steps. I also started learning to program webpages and in two weeks I could learn way more that I thought it was possible.  To be honest, it was easier to break the entry barrier than I thought it would be. Today I joined a group of online enterpreneurs in the hopes that I can build some momentum and be in an environment with like-minded people. In November I finished the first work cycle as a GQ volunteer. With that concluded, I believe I've paid my debt to the community, but it is my personal mission to make the resources available to the Portuguese speaking public.

    On the other hand, the steps where fewer than I wished to make. I have not met my goals for the month. I didn't write a single article, neither drafted a single paragraph for my book. Roleplay actually got in the way, and I noticed that I was putting too much of my time and energy on it, way more than the other participants at least. If anything, it was a good writing practice and creative excercise.

    Time to get serious in December. I'm going to start working on night shifts twice a week until the last week, when I'll be out of town for new year. It is starting to get really cold, and I gotta pay extra attention in the mornings - I don't want to oversleep because of that.

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