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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Yan

  1. Your "short-term pleasure excuses part" is speaking again. When you've opened this Topic, in the first message, you said you wanted to stop gaming, not "add game to your life". Don't give yourself slack. Try it for 90 days and see how you'll feel afterwards. Only then you will really know if you want to game moderately. Because now it's just your monkey brain speaking... I'm being harsh I know, but someone needs to give you the truth. Of course we are all human and you may fail, I did too. But there's no shame in falling. The shame is in staying down.
  2. These are just my solutions. Yours may vary
  3. You don't need to manage their problems, you only have yours and your personality. Don't be afraid of change, it will happen one way or the other. I mean, listening to their opinions and opening your mind to other situations might be scary and seeing that what happens to them may happen to you because you get closer to them. But if you're so afraid you can't face it, it may hit you by surprise. Prepare for the worst and better be hit by better for surprise, When you run these scenarios in your head you're much calmer in the possibility of them happening. Think of it, what will it exactly be like in detail to lose my loved ones. What will it be like if I actually relapse? These are worst case scenarios but for example think for the first question: I will think of how lucky I am to have had the opportunity to be with them. For the second question: I will most definitely do my best not to, but even if I do, I will do my best to Start the count again right the next day without delay.
  4. Day 25 No Useless Videos: No cravings to that today. An 8 hour workout took almost my entire day. Still recovering from skipping evening routine. Hoping to make tomorrow's workout shorter. Day 23: Sticking to food schedule Eaten just exactly what is left for today without repeating the after 00 00 binging. Great job 🙂 Also, should drink water in between workout parts( After completing Chest workout and Abs workout for example ) As after 6 7 hours I'm starting to feel super weak, and I want also to have a physical benefit to the workout, not only mental (As abstaining from water is a mental benefit, because it works on our ability to withstand harsh situations. Plus in a run for example, you're not gonna stop and drink...)
  5. Small wins every day. Keep it up 🙂
  6. Day 24 No Useless Videos: Was really close to repeating the habit of watching, because I overate, but I was aware of it and tried to compensate with a resting habit. Eventually I just dropped to sleep, which is bad. I should have washed dishes and learned a language. Nonetheless, I didn't watch them. Another day saved Day 22: Sticking to food schedule I only ate one meal today because unexcpectedly It turned out that I had an appointment of 4 hrs to learn a new job. Then when I came back home I was supposed to workout according to plan, but I didn't eat all the nutrients that I was supposed to, and it was already 23 10, which means that I wouldn't be able to eath the nutrients after 12:00 so I started eating instead of working out. Then when 12:00 passed I continued eating foods of the next day. Procrastination is the enemy of discipline so probably I shouldn't have done that. Also I skipped my whole evening routine and just dropped to sleep because I ate a lot. One problem is that my workout took me 8 hours today, that's why I get to the situation of sleeping at 5 am.... It always gets longer and longer, and I don't want to give up on other stuff, so I give up on sleep. Also I dropped to bed because I didn't want to do my usual 5 hours at 23 00 despite writing it in schedule, because it kind of hurts my health. Sorry if this post seems scattered. If you need any further clarifications let me know
  7. Harsh and true! Keep telling yourself the truth and it shall set you free! Also keep this in mind: "Remember, a real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new ACTION. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided." -Tony Robbin Reference link: https://www.facebook.com/TonyRobbins/photos/a.444057769059/10159624443854060/?type=3
  8. Day 23 No Useless Videos: A very short day to go a little bit back in schedule times. Yesterday went to sleep at 7 am, today the plan was 2 30, but It seems like it's going to be 5.. I hope I can soon get to sleeping at 22:00 constantly. Day 21 Sticking to food schedule I cramped a part of lunch together with breakfast so as to have one meal and leave to bike, also so that I could go to sleep earlier. Hope tomorrow this won't be needed. Although I keep making my workouts longer and longer and It is quite difficult. But I hope I'll manage (Also tomorrow plan to do workout 3 hrs after breakfast instead of the usual empty stomach workout so that i don't fest for 20+ hrs. This is going to be a challenge, because the later the workout the more excuses come up.
  9. True, as time goes on it becomes a part of our identity. But unless we fill the missing void, we are still very likely to relapse (Which I did once). Thanks for the encouragement!
  10. Better do it daily, but short. That is also what Cam suggests. Trust him... Oh, and how to say it softly... Too busy to write here daily sounds a little big bit like an excuse which you know isn't true. You can always find the time, especially because even one line is enough and that takes 5 minutes at most 🙂
  11. Hey Max! What is that country that everyone hates? I'm from Israel. Can you beat that? xD I would like to ask what you are going to do with that free time that you have now? 12h or more a day is a very big void to fill. If you won't have any plan it will make it a lot more difficult. The first time I quit gaming which lasted for about 4 years, I began reading instead. Maybe you could also get that going just as an Idea. One of the earliest books I've read is Rich Dad, Poor Dad. About a kid's comparison and lessons he learned from his biological educated and "Systematic" father - who works in some sort of government office if I'm not mistaken. And the lessons of an uneducated but rich father of his close friend who has lots of business ventures going on. These are great aspirations! Give them hell, and hope to be seeing you here every day! 🙂
  12. Day 22 No Useless videos: The number is growing! The only time I thought of gaming videos today was when I saw some guy on an eBike, and he looked a bit overweight. I associated riding an eBike with the feeling of easiness and gaming together. And just for a slight second had a craving. But I very quickly told myself how grateful I was for having the potential to bring my higher long term purposes into life with the price of short term pleasures, and moved on. How lucky are we to have such control! 🙂 Day 20: Sticking to Food Schedule I have been eating right before going out on the bike for quite some time now and a few days ago I had a severe throat pain after workout. After a quick read on google I saw that this might be due to acid reflux (Working out after eating) Though I didn't eat before the morning workout. I did eat before the evening bike ride as I always do. Today I've been conscious of that and after eating a big meal tried to go easy on myself, but still this should not be something that happens routinely. But it's quite difficult to find the solution for this if I want to eat 3 meals. Let the thought process begin. 🙂 Thanks for reading. If there's anything you guys would like me to elaborate on, feel free to ask.
  13. So to sum up, if I were you, instead of "it's not an option" I'd write: But I currently prefer not to.
  14. Best of wishes Marcus. I say go for the 90 days, for some reason that's the number that is suggested in many places. Cam also suggests that number in one of his videos. About what you said "In the future I might steer away from games to some other industries, but at the moment it's not an option." Stephen Covey's advice (Author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) Is never to say "It's not an option" Because everything is an option. It's just that the price for you is too high to change that area of your life. It might seem obvious, but it isn't and the more you tell yourself that, the less conscious decisions you make. Because you say "There's no decision to make, it's a given". But there's always a decision to make. Make it and be proud 🙂
  15. Yan

    Day 0

    Do you refer to the one below?
  16. Day 21: No Useless Videos I think that the move gets me busy, and so I think of gaming vids less(I still do) What I am fighting more is the food part. Because I see food all the time when working as a courier Day 19: Sticking to Food schedule I really wanted to make the weekend bonus today in the deliveries and so I cramped breakfast and lunch together ( Although I planned in the morning just to add a small part of the lunch to it, I ended up eating most of the lunch with it. Listening to the voice of "Just one more" within the moment is a step to a bad direction. I should probably not omit any diet parts because it is well planned so that I get all the nutrients. That said, if I decide in advance that I want to eat only a certain thing, I should listen to that voice of reason, which is more sober. Because anytime I allow the "here and now" voice to take over, all the areas of my life suffer. Because I go into unplanned mode, and do not shape my life according to my real values..
  17. Thanks for the kind words. For a person who never works 1 hour is a win. For a person who used to work on it 6 hours each day, that's procrastination.... The excuse I'm giving myself is that I want to work as a courier to earn more money so that I can make the move to Spain... On the one hand, I know I need to have one goal on top of all the others, and it clearly is working on the marketing project. The more I do that, the closer I come to financial freedom, and the more time I'll be able to allow to everything else. On the other hand I have long been telling myself that I should make the move at the same time of working on the project, though my assumptions were based on me achieving some measure of financial freedom a lot sooner. So I'm trying to compensate for this delay. And because I'm failing to decide which one takes priority, I just keep working as a courier, which is sorta the easy way out.... Don't feel obligated to answer this message with some insight 🙂 I'm just spilling my thoughts in text. Maybe this reflection will help me understand myself better.
  18. Day 20: No Useless Videos Had a thought or two of gaming again, and have been thinking what new activities I'd like to do instead. In the morning used up about 1.45h on trying to order gas, then I completed the workout from the day before (which took 3 hrs) and so I actually worked only 5h 40m instead of 7h 30m, and that until 3 30 am, which is quite uneffective because there are not much deliveries at that time. Tomorrow will try to complete it to 9h 10m Day 18: Sticking to food schedule Awesome, this commitment got me in a hurry to eat before 00:00 and I ate all 3 meals. Although they were stuck very close to eachother, because of the workout and gas call.
  19. Yan

    Day 0

    What do you mean something in the morning?
  20. Thanks! Day 19: No Useless videos Had to go to shop today instead of tuesday and it messed up my day since i'm not used to it, therefor I only managed to work 1 hour on the project. That's the third day in a row, I should shame on myself... Even though it was Yom kippur and i was festing, I could still work more. At least on tuesday... Because on wednesday the fest ended at 19:00, and I've made a rule to myself to work up to 20:00 on the project... All this and cutting my workout in the middle, thinking of completing it in the eveniing, plus not finding the bill from the store to write down how much I spent made me anxious and I started thinking of our famous video game videos viewing... But, I managed to escape to cleaning the house instead. I guess it's sort of a win... Day 17: Eating within schedule Today I made a small change to the food schedule (for the next 5 days. I have now added: Breakfast: 20 g almonds, 20g sunflower seeds Lunch: 20g almond, 20g sunflower seeds, Olives up to 50g for a few dayys and Olive oil up to 50g for a few days. Also I changed the orange for 5 days and took 5 apples instead since acid reflux caused me to have throat pain, and I didn't want to eat acidic fruits (Well apples are a bit less... That's also the reason why I took only a bit of olives to test if the irritation continues
  21. Day 18: No Gaming or useless videos Had a bit of thoughts about it when doing my routine of cleaning up after dishes at 03:30 am as always... Day 16: Sticking to food schedule Ate in a messed up order again because the shop hasen't opebed yet(still within schedule just combining meals)
  22. Entry 05.10 (Yom Kippur, copied later since I was abstaining from technology and wrote it on paper) Day 17: No gaming video or useles videos. -Had no craving today. Was concentrated on preparing for Yom Kippur -Came late to the shop (for food) because of yom kippur. Day 15 sticking to food schedule Combined 3 meals together because of Yom Kippur
  23. Yan

    Day 0

    So those 4 goals are for starters that you want to do each day, and then you'll ad a new daily routine every 10 days?
  24. Day 17 - Today I booked a flight to Madrid and back for a month ( I still have no Idea where I'm gonna stay, and how it is all going to happen ) so I was quite busy imaginating all that I have to do. And not for a second thought of games or videos. Day 15 Sticking to food schedule - I am trying to go to sleep earlier and earlier, and so I combined lunch and dinner again. Not at all optimal, but it is what it is. P.S. Tomorrow is Judgement Day (Yom Kippur) and I'm planning on fasting. So tomorrow and two days from now will both have meals that are stuffed together. Wish me luck =/
  25. Yesterday's message that I didn't post because of problems with internet: Day 16 - Still having small video watching thoughts, but they go away quickly. Emphasizing my wish to focus more on the project again. Day 14(Eating within food schedule.) Skipped dinner today as planned. Hope this will not happen again. Especially since as I mentioned earlier - I'm underweight
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