NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Lemynaded's Achievements
So getting up at five seems doable. Following this up with a bit of a routine doesn't seem to cause all that much of a problem, but I'll have to adjust all of this to finish all the tedious task in the evening, so that I don't to do them in the morning. So far, I've been doing something like : - 5:00 am / My room : Get up and shut down the alarm clock - After doing that : Make the bed - After doing that : Get dressed for the day - 5:10 am (ish) / Bath room : Brush my teeth - After doing that : Floss - After doing that : Take medication Next step is to follow this up with - 5h20 am / Entry : Check if I have my bus pass - After that : Check if I have 2 ID piece - After that : Check if I have a cheque sample - After that : Check if I have my keys - After that : Check if I have the google map page I printed -After that : Check if I have my lunch - After that : Check if I have my boots - Take the bus 5h40 am/ Bus stop : Wait for the bus That's all I've got so far, I'll think of an agenda this evening at 6:00am _________________ Aside from that things went not se bad yesterday : nearly finished with the montage and I ended up reading a nice chunck of the road user guide. Left a comment for a review and I've been looking at these KIOTK vids more and more. They're really cool in my opinion. I am thinking about changing the format of theses messages... the format I've been using is honnestly boring at this point. __________________ Plan for the day - 8 am / Basement : Leave an AN comment - 8:20 am / Basement : More KIOTK video exercise - 9 :20 am / Basement : Finish that montage video - Adjust the duration of each clip - Add a title to each clip - Figure out how to to a fade in / out on davinci - Compile and post on the website At 11h20 / Basement : Personnal work - List a bunch of story idea - Fill in the reference grid 12h00 / Kitchen : Break 13h00 / Basement : Read the road user guide starting from page 232 At 14h00 / Basement : Personnal work - List a bunch of story idea - Fill in the reference grid At 17h00 / Kitchen : Break At 18h00 /Basement : Write down agenda for the day - The time / place scedule for tomorrow - Add some stuff that I would like to add to the routine - Check the specific for the kind of works that need to be done / video that needs to be read At 19h00 / Basement : Close computer - After that : Clean up work place a bit At 19h15 / Bath room : Take bath - After that : Brush teeth - After that : Floss teeth - After that : Shave At 19h40 / Kitchen : Cut vegetable for tomorrow - Make sandwich for lunch At 20:10/ Kitchen : Clean the dishes At 20:30 / Entry : Place all the required stuff for tomorrow - The keys - My IDs - My bus pass - My cheque sample - My map - My boots At 20:50 / Room : Go to sleep
Allright, so I've manage to wake up at five today. I'll have to set up a bit of a routine after that, but that's a nice start. - Finished that walk cycle - Daily review - Finished a KIOTK vid ________________________________________________________ Objective 01, Social media only for education : Day57 ________________________________________________________ Objective 02, Wake up at 6am, drink a coffee, write down the daily objectives on this website first thing after getting up : Day 21 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 03 : Day 50 - Accomplish 7h00 of work total *** (see the note bellow) - Start working at 8h30 am and work for 3h30 - Continue at 1h30 pm, work for 3h30 - If I still haven't done 7h00 of work by then due to interruptions, continue at 6h30 work until I've done my 7h00 *** NOTE - Working is important for me, but I still want to remain flexible. I don't feel like cutting myself off from the people I know and tell them that I can't see em because I have to work and study. During those day where I'll be visiting someone (father, brother, whatever) for a big chunk of the day, the objective changes from 7h00 of work to 3h30 of work. - No form of distraction / fun activity allowed until I've tried as much as possible to complete those objectives without being sleep deprived the next day, and that means No television, no phone conversations, no texting, no reading ______________ Today - At 8h30 / Basement : Review someones work - Participate in the KIOTK exercise - At 9h30 / Basement : Make a nice work compilaiton for this session - At 11h30 / Basement : Personnal work - List a bunch of story idea - Fill in the reference grid At 12h30 / Basement : Break At 13h30 /Basement : Road user guide starting from page 228 At 15h30 / Basement : Anim correction - Make some story sketches - Describe the motion of the animation At 17h30 / Living room : Break At 18h00 / Basement : Agenda and cue list At 19h00 /Basement : Basement clean up and closing the computer - After that / Kitchen : Prepare lunch for tomorrow At 19h45 / Bathroom : Take bath - Brush teeth - Floss teeth - Shave At 8h30 / Basement : Go to sleep
I've tried a few time, can't seem to make that whole waking up thing work... at least not at 4 am. I'll keep on trying, but at 5 am this time around. Won't leave me a lot of time to do anything in the morning but that's just how it is, i'll have to find something in the evening. - More work on the walk cycle - Daily review - Checked part 4/5/6 of the vid on weight and balance - Read the road user guide ________________________________________________________ Objective 01, Social media only for education : Day57 ________________________________________________________ Objective 02, Wake up at 6am, drink a coffee, write down the daily objectives on this website first thing after getting up : Day 21 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 03 : Day 50 - Accomplish 7h00 of work total *** (see the note bellow) - Start working at 8h30 am and work for 3h30 - Continue at 1h30 pm, work for 3h30 - If I still haven't done 7h00 of work by then due to interruptions, continue at 6h30 work until I've done my 7h00 *** NOTE - Working is important for me, but I still want to remain flexible. I don't feel like cutting myself off from the people I know and tell them that I can't see em because I have to work and study. During those day where I'll be visiting someone (father, brother, whatever) for a big chunk of the day, the objective changes from 7h00 of work to 3h30 of work. - No form of distraction / fun activity allowed until I've tried as much as possible to complete those objectives without being sleep deprived the next day, and that means No television, no phone conversations, no texting, no reading ______________ Today - At 8h30 / Basement : Review someones work - KIOTK video and note afterward - At 9h30 / Pharmacie : Check up with my doctor At 10h00 / Basement : Prepare for interview at 12h00 - Prepare in advance for basic questions - Look up the compagny values and all that - What they're looking for in their employee At 12h00 / Basement : Interview At 12h30 / Basement : Break At 13h30 /Basement : Road user guide starting from page 228 At 15h30 / Basement : Anim correction - Fix knee pop - After that, work on the clip compilation for this session At 17h30 / Living room : Break At 18h00 / Basement : Agenda and cue list At 19h00 /Basement : Basement clean up and closing the computer - After that / Kitchen : Prepare lunch for tomorrow At 19h45 / Bathroom : Take bath - Brush teeth - Floss teeth - Shave At 8h30 / Basement : Go to sleep
I'll have to start waking up ealier for work, probably something like 4h30... I'll have to change my morning schedule for this. And I'll have to start sleeping in the basement so that I don't wake up the rest of the family. I've manage to wake up and close the alarm clock at 4h30, now I just need to get into the habit of getting dressed and ''make my bed'' at this hour. - More work on the walk cycle - Daily review - Checked part 3 of the vid on weight and balance - Had class ________________________________________________________ Objective 01, Social media only for education : Day56 ________________________________________________________ Objective 02, Wake up at 6am, drink a coffee, write down the daily objectives on this website first thing after getting up : Day 20 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 03 : Day 49 - Accomplish 7h00 of work total *** (see the note bellow) - Start working at 8h30 am and work for 3h30 - Continue at 1h30 pm, work for 3h30 - If I still haven't done 7h00 of work by then due to interruptions, continue at 6h30 work until I've done my 7h00 *** NOTE - Working is important for me, but I still want to remain flexible. I don't feel like cutting myself off from the people I know and tell them that I can't see em because I have to work and study. During those day where I'll be visiting someone (father, brother, whatever) for a big chunk of the day, the objective changes from 7h00 of work to 3h30 of work. - No form of distraction / fun activity allowed until I've tried as much as possible to complete those objectives without being sleep deprived the next day, and that means No television, no phone conversations, no texting, no reading ______________ Today - At 8h30 / Basement : Review someones work - Straight after that I'll go watch P4 of weight and balance video, maybe the Presto KIOTK video, or at least a part of it anyway - At 9h30 / Basement : Still have some anim correction I'd like to work on - Start by: Increasing the timing between each key pose - Then : Fix the X translate of the feet - Then : Fix the knee pop At 11h30 /Basement : Perso anim project - Start by writting a list of short story that could be interesting - Pick one and fill the description grid of the reference sheet - Draw a whole lot of sketches and try to explain the beats of the story in drawing - Describe the motion in each beat - Knee pop fix At 12h30 / Living room : Break At 13h30 / Basement : Road user guide lecture starting from page 226 At 14h30 / Basement : More work on the perso anim project - Pick one and fill the description grid of the reference sheet - Draw a whole lot of sketches and try to explain the beats of the story in drawing - Describe the motion in each beat At 17h30 / Living room : Break At 18h00 / Basement : Agenda and cue list At 19h00 /Basement : Basement clean up and closing the computer - After that / Kitchen : Prepare lunch for tomorrow At 19h45 / Bathroom : Take bath - Brush teeth - Floss teeth At 8h15 / Basement : Go to sleep
I made a work schedule yesterday at 6h00 pm. I intend to make this a routine from now on : Figure out the specific work task to accomplish for tomorrow at 6 pm / Basement. - Worked a bit more on the walk cycle yesterday, I mostly exagerated some of the motion I allready had and made them look a bit less linear. Turn out that checking each variable of a movement to check if they look good is a pretty good way to make sure that I don't accumulate flaws after flaws in the anim. - Worked on the agenda for today - Sent a review ________________________________________________________ Objective 01, Social media only for education : Day55 ________________________________________________________ Objective 02, Wake up at 6am, drink a coffee, write down the daily objectives on this website first thing after getting up : Day 19 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 03 : Day 48 - Accomplish 7h00 of work total *** (see the note bellow) - Start working at 8h30 am and work for 3h30 - Continue at 1h30 pm, work for 3h30 - If I still haven't done 7h00 of work by then due to interruptions, continue at 6h30 work until I've done my 7h00 *** NOTE - Working is important for me, but I still want to remain flexible. I don't feel like cutting myself off from the people I know and tell them that I can't see em because I have to work and study. During those day where I'll be visiting someone (father, brother, whatever) for a big chunk of the day, the objective changes from 7h00 of work to 3h30 of work. - No form of distraction / fun activity allowed until I've tried as much as possible to complete those objectives without being sleep deprived the next day, and that means No television, no phone conversations, no texting, no reading ______________ Today - At 8h30 / Basement : Review someones work -Straight after that I'll go watch the P3 and P4 of weight and balance video, maybe the Presto KIOTK video, or at least a part of it anyway - At 9h30 / Basement : Still have some anim correction I'd like to work on - The X rotate of the base - At 10h00 / Basement : I have class At 11h10 /Basement : Anim correction again - The X rotate if it's not done - The Z translate, I want more of a slow into the down pose - The X translate of the feet and foot angle - Knee pop fix At 1h30 / Outside : Driving exercise around town At 2h30 / Basement : Anim correction again (done with that for the day after ward) At 3h15 / Basement : Reading drivers manual starting from page 226 At 4h30 / Basement : Start working on perso anim project - Write down a bunch of idea that could be interesting to do for a shot anim of a 10 to 15 seconds At 6h00 / Basement : Start writing task specification for tomorrow At 7h00 / Basement : Workspace cleanup and closing the computer - After that / In bath room : Brush teeth - After that / In bath room : Floss teeth - After that / In bath room : Shave face - After that / In my room : Sleep
So I am starting to develop a sort of morning routine that I like. That's nice. I've also noticed that I have to habit of doing pretty much **** at 3h30. Not as good, but I am glad that I've noticed. Finaly got a job - Reviewed someones work on the web site - Worked on the anim - Sent more CV - Interview ________________________________________________________ Objective 01, Social media only for education : Day54 ________________________________________________________ Objective 02, Wake up at 6am, drink a coffee, write down the daily objectives on this website first thing after getting up : Day 18 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 03 : Day 47 - Accomplish 7h00 of work total *** (see the note bellow) - Start working at 8h30 am and work for 3h30 - Continue at 1h30 pm, work for 3h30 - If I still haven't done 7h00 of work by then due to interruptions, continue at 6h30 work until I've done my 7h00 *** NOTE - Working is important for me, but I still want to remain flexible. I don't feel like cutting myself off from the people I know and tell them that I can't see em because I have to work and study. During those day where I'll be visiting someone (father, brother, whatever) for a big chunk of the day, the objective changes from 7h00 of work to 3h30 of work. - No form of distraction / fun activity allowed until I've tried as much as possible to complete those objectives without being sleep deprived the next day, and that means No television, no phone conversations, no texting, no reading ______________ Today - At 8h30 : Review someones work - Once that is done I'll go and watch a predetermined video on the student ressource page - At 9h30 I'll start doing some anim correction based on my mentor notes uh... - At 1h30 I've got to read more of the road user guide
So! I've actually started making a list of my existing habits at the moment and a list including some new habits I would like to create. It helped me noticed that I essentially have no idea what I am doing after 8h30 am, those objective that I have at the moment, work, from 8h30 to 13h00, are way too vague, work on what??? That, and I honestly don't know what my habits are near the end of the day. I'll have to solve this issue, I'll work on this at 7pm by noting the habits that I've noticed during the day. - Reviewed someones work on the web site - Worked a bit more on the agenda - Worked a bit more on the animation ________________________________________________________ Objective 01, Social media only for education : Day53 ________________________________________________________ Objective 02, Wake up at 6am, drink a coffee, write down the daily objectives on this website first thing after getting up : Day 17 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 03 : Day 46 - Accomplish 7h00 of work total *** (see the note bellow) - Start working at 8h30 am and work for 3h30 - Continue at 1h30 pm, work for 3h30 - If I still haven't done 7h00 of work by then due to interruptions, continue at 6h30 work until I've done my 7h00 *** NOTE - Working is important for me, but I still want to remain flexible. I don't feel like cutting myself off from the people I know and tell them that I can't see em because I have to work and study. During those day where I'll be visiting someone (father, brother, whatever) for a big chunk of the day, the objective changes from 7h00 of work to 3h30 of work. - No form of distraction / fun activity allowed until I've tried as much as possible to complete those objectives without being sleep deprived the next day, and that means No television, no phone conversations, no texting, no reading ______________ Today - At 8h30 / Basement : I'll review someones work on the AN website - After that's done, I'll watch a video in the student ressources (need to make a habit to decide before hand what I am going to watch, I think it would make this easier) - At 1h30 pm / Basement : I'll go on indeed and check for any job offers (need to figure out a type of job that could interest me before hand) that I could send my CV to while filling the Excel spread sheet - At 2h00pm /Basement : I'll send my CV to those jobs - At 2h20 pm /Basement : I'll open the road user guide and take more notes - At 7 pm /Basement : I'll work on a habits list that better describe the sort of thing that i'll be doing throughout the day. I really want to make the things that I do clear from now on - At 8 pm/ Basement : I'll go on the internet archive and keep reading Atomic Habits
So turns out atomic habits it a very interesting book! I am trying to apply some of the wisdom mentionned by autor, noting the different cues and existing habits that I currently have, stacking habits, how to formulate an objective, changing my environnment, etc. I'll start with some simple stuff when I wake up and see how it goes. - Yesterday I've Sent more CV - Read more of the road user guide - Reviewed someones work on the web site - Worked a bit more on the agenda - Worked a bit more on the animation - Attended daily feedback and received review. ________________________________________________________ Objective 01, Social media only for education : Day52 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 02, Wake up at 6am, drink a coffee, write down the daily objectives on this website first thing after getting up : Day 16 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 03 : Day 45 - Accomplish 7h00 of work total *** (see the note bellow) - Start working at 8h30 am and work for 3h30 - Continue at 1h30 pm, work for 3h30 - If I still haven't done 7h00 of work by then due to interruptions, continue at 6h30 work until I've done my 7h00 *** NOTE - Working is important for me, but I still want to remain flexible. I don't feel like cutting myself off from the people I know and tell them that I can't see em because I have to work and study. During those day where I'll be visiting someone (father, brother, whatever) for a big chunk of the day, the objective changes from 7h00 of work to 3h30 of work. - No form of distraction / fun activity allowed until I've tried as much as possible to complete those objectives without being sleep deprived the next day, and that means No television, no phone conversations, no texting, no reading ______________ Today - Check what I've got to read today - Give more feedback - Read more of the road user guide - Send more CV - Sketches
- Yesterday I've read a bit of the road user guide again - Worked on the walk cycle a bit more - Got rid of some of the clutter covering my desk - Gave a bit of feedback ________________________________________________________ Objective 01, Social media only for education : Day51 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 02, Wake up at 6am, drink a coffee, write down the daily objectives on this website first thing after getting up : Day 15 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 03 : Day 44 - Accomplish 7h00 of work total *** (see the note bellow) - Start working at 8h30 am and work for 3h30 - Continue at 1h30 pm, work for 3h30 - If I still haven't done 7h00 of work by then due to interruptions, continue at 6h30 work until I've done my 7h00 *** NOTE - Working is important for me, but I still want to remain flexible. I don't feel like cutting myself off from the people I know and tell them that I can't see em because I have to work and study. During those day where I'll be visiting someone (father, brother, whatever) for a big chunk of the day, the objective changes from 7h00 of work to 3h30 of work. - No form of distraction / fun activity allowed until I've tried as much as possible to complete those objectives without being sleep deprived the next day, and that means No television, no phone conversations, no texting, no reading ______________ Today - Well I really want to finish this walk cycle today - Maybe even start a new anim for the fun of it - give more feedback - Read more of the road user guide - Send more CV - Sketches
Yesterday I started reading a book called atomic Habits, a book about forming habits (what a plot twist). I'll be reading a bit each day. - Read a bit of the road user guide - Worked a bit more on the walk cycle - Sketched a bit - Had my daily feedback Won't reset the counter for objective 02, I was busy gathering up receipt ________________________________________________________ Objective 01, Social media only for education : Day50 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 02, Wake up at 6am, drink a coffee, write down the daily objectives on this website first thing after getting up : Day 14 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 03 : Day 43 - Accomplish 7h00 of work total *** (see the note bellow) - Start working at 8h30 am and work for 3h30 - Continue at 1h30 pm, work for 3h30 - If I still haven't done 7h00 of work by then due to interruptions, continue at 6h30 work until I've done my 7h00 *** NOTE - Working is important for me, but I still want to remain flexible. I don't feel like cutting myself off from the people I know and tell them that I can't see em because I have to work and study. During those day where I'll be visiting someone (father, brother, whatever) for a big chunk of the day, the objective changes from 7h00 of work to 3h30 of work. - No form of distraction / fun activity allowed until I've tried as much as possible to complete those objectives without being sleep deprived the next day, and that means No television, no phone conversations, no texting, no reading ______________ Today - Same old stuff, anim - Road user guide - Sending CV - Review someone elses work* - Sketching
Holly crap yesterday was a crap day - Sent a bunch of CV - Worked on the polishing phase of the new walk cycle - Sketched a bit Wasn't a bad day, got to see my dad yesterday. ________________________________________________________ Objective 01, Social media only for education : Day49 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 02, Wake up at 6am, drink a coffee, write down the daily objectives on this website first thing after getting up : Day 14 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 03 : Day 42 - Accomplish 7h00 of work total *** (see the note bellow) - Start working at 8h30 am and work for 3h30 - Continue at 1h30 pm, work for 3h30 - If I still haven't done 7h00 of work by then due to interruptions, continue at 6h30 work until I've done my 7h00 *** NOTE - Working is important for me, but I still want to remain flexible. I don't feel like cutting myself off from the people I know and tell them that I can't see em because I have to work and study. During those day where I'll be visiting someone (father, brother, whatever) for a big chunk of the day, the objective changes from 7h00 of work to 3h30 of work. - No form of distraction / fun activity allowed until I've tried as much as possible to complete those objectives without being sleep deprived the next day, and that means No television, no phone conversations, no texting, no reading ______________ Today - Same old stuff, anim - Road user guide - Sending CV - Review someone elses work* - Sketching
Holly crap yesterday was a crap day - Took essentially all day to renew my apprentice drivers license - Sent a bunch of CV - Checked my assignment correction ________________________________________________________ Objective 01, Social media only for education : Day49 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 02, Wake up at 6am, drink a coffee, write down the daily objectives on this website first thing after getting up : Day 14 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 03 : Day 42 - Accomplish 7h00 of work total *** (see the note bellow) - Start working at 8h30 am and work for 3h30 - Continue at 1h30 pm, work for 3h30 - If I still haven't done 7h00 of work by then due to interruptions, continue at 6h30 work until I've done my 7h00 *** NOTE - Working is important for me, but I still want to remain flexible. I don't feel like cutting myself off from the people I know and tell them that I can't see em because I have to work and study. During those day where I'll be visiting someone (father, brother, whatever) for a big chunk of the day, the objective changes from 7h00 of work to 3h30 of work. - No form of distraction / fun activity allowed until I've tried as much as possible to complete those objectives without being sleep deprived the next day, and that means No television, no phone conversations, no texting, no reading ______________ Today - My big objective today is to work on a few pose for this assignment - And to polish the walk cycle I am working on - Send a bunch of CV - The road user guide - Fill in my agenda
So yesterday - Reading material - Made a few calls - CV - Reference and such ________________________________________________________ Objective 01, Social media only for education : Day48 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 02, Wake up at 6am, drink a coffee, write down the daily objectives on this website first thing after getting up : Day 13 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 03 : Day 41 - Accomplish 7h00 of work total *** (see the note bellow) - Start working at 8h30 am and work for 3h30 - Continue at 1h30 pm, work for 3h30 - If I still haven't done 7h00 of work by then due to interruptions, continue at 6h30 work until I've done my 7h00 *** NOTE - Working is important for me, but I still want to remain flexible. I don't feel like cutting myself off from the people I know and tell them that I can't see em because I have to work and study. During those day where I'll be visiting someone (father, brother, whatever) for a big chunk of the day, the objective changes from 7h00 of work to 3h30 of work. - No form of distraction / fun activity allowed until I've tried as much as possible to complete those objectives without being sleep deprived the next day, and that means No television, no phone conversations, no texting, no reading ______________ Today - I have to go renew my drivers licenses today - CV - Correction review - Peer review* - Road user guide * - Studying reference / Making new ones
So yesterday - Anim correction - CV ________________________________________________________ Objective 01, Social media only for education : Day47 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 02, Wake up at 6am, drink a coffee, write down the daily objectives on this website first thing after getting up : Day 12 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 03 : Day 40 - Accomplish 7h00 of work total *** (see the note bellow) - Start working at 8h30 am and work for 3h30 - Continue at 1h30 pm, work for 3h30 - If I still haven't done 7h00 of work by then due to interruptions, continue at 6h30 work until I've done my 7h00 *** NOTE - Working is important for me, but I still want to remain flexible. I don't feel like cutting myself off from the people I know and tell them that I can't see em because I have to work and study. During those day where I'll be visiting someone (father, brother, whatever) for a big chunk of the day, the objective changes from 7h00 of work to 3h30 of work. - No form of distraction / fun activity allowed until I've tried as much as possible to complete those objectives without being sleep deprived the next day, and that means No television, no phone conversations, no texting, no reading ______________ Today - New reading material - Ref - Sketches - CV - Cleaning up workspace - Road user guide - Peer review
So yesterday - Worked on this anim - CV - Road user guide ________________________________________________________ Objective 01, Social media only for education : Day46 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 02, Wake up at 6am, drink a coffee, write down the daily objectives on this website first thing after getting up : Day 11 ___________________________________________________________ Objective 03 : Day 39 - Accomplish 7h00 of work total *** (see the note bellow) - Start working at 8h30 am and work for 3h30 - Continue at 1h30 pm, work for 3h30 - If I still haven't done 7h00 of work by then due to interruptions, continue at 6h30 work until I've done my 7h00 *** NOTE - Working is important for me, but I still want to remain flexible. I don't feel like cutting myself off from the people I know and tell them that I can't see em because I have to work and study. During those day where I'll be visiting someone (father, brother, whatever) for a big chunk of the day, the objective changes from 7h00 of work to 3h30 of work. - No form of distraction / fun activity allowed until I've tried as much as possible to complete those objectives without being sleep deprived the next day, and that means No television, no phone conversations, no texting, no reading ______________ Today - Sketches - CV - Make a few calls - Daily feedback - Correction - Walk cycle and new ref