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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by dullage

  1. 2nd day of my 5k training app. Smashed it again today and accomplished my goal. Im feeling very tired after my runs and during the day but its not all bad. Why? Cause I'm more mindful everyday I'm here, so I know its my body telling me something. Its my body telling me it needs more protein? Needs energy? Its my job to find out! Thanks mind :0 

  2. That's amazing!  I hope you shoved that girl's number right in the face of your back-of-the-head voice  B|   So mindful of you to ask to take a look when the lady told of her plants--  I need to do that more often.

    Thanks Buddy! Appreciate the feedback and the time for reading that! Makes the world of difference as im sure your aware when someone takes the time to read and comment on a post you have written. Ahahaha I sure did and you think about it now it was so easy. Only time will tell if I can do that again, I can't see why not! Or should I say when I ask for a another girls number next time!! :)  

  3. Hey ABC. Welcome my friend. Anything you need we are all here to listen. Some advice dude, Anytime you feel like playing CS & LOL just have a read of what you wrote. Look forward to hearing how your journey goes. 

  4. Dude great to have you! Welcome to the forum. Anything advice you need then I'm sure I speak on behalf of everyone here, were more than happy to help. Really glad you have arrived here and this is the start of the momentum you need to quit. Look forward too more posts from you Mario. 

  5. Hows it going? 

    So yesterday let start there. So after work I knew I had to make the trip to my toastmasters event, and honestly I didnt want to go. There was something in the back of my head talking to me telling me to miss this one. So what did I do? What do you think I did, I ignored it of course. So I arrived early, like really early before anyone else. And took the time to set up for the hole event and yes It commented how well it was set up during the meeting and the person who normally sets it up got praised and I sat there very happy not taking any credit for the set up. So back to the event I was taking the time to prepare for the meeting and this gorgeous girl walked into the room, who I never had seen before, and she decided to sit next to me out off all the empt chairs. So we got chatting and its turns out this women has just moved here and is down for a year and then she is heading off. So she was recommended to experience a toastmasters and so here she was. After the event I got chatting to everyone and saw that she was waiting for me. Then once I finally got free form all the amazing people at toastmaster we walked out together and we got chatting again. Now walking with her I realised that last time somthing like this happened was at Thorpe park when I missed asking for this girls number and how much I regretted it. So I then just asked her as normally as I could "do you many a coffee sometime"? So she replied yes and I got her number and I messaged her and received a lovely message from her as morning. So Yesterday was very good, didnt make the same mistake again.


    I woke up nice and early on my day of and went for a 2 and a Half mile jog the longest ever, on my 5k app. 40 minutes later when I arrived home I noticed the old lady opposite were I live, her door for was open. I thought of all the Jim Royn videos I watched and everything I read in the slight edge and took it upon myself to ask if she was okay. When I finally got hold of her, I assatblished it was because it was hot and then got told how she was having trouble in her garden with some plants. I told her that I would take a look. When we reached the garden she explained to me that the Ivey in the garden was overgrown and it had been like it for years and I replied I would go get a laser and take a look. I didn't take no as a answer. Im going to point out at this point it as 32 degrees today and its the hottest day in years but like Cam saids no excuses. While cutting the plants i realised how much we had in common and how amazing the older generations story's are. Beat (what I call her anyway) explained to me how when she was offered her house she was in now, beat went and viewed it and sat on the sofa amazed. When everyone asked if she was okay she said that she died and gone to heaven and could believe how lucky she was. We take so much for granted nowadays and this 93 year old women seems like she appreciated everything. What a great way to live life. She could not have been more grateful when I finished and offered to pay me and wouldn't let it slide. I explained that it had done more for me than she realised and the feeling I got out of it was incredible. Beat then said to me that if I didn't do another kind gesture this year it was fine as I done my years worth all in one. 

    I also organised overtime at another shop for my days off so hopefully that will help financially. Today I learnt about gratefulness and faed my fear head on of asking for a girls number. If I can just carry that on and ask girls more regally, it would help in a huge way.



  6. I think im starting to understand why it is that im feeling like im not accomplishing items in my days. I believe its because what I have on my route im not doing, im proposing which isn't helping anyone. Im trying to do to much all at once also. I believe I need to read the one thing after I have finished reading the slight edge. I need to start focusing on one thing instead of a huge amount of things. I also am going to start reading ten pages a night of a book. 


    What I have accomplished already this month:

    -From the 1st of the month I have been free of coffee <<<<<<<< This is a big thing for me :) 

    -For over a two weeks now I have been smoke free and feel great <<<<<< never again

    -Every morning I have been waking up at 5am and going for a jog and I feel amazing 

    -I have been getting at least seven hours of sleep a night to make sure I'm ready to take on the day.

    -i have started the process of eating healthy. And having proper home made foods instead of package meals.

    -This week I have pre made my weeks worth of meals so I am all ready to eat when I get home which saves a huge amount of time.


    What I want to accomplish next month:


    -I want to be able to get paid and before anything set aside 30% of my wages and stick them in savings and do not touch them. 

    -continue eating healthy and pre make all meals for the week ahead.

    -stick to 1 tea or 1 coffee a day

    -cut down on all the sugar

    -month without chocolate 



  7. So were to begin. Today I spent a large portion of my time researching and creating a website for my business. Its only a start but if I can have a main source of infomation, then im laughing. I also have made the decision to contact all of the people I owe money to as in loans act and start paying them back. I need to improve my credit by starting now. Other wise im going to be going round in circles. On top im going to start saving. Im going to save 30% of the money I earn and stick it in a account were I can't touch.  I still feel today I haven't done as much as I would have liked and I dont know why. I done everything I wanted. Maybe im doing too much. I dont know. I could really do with a sype call of Cam. 

  8. So today I noticed something huge. I need to start understanding what im doing and be great full foe what I have. So I have taken a huge not smoking in over a week and not even having cravings for one. Today I made a weeks worth of dinners so I all ready for the week and am prepared but one again I dont congratulate myself. Im getting along with my mum great and am actually happy in my life but I dont take the time to notice this. Even down to little things like im now taking the time to floss my teeth which I have never done. I worked on my youtube video today and am nearly finished, I made a banner for youtube saying what days im punishing and changed my youtube picture. I do need to do one thing though. Set what things are more important to do and focus on them and stop using time on stuff that isnt going to help.

    Well done me I done good. Tomorrow is a new day 

  9. So on Wednesday I met up with my mum again for the second time since we started speaking again. We really, really, really connected and as a treat decided to take for out for dinner. I had a lovely evening. We really connected and im now one step closer to my goal of being closer to her in my list of goals. So today I started creating a new youtube video and will be finishing of tomorrow, on top I have made a planner for the next week and as evening been very productive using the slight edge. Also went to the doctors and while on my way back sighed up to a dentist which was on my list of goals, and have a appointment next week. 

    While watching a Jim Rohn Conference today I noticed something that I have never noticed before!! Jim Rohn is always talking about the slight edge. Well he doesn't call it that but he does refer to it in the exact same way its referred to in the slight edge. 

    My healthy eating has started today which will carry on. 

    I have continued going jogging ever morning and am aiming for a mile run to start.

    Have stopped smoking now for over a week and I feel so much better!! And I can smell now!! He smell now makes me feel sick and I know thats not. Me thing anymore.

  10. So todqy could have been better. I read some of my book but I'm losing track of what I'm doing when. Tomorrow that changes so I need to create a router for myself. I'm also not getting no were near enough sleep or posting and getting involved with this group as much as I would like. Tomorrow is a new day.  

    Show me your calendar.

    Haven't been filling out my calendar in a couple of weeks!!! Im making one now as this is just madness. My momentum is slowing down over the last couple of days!

    Your calendar is your foundation. How can you be focused with your time if you aren't being intentional with it? ;)

    Screen Shot 2016-07-15 at 22.00.56.png

  11. So todqy could have been better. I read some of my book but I'm losing track of what I'm doing when. Tomorrow that changes so I need to create a router for myself. I'm also not getting no were near enough sleep or posting and getting involved with this group as much as I would like. Tomorrow is a new day.  

    Show me your calendar.

    Haven't been filling out my calendar in a couple of weeks!!! Im making one now as this is just madness. My momentum is slowing down over the last couple of days!

  12. So todqy could have been better. I read some of my book but I'm losing track of what I'm doing when. Tomorrow that changes so I need to create a router for myself. I'm also not getting no were near enough sleep or posting and getting involved with this group as much as I would like. Tomorrow is a new day.  

  13. So a gesture to a Total stranger was today my neighbour who lives opposite my house was unfortunately over charged by some random tree surgeons who come round to cut her tree. Apparently when I walked out side m house she was talking to some other neighbours explaining that they asked her for £400 for cutting down a tiny tree and then brought the price down to £200 hundred which was still to expensive. So my helped my self to but in a expand to the women that if she ever has  problem like that again to knock at mine or to come over and that we are always free for her. Also im really enjoying the slight edge at the moment!! The book is out of this world and I can honestly tell that everything he saids makes sense and is possible. One thing im struggling with is that I failed my driving test again!!! This was the fourth time and the pain and problem is that my instructor saids I can drive fine and that there is no problem and im a good driver! Its just seems whenever I get in the car with someone else who I know is going to judge me then thats it I start to struggle. 

  14. Just a quick one tonight! Been a very mixed day. I woke up nice and early as morning to go for a jog which I think by doing so didn't get enough sleep, which effected my day. But on the up side went for a very long jog in which I had the lovely feeling of im dying ahaha after. Also toastmasters was very good as usual and I have now booked my first toastmasters speech in for THE 30TH OF AUGEST, and also asked someone to be my mentor at the group. (The most confident person). Also when I arrived I SIGNED UP AND AM OFFICIALLY A MEMBER OF TOASATMASTERS and then got asked to step in for someone at late notice to be a time keeper for speeches, which I did!! Being tired effected my drive and made me unhappy with my progress tonight even though I should be over the moon. TOMORROW, driving test, lets make it a good day!!

  15. So tonight im getting into bed at ten o'clock, something I have not done in a long time.... And why? Because im going to make this the best week of my life!!!! Im going to smash my week at work and smash my social life. Also im going to smash my driving test on Wednesday!! As I can't see myself fail again with the instructors telling me I can drive but im not confident in myself. This week is going to be the best week of my life and its going to continue this way from now on. Tomorrow im getting up early and going for a long jog and spending the day eating healthy. Also im on day eleven of not drinking coffee.... Doing well so far and im past the point now I think of being bothered I can just shrug it off. What I have learnt so far, is that I dont need to be coffee dependent. And that setting out a max number of cups of coffee a weak will not only save me money but improve my health. Tomorrow here I come. IM GOING TO DESTROY THIS WEEK!  

  16. Nice chilled day today! I know I shouldn't have but theres no excuses to give. All changes again tomorrow I have worked on my youtube video and will be posting tomorrow night. Also since my conversation with Cam And trying to get seven and a half hours sleep instead of five and a half. I have been feeling so much more awake and better within myself my having just that extra time to sleep. Tomorrow im also writing my weekly route out so I am a lot more organised like I was the week just gone.

  17. Was A Great Day!! Absolutely Smashed it. Hit all my targets and more, sold more than anyone else at work, was more helpful as ever, and shone with confidence!! Watched a film today for the first time in a while with some family and the hole time was thinking that this isn't for me. And also i didn't enjoy it at all, i just wanted to jump on my mac and do some work. Just a quick update as Im just on plan to reach seven and a half hours sleep tonight. Need to get out of my comfort zone tomorrow let that be working somewhere new or taking a different approach to something.   :)

  18. So today i woke up ill and tired and that can only be because lack of sleep. I have been staying up till about half eleven to half one every-night working and going to sleep at half five everyday. So today I learnt that i need a lot more sleep to function at night, other wise I'm just waiting till I shut down. So I'm going to be aiming to have a least 7 to 7 and a half hours sleep a night. I then got myself up and spend a thew hours woking on my Mac at the coffee shop and a hour away, just to get my self out of my comfort zone, and as always loved it! I love getting out in public on my own just watching people and touring my self out of what I'm normally use to. I then had a offer passed to me from someone from toastmasters but unfortunately was not what i was looking for. It was a offer for a network marketing job but speaking to Cam tonight he backed up what i was thinking about if I'm going to build a business and a dream, can't i just work on my own business and dream. Cam also as always motivated me and explained a taught me a lot. Theres a thew tasks i need to set myself and I'm going to over the next week accomplish 3 acts of kindness to random strangers.

    Also day 7 of drinking no coffee and although missing it i feel better and more refreshed. Another week of feeling confident and its been one of the best weeks i have in a while. So i know I'm heading in the right direction. 

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