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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by KO

  1. 12/28/2016 Stats: Spirit: C Body: C Mind: C Charisma: E Discipline: D->E Developmental Potential: A Meal Summary: Meal 1: Rice, Turkey, Eggs. Meal 2: Fried Yams Workout Summary: Calisthenics Push-ups Squats Sit-Ups Vacuums General Activity Log: Woke up late. Meditated for 5 mins. Re-installed steam then I relapsed. ZERO-DAY. Knowledge Gained: I can't trust myself without paternal control programs. I make excuses why I should game but I rarely make excuses why I shouldn't game. Plan for Tomorrow: Uninstalling steam and adding blockers. Keep myself busy by being productive or else it I'll just be spending time on Netflix, Youtube, and Reddit.
  2. Thank you! Thank you! Yes, my social intelligence is fairly low. I'm not very good at starting conversations and sustaining them.
  3. Starting over again. New format ------------ 12/27/2016 Stats: Spirit: C Body: C Mind: C Charisma: E Discipline: D Developmental Potential: A Meal Summary: Workout Summary: General Activity Log: Knowledge Gained: Plan for Tomorrow
  4. I will be updating very soon. Been busy with school. Not feeling very well. Feeling emotionally and physically drained all the time, not sure if I should get it checked.
  5. I agree with this. The only things you truly own in this world are your body and your mind. The rest is up to you.
  6. Day 4 Strategy #4: Create A sense of Urgency and Desperation The Death-Ground Strategy African Proverbs: "By the time the fool has learned the game, the players have dispersed" “No name rules forever on the throne of time” You are your own worst enemy. You think about everything but the present and right now. You half-ass everything instead of putting your best effort in. Thinking about past blunders and fantasizing how good everything will be in the future without putting in any effort in RIGHT NOW. You can’t kind of want something either you want it or you don’t. You have to commit to yourself. You have to take full responsibility for your own actions. Everything that happens to you is your fault Sometimes it isn’t but take responsibility for it anyway. “It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it”-Seneca. Take your life seriously! You only get one or so I’m told. Create a sense of urgency in your mind, you everything to lose. Oh I have a great idea, but first I’m going to beat this level before I try to execute. It’s video games or your LIFE. Which do you value more? Your back is against the wall what you do? Take the challenge or do you decline and accept a pathetic death. YOU CAN’T return to old ways. Commit to your grow or commit to sitting on your ass all day playing steam. You could die tomorrow and all you have to show for it are video game achievements. Typing this post may be the last thing I ever do. We have to live as if we were dying within a year. Time is ticking, your days are numbered. What are you going to do? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO FUCKING DO? 1. Make your decision 2. Don't go back be sure to burn bridges so you can't go back. 3. With no where to run you MUST fully COMMIT whatever you're doing in the present moment. "This is how I did Anton: I never saved anything for the swim Back" - Andrew Niccol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GM-znjDGubE Quests Find a hobby replacement for gaming Join a club/organization at school Develop a skill to indeterminate level Cut off my "friends" Stats: Spirit: F Wisdom: D Strength: A Charisma: D Potential: A FIGHT ON!
  7. YOOO! It's KO again with an another attempt to overcome my video game addiction. I'm down but I'm NOT OUT! I will be using the book "The 33 Strategies of War" by Robert Greene to guide me through. Day 3 Strategy #3: Do not lose presence of mind "Most humans are never fully present in the now, because unconsciously they believe that the next moment must be more important than this one. But then you miss your whole life, which is never not now." -Eckhart Tolle We can't control what happens outside of ourselves. On average we many thoughts racing though our heads. We can't control our thinking mind. We can control how we perceive our thoughts. These thoughts get much worse as we are put in difficult situations. We must toughen ourselves mentally and cultivate discipline.To do this you must expose yourself to things that will challenge you. You must rely on yourself, you can't depend on anyone. Being dependent on others make you weak. For example a baby is weak because it depends on adults to feed it and protect it. A man is strong because he doesn't depend on anyone to do things for him. He doesn't linger decisions and try to get "the best information" he makes quick decision in his head because he trusts his gut. I know this cheesy but TRUST IN YOURSELF. Name one successful person that got to the top because they doubted their abilities. Your time and energy are precious don't waste your time arguing against people. Arguing in general is a waste because you will never sway someone's opinion with their mind made up. State your opinion and move on. Focusing on simple tasks help you forget about your worries. Zen masters do not think about zen when they are walking, they just walk. You must become aware of these thoughts and let them pass. You can't let an urge or pressure from your peers stray you from your goal. We are not our thoughts we are the awareness of our thoughts. Self control is simply being aware of your actions. 1.State what you are doing right now. 2. Ask yourself questions for example: What does this activity do for me? Will this help me become the person I want to become? Will it be worth it in the long-term? 3. Try to bring your self into the present by focusing on your breathing and what ever sensations you feel on your body 4.Try meditation for a couple minutes a day. I recommend using the Calm and Headspace apps. 5. Look into stoicism. Meditations, The Enchiridion Epictetus, Letters of a Stoic. 6. Subject yourself to stressful situations. Cold showers, intermittent fasting, sleeping on the floor, intense exercise, don't use heat during winter and don't use A/C during the summer, abstaining from bad habits etc. 7. Try re-frame negative thoughts. Example: "I just got fired from my job " "I just got fired from my job, it's an opportunity to get a much better job " "Someone criticized me!" "Someone criticized me, this is a good opportunity to use their feedback to grow as a person." "I got rejected today :(" "I got rejected today :), it saved me from wasting my time. I can focus my energy on something else" Quests Find a hobby replacement for gaming Join a club/organization at school Develop a skill to indeterminate level Stats: Spirit: F Wisdom: D Strength: A Charisma: D Potential: A FIGHT ON!
  8. An accountability partner or group would be nice.
  9. YOOO! Might as well try one more time Hey to each his own. I like the war approach because it frames my problem as more serious. Thank you for the support
  10. YOOO! It's KO again with an another attempt to overcome my video game addiction. I'm down but I'm NOT OUT! I will be using the book "The 33 Strategies of War" by Robert Greene to guide me through. Day 2 Strategy #2: Do not fight the last war. "Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have"- Eckhart Tolle Romanticizing the past often holds you back. You must wage war on your past by forcing yourself to react the present moment. You can't do much about the past because what is done is done. Feeling sorry for yourself or reminiscing about the "glory days" don't help you at all, in fact it hinders you. Greene uses the historic examples of Napoleon vs The Prussians and Miyamoto Musashi and his many duels as a swordsman. The Prussians disliked Napoleon's rash nature and dismissed his victories as pure luck. The Prussians were defeated by Napoleon because they insisted on using old outdated to tactics that worked in the past. "What limits an individual and even nations is the inability to confront reality" I used games to escape reality because my life sucked. It got much better once I addressed my problems. As we age it gets much harder to change our ways. Miyamoto Musashi was able to defeat his opponents because he adapted a different strategy each time he dueled because each battle was different. Forget about your relapses and streaks, clear your mind. You will have greater success by thinking: "I'm not playing any video games today, I'd rather do x, y, then z." than "I'm not playing video games ever again." 1. Challenge your old paradigms. Mindset shift: You only have now, right now. You always have a choice. 2. Ditch whatever is not working for you. 3. Analyze your current situation 4.Think of possible actions you can take 5.Take those actions 6. Repeat steps 2-5 "My life is the complete opposite of everything I want it to be. Every instinct I have in every aspect of life, be it something to wear, something to eat... It's often wrong." - George Costanza “If every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right.”- Jerry Seinfeld https://youtu.be/t85KPTyiuCI Quests: Find a hobby replacement for gaming Join a club/organization at school Develop a skill to indeterminate level Stats: Spirit: F Wisdom: D Strength: A Charisma: D Potential: A FIGHT ON!
  11. KO vs Gaming Addiction Round 3 YOOO! It's KO again with an another attempt to overcome my video game addiction. I'm down but I'm NOT OUT! I will be using the book "The 33 Strategies of War" by Robert Greene to guide me through. Day 1 Strategy #1: Declare War on your enemies. Robert Greene states that warfare starts in the mind. To change anything you must change your mindset To conquer anything you must conquer yourself, to master any discipline you must master yourself. Everything created in the world started as a vision. Vision and the will to execute are the most powerful tools we have as human beings. Everyday is a conflict, life is a series of conflicts. "If things are getting easier, maybe you're heading downhill"-African Proverb. Know thy enemy. You must find out who your enemies are and declare war on them. If you don't know who you are fighting then you have already lost the battle. It's been said many times before but I'll say it once more; the ego is your worst enemy. Listing the things you DON'T want to become will make it easier to define your identity and purpose. Who I don't want to be: A loser that defines his identity as a gamer and misses out on life for a flashing screen. Once you declare war on the enemy within you can declare war on external enemies. For me there is no center. Either I quit cold Turkey or I let it consume me slowly. You must take a stand games or your life, you can't please the self that wants to progress and the self that wants to remain stagnant. 1.Admit your weaknesses. 2. Declare war on yourself. 3. Declare war on external enemies if you have any. Quests: Find a hobby replacement for gaming Join a club/organization at school Develop a skill Stats: Spirit: F Wisdom: D Strength: A Charisma: D Potential: A FIGHT ON!
  12. I'm just trying to keep myself busy with work and a join a club once school starts again.
  13. Gaming will never improve my mood, it will only make it worse or at best hide it until the feelings of disappointment comeback.
  14. What happened bro Got bored, gave up , then I reinstalled Steam.
  15. What are some other things you can do together instead? We ended up playing ball and playing some board games.
  16. DAY 9 (7/26/2016)/ DAY 10(7/27/2016) YOOO! What's good Game Quitters? It's KO! Let's get BETTER by the day GODDAMMIT! Achievements Quit Video Games(In Progress) Quit Porn(In Progress(In Progress) Quit Mindless Internet Browsing(In Progress) Quit Junk Food(In Progress) Quit TV(In Progress) Learn basic Ruby and Python(In Progress) Learn a fighting style(In Progress) Daily Quests: Meditation-Yes/No Fitness-Yes/No Reading-Yes/No Project-Yes/No Achievements: Scroll(s) currently being read: 33 Strategies of War Ca$hvertising Straight Line Persuasion Stats: Spirit: D Wisdom: D Strength: A Charisma: D Potential: A Adventure Log: Got offered to smoke weed, game and chill with my college roommate this weekend. I can't fall back into those habits again but I want to stay friends with him.
  17. YOOO! Thank you, I'll check it out. YOOO! Thank you, I agree. I've been focusing too much on quitting. The more I think about quitting, the more I want to go back to my old ways. YOOO! Thank you. Same old sh*t just a different day. That's still better than quitting video games to snort cocaine lol. IMO videos and browsing the internet is less addictive than video games and porn, and I would consider that progress - of course ideally we want to quit videos and internet browsing all together. I swear, some of the sites like youtube must be investing huge amounts of money to figure out how to make you continuously view videos for as long as possible. Good job on working on your social skills. Stay strong man! YOOO! Thank you. Interesting you say that, I'm going to be reading the book, Hooked next. I always wondered why certain things catch on and what makes them so appealing such as Pokemon Go.
  18. DAY 7(7/24/2016) YOOO! What's good Game Quitters? It's KO! Trying to getting some momentum going. Let's get BETTER by the day GODDAMMIT! Achievements Quit Video Games(In Progress) Quit Porn(In Progress(In Progress) Quit Mindless Internet Browsing(In Progress) Quit Junk Food(In Progress) Quit TV(In Progress) Daily Quests: Meditation-Yes/No Fitness-Yes/No Reading-Yes/No Project-Yes/No Achievements: Scroll(s) currently being read: 33 Strategies of War Straight Line Persuasion Stats: Spirit: D Wisdom: D Strength: A Charisma: D Potential: A Adventure Log: Typical Sunday. Nothing Productive going on, ZEROOO. Week 1 review! I survived, but I did not thrive! I abstained from playing video games and porn but I continued to stream videos and browse the web. Trading one addiction for another instead of properly replacing the bad habits. I need to find more hobbies and or meaningful work to do. +Abstinence -No direction/plan -Slacking off -Lack of consistency --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 8(7/25/2016) YOOO! What's good Game Quitters? It's KO! Trying to getting some momentum going. Let's get BETTER by the day GODDAMMIT! Achievements Quit Video Games(In Progress) Quit Porn(In Progress(In Progress) Quit Mindless Internet Browsing(In Progress) Quit Junk Food(In Progress) Quit TV(In Progress) Daily Quests: Meditation-Yes/No Fitness-Yes/No Reading-Yes/No Project-Yes/No Achievements: Scroll(s) currently being read: 33 Strategies of War Straight Line Persuasion Stats: Spirit: D Wisdom: D Strength: A Charisma: D Potential: A Adventure Log: Triggered! Triggered! Triggered! Downloaded, installed then uninstalled Steam in span of a couple of minutes. I stopped playing a while ago, but I can't stop looking at gaming stuff.
  19. DAY 6(7/23/2016) YOOO! What's good Game Quitters? It's KO! Trying to getting some momentum going. Let's get BETTER by the day GODDAMMIT! Achievements Quit Video Games(In Progress) Quit Porn(In Progress(In Progress) Quit Mindless Internet Browsing(In Progress) Quit Junk Food(In Progress) Quit TV(In Progress) Daily Quests: I’m starting small with my daily habits and gradually add more once I start to get into my routine Meditation-Yes/No Fitness-Yes/No Reading-Yes/No Project-Yes/No Achievements: Scroll(s) currently being read: 33 Strategies of War Straight Line Persuasion Stats: Spirit: D Wisdom: D Strength: A Charisma: D Potential: A Adventure Log: Woke up late(10:30am) instead of my usual 5:30 am-6:00 am. Went to the gym and had an interesting conversation. It was a nice change of pace because we I go to the gym I usually keep to myself. We had many things in common such as being reserved and anti-social in high school and being late-boomers. He talked about practicing conversation with everyone and being patient with self-growth. I put this off a lot using excuses such as "I need to focus on my own development", "My studies are more important than relationships", etc. My main takeaways were try to approach more people and connect with more people because my social skills are still lacking. ---
  20. DAY 4(7/21/19) and DAY 5(7/22/16) YOOO! What's good Game Quitters? It's KO! Trying to getting some momentum going. Let's get BETTER by the day GODDAMMIT! Achievements Quit Video Games(In Progress) Quit Porn(In Progress(In Progress) Quit Mindless Internet Browsing(In Progress) Quit Junk Food(In Progress) Daily Quests: I’m starting small with my daily habits and gradually add more once I start to get into my routine Meditation-Yes/No Fitness-Yes/No Reading-Yes/No Project-Yes/No Achievements: Scroll(s) currently being read: 33 Strategies of War Straight Line Persuasion Stats: Spirit: D Wisdom: D Strength: A Charisma: D Potential: A Adventure Log: I put these two days together because it felt like a bad low-budget remake of groundhog day. Traded one bad addiction for another one and spent both feeling sorry for myself while destroying myself.
  21. DAY 3(7/20/19) YOOO! What's good Game Quitters? It's KO! Trying to getting some momentum going. Let's get BETTER by the day GODDAMMIT! Achievements Quit Video Games(In Progress) Quit Porn(In Progress(In Progress) Quit Mindless Internet Browsing(In Progress) Quit Junk Food(In Progress) Daily Quests: I’m starting small with my daily habits and gradually add more once I start to get into my routine Meditation-Yes/No Fitness-Yes/No Reading-Yes/No Project-Yes/No Achievements: Scroll(s) currently being read: 33 Strategies of War Straight Line Persuasion Stats: Spirit: D Wisdom: D Strength: A Charisma: D Potential: A Adventure Log: Woke up around 5:30 am Watched the movie Juice. A coming of age film about four friends that live in Harlem. Everything is fine until one of the friends convinces the crew to commit a crime for "Juice". After they decide to commit the crime, their quality of life starts to decline. Goals turn into what could of have been because of selfishness. The movie made me think about the relationship I have with my own friends. Why do I hang out with them? All they want to do is play Xbox. Should I cut them off?
  22. DAY 2(7/19/19) YOOO! What's good Game Quitters? It's KO! Trying to getting some momentum going. Let's get BETTER by the day GODDAMMIT! Achievements Quit Video Games(In Progress) Quit Porn(In Progress(In Progress) Quit Mindless Internet Browsing(In Progress) Quit Junk Food(In Progress) Daily Quests: I’m starting small with my daily habits and gradually add more once I start to get into my routine Meditation-Yes/No Fitness-Yes/No Reading-Yes/No Project-Yes/No Achievements: Scroll(s) currently being read: 33 Strategies of War Straight Line Persuasion Stats: Spirit: D Wisdom: D Strength: A Charisma: D Potential: A Adventure Log: Woke up pretty late. Nothing notable, spent most of the day procrastinating.
  23. DAY 1(7/18/19) YOOO! What's good Game Quitters? It's KO! Giving this quest chain another go! After thinking about Achievements Quit Video Games(In Progress) Quit Porn(In Progress(In Progress) Quit Mindless Internet Browsing(In Progress) Quit Junk Food(In Progress) Daily Quests: I’m starting small with my daily habits and gradually add more once I start to get into my routine Meditation-Yes/No Fitness-Yes/No Reading-Yes/No Project-Yes/No Achievements: Scroll(s) currently being read: 33 Strategies of War Straight Line Persuasion Stats: Spirit: D Wisdom: D Strength: A Charisma: D Potential: A Adventure Log: N/A
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