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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by KO

  1. 8/11/2017

    Spirit: D
    Body: C
    Mind: C
    Charisma: D
    Discipline: C
    Developmental Potential: A 

    What I Did Today:

    Pretty much procrastinated the whole day. At least I didn't game :)

    My Thoughts: 

    Time to restart this journal again. What am I doing man, I can’t waste another on the same bullshit again. My time is literally running out but I’d rather mentally jack myself off. Ill thoughts starting to creep on me again. Lost my way but I never had a way. Just another paper bag floating in the wind, I want to die. This is all I could scrap from my incoherent physical journal.

    “Pay attention to your life.” “This is insincere and fleeting.”

    Plan for Tomorrow:

    Do something, bed is for sleep only, pay attention, consume a little less media.



  2. 7/30/2017

    Spirit: D
    Body: C
    Mind: C
    Charisma: D
    Discipline: C
    Developmental Potential: A 

    What I Did Today:

    Read a chapter but I spent too much reading and rereading but my understanding is still hazy. Next time I’m going say screw it and do something else. Found a newer and more concise version of the book. : x. Pen and paper coding, barely made time to meditate. My time was probably 1-2 minutes.

    My Thoughts:

    Trying to be productive by being busy is a worse feeling than procrastination. Feels like actual work but I’ve done nothing.

    Plan for Tomorrow:

    Set time aside to do shit. For example: Habits, Work, Hobbies, Reflection, etc. 

  3. ??? xD what? Is it because this site reminds you of accountability?

    Not this website. I'm referring to Reddit, that place is a waste dump with every jerk you've ever met and their grandmas. 

    Now what is your charisma stat? Does that reflect your socialization? I notice it's a D and was curious about it.

    Yes it reflects on my social skills, I'd say they are poor right now. Whenever I go out, I try to greet people or start conversations. The conversations are either normal or awkward and die off after a few exchanges. 

  4. 7/29/2017

    Spirit: D
    Body: C
    Mind: C
    Charisma: D
    Discipline: C
    Developmental Potential: A 
    Meal Summary:

    Meal 1: Oatmeal, waffles, banana

    Meal 2: Rice, ice cream, turkey

    Meal 3: Trash

    What I Did Today:

    Finished a chapter

    5 minutes of open ended meditation

    Did some coding with pen on paper, the editor wasn’t working properly

    Workout Summary:



    DB Incline-50lbx10

    Lat Pull Downs-125lbx10-Struggled with maintaining my form may reduce weight or rep range

    Lat Raises-25lb

    Triceps Pushdown-60lb

    DB Bicep Curls -30lb

    My Thoughts: 

    “I hate this site, I wish I could leave” reading this comment, I said fuck it and left. I can't go back now :I

    Plan for Tomorrow:

    No naps, 15-minute timer, don’t break the change 

  5. 7/28/2017

    Spirit: D
    Body: C
    Mind: C
    Charisma: D
    Discipline: C
    Developmental Potential: A 
    Meal Summary:

    Meal 1: Oatmeal

    Meal 2: Rice

    What I Did Today:

    2x 4 minutes open ended meditation, read a chapter, did some programming exercises. Due to serve weather I was not able to get to the gym.

    My Thoughts:

    Feeling much better than yesterday, more productive as well overall.

    Plan for Tomorrow:

    Today slightly better

  6. 7/27/2017

    Spirit: D
    Body: C
    Mind: C
    Charisma: D
    Discipline: C
    Developmental Potential: A 
    Meal Summary:

    Meal 1: Oatmeal and bread

    Meal 2: Rice, egg, spinach, ice cream with nuts

    Meal 3: Garbage

    What I Did Today:

    Opened ended meditation 8 minutes.

    Read 10 pages

    Did minimal coding

    My Thoughts: 

    Relapsed on PMO, this tells me I’m not as serious as quitting video games. I can’t go back today, tomorrow, the next day, next week, next month, next year, etc.

    Plan for Tomorrow:

    Burning my boats 

  7. You're still on track, KO. Thumbs up. General weightlifting question. Do I need to ever consider doing bench presses? I do the chest press machine at the gym and pushups at home. I'm not looking to be a massive lifter dude, just some nice muscle development as I lose weight? Is what I'm doing enough? Figured you might know based on your journal. ?

    Well, I'm no expert(intermediate) but I'll try to help you out. bench press will definitely improve your chest development. Compounds(bench/push-up)+isolation(chest press)will give you decent muscle development. And as for the rep ranges and sets, it depends on your goals. 6-10 for compounds 8-12 for isolation work for muscle. 



    Spirit: D
    Body: C
    Mind: C
    Charisma: D
    Discipline: C
    Developmental Potential: A 
    Meal Summary

    Meal 1: Milk, peanuts, waffles

    Meal 2: Rice and spinach

    Meal: Chicken and an egg

    What I Did Today:

    Finally woke up before 9:00 AM this week

    10 minutes timed meditation-this session felt quicker than 5-minute sessions.

    Read for 30 minutes 

    Studied some Java, a bit more to remember compared to Python.  

    Workout Summary:

    3x6 Squats: 275lb-ATG baby!

    3x8 Split Squats: 30lb

    3x10: Leg Curls: 145lb

    4x10 Seat Calf Raises: 40lb

    My Thoughts: 

    Still having thoughts about going back to my old lifestyle then I remember how guilty felt. My mind telling me this isn’t right.

    Plan for Tomorrow:

    Keep myself busier/more productive, I almost relapsed hardcore.


  9. 7/25/2017

    Spirit: D
    Body: C
    Mind: C
    Charisma: D
    Discipline: C
    Developmental Potential: A 
    Meal Summary:

    Meal 1: Waffle with peanut butter and chocolate milk

    Meal 2: Rice and peanut butter soup.

    What I Did Today:

    5 minutes timed meditation, 5 minutes guided meditation “Honest Meditation”

    Finished How To be Miserable-Definitely going to reread this soon and revisit it often.

    Didn’t do that much coding, just reviewed syntax

    My Thoughts: 

    Games and porn are not options for me, forgetting they exist. Taking a break from “self-improvement” books. Going to limit my reddit use or go cold turkey again. 

    Plan for Tomorrow:

    Do what I wished did or didn’t do today. 

  10. 7/24/2017

    Spirit: D
    Body: C
    Mind: C
    Charisma: D
    Discipline: C
    Developmental Potential: A 
    Meal Summary:

    Meal 1: Waffles with peanut butter, chocolate milk.

    Meal 2: Rice and chicken. 

    What I Did Today:

    5 minutes of mindfulness meditation

    11 pages read

    1 Pomodoro of coding, finished a basic course

    Workout Summary:

    Pull -ups: 1st set 3x8

       2nd set 3x6

       3rd set 3x6

    Seat Shoulder Press: 3x6-135lb-set up for this was dangerous at current gym, needed a spotter. Going standing shoulder press next time.

    Seated Cable Row: 3x8 95lb

    DB Bench: 3x10-50lb

    DB Flyes: 2x10-20lb

    Barbell Curl: 2x10-85lb-Struggled with keeping my form strict on the 2nd set.

    Skull-Crushers: 2x10-25lb-I almost popped my head open srs.

    My Thoughts: 

    The day went much better than yesterday and it can only better tomorrow 

    Plan for Tomorrow:

    Wake up earlier, get habits done ASAP  

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